četrtek, 30. januar 2014

Sapporo 25. - 26. 1. 2014

V soboto in nedeljo sta potekali dve tekmi na Japonskem, v Sapporu. Tekmi sta bili zelo uspešni za naše skakalce! :-)
There were two competitions in Sapporo - Japan this weekend and were very successful for Slovenain ski jumpers!

Es ist aber nicht viel Zeit den zu genießen, ...
Source. Sapporo.

sobota, 25. januar 2014

Blebetanje/Babbling #13

SNEG! Imamo sneg! Končno! Hočem še več!
SNOW! We have snow! Finally! Please let there be more!

A seriously crappy picture of snow.

Mogoče opazite kaj novega na desni strani? Najina prva koda za popust! 
Mimogrede, ste že poskusile kdaj "water decals" (Kako se temu sploh reče v slovenščini?)? Res me zanima, ker sem zadnje čase tako grozno dolgočasna z nohti, na Born Pretty Store pa imajo trenutno tu popust.
You may notice something new on the right! Something Pretty … a discount code! Check it! 
Have any of you tried water decals yet? I'd love to hear your opinion. There's a discount on the Born Pretty Store here and I haven't been experimenting much with my nails lately, gosh I'm boring!

ponedeljek, 20. januar 2014

Zakopane - 18. & 19. 1.

V soboto in nedeljo sta potekali dve tekmi na Poljskem - v Zakopanah. V soboto je potekala ekipna tekma, v nedeljo pa posamična.
On Saturday and Sunday we were watching two competition in Poland - Zakopane. There was a team competition on Saturday and an individual competition on Sunday. 

Auf dem Weg zur berühmten Wielka Krokiew
Source. Zakopane.

sobota, 18. januar 2014

Wisla - 16. 1. 2014

V četrtek je potekalo še eno tekmovanje na Poljskem - v Wisli. 
On Thursday there was another competition in Poland - Wisla.

Die Adam Malysz Schanze in Wisla
Source. Wisla.

torek, 14. januar 2014

Blebetanje/Babbling #12

Uf, dolgo že nisem blebetala. Hrana za začetek.
Wow, I haven't babbled in a while! So. Food pic! 

To sva z Matejo jedli na silvestrovo. Ker takrat se ne moreš zrediti. Dejstvo.
What Mateja and I ate on the New Years eve. Because you can't gain weight on the New Years eve. Fact. 

"Po nesreči" sem naletela na zlate globuse, ravno ko sem se odpravljala spat. Nameravala sem gledat, kako bo Leo dobil globus. Ampak okrog pol 4 zjutraj sem omagala. Najpomembnejše je, da je zmagal. Zdaj pa je že čas, da letos dobi oskarja. Ja, logično, da bo nominiran!
I "accidentally" stumbled upon Golden Globes right when I wanted to go to sleep. Go figure. So I decided to watch till Leo gets the globe. But then I gave up at 3.30 a.m. But the important thing is he won. Now he needs to get the Oscar this year. It's time! And yes, he'll obviously be nominated!

Preprosto je. // It's simple.

Tole sem res želela deliti z vami, ampak ne gre v mojo "babbling" objavo, ki jo ravno pišem. Če iščete srečo v življenju … Sam je delil svojo filozofijo. Konec koncev je to vse, kar je potrebno.
I had to share this with you but it just didn't go in the "babbling" post I'm just writing. If you're looking for a way to live a happy life … Sam has the perfect philosophy. It really is all it takes.

Sama na žalost od petka ni več med nami. Bil je res navdihujoč.
Sam sadly passed away on Friday. He was truly inspiring. 

nedelja, 12. januar 2014

Kulm 11. & 12. 1. 2014

Ta vikend pa smo končno le dočakali smučarske polete. V petek so bile kvalifikacije, v soboto in nedeljo pa posamični tekmi.
This weekend it was finally ski flying time. There were qualifications on Friday and an individual competitions on Saturday and Sunday. 

Source. Kulm

četrtek, 9. januar 2014

Ice Ice Baby!

Spomnim se, ko sem prvič izvedela za Essence omejene kolekcije in spomnim se, ko sem komaj čakala tisti popoln lak ali pa popoln blush. In printala mami fotke, kaj vse hočem imet, da sta še ona in ati bila na straži v Mullerju, ker je v Mariboru vsega zmanjkalo v sekundi, v Velenju pa si imel več sreče. Na srečo moje denarnice sem se potem malo ustavila. Ampak Ice Ice Baby kolekcija je takoooo luštna! In veš, da je super, če imaš v glavi tole, ko greš mimo:
I remember when I first found out about the Essence limited edition stuff and I remember the excitement of waiting for that perfect polish or that perfect blush to come out! And I printed photos for my mum and dad so they could catch the products if I missed them. Luckily for my bank account I stopped for a bit. But oh the Ice Ice Baby collection is sooo pretty! And you know it's awesome when you pass it and this goes on in your head: 

Seveda sem se ustavila in gledala in držala v rokah cel kup stvati, ampak potem odkorakala le s tem:
So of course I stopped and looked and almost bought a bunch of stuff but then walked away only with this one: 

sreda, 8. januar 2014

Pa smo tu! // Here we are!

Jupi, nama je le uspelo malce osvežit blog! Cel kup stvari bi še naredili, ampak se jih morava najprej naučit naredit, tako da bo trajalo še nekaj časa, da polepšava še kakšno malenkost tu in tam. Je pa tole dober začetek in sva zaradi te prenove polni zagona. :) 
Yay, we managed to slightly change the blog! There's a bunch of things we'd still like to do, but we have to learn how, so it'll take time to change some little things into cuter ones. But this is a good start and we're really full of enthusiasm and ideas. :)

Zelo bova veseli še kakšnih predlogov. Še posebej pa javite, če je kakšna stvar moteča! 
We'll be really happy to hear some suggestions. And make sure to tell us if something bothers you!

Ampak, saj vsi vemo, zakaj smo tu … Da razglasiva zmagovalko giveawaya, seveda! In to je … 
But we all, of course, know why we're here … To announce the giveaway winner! And that is ...

Čestitke! ;) 
Congrats! ;) 

Pošlji nama svoje podatke na dve.mateji@yahoo.com ;)
Send us you data to dve.mateji@yahoo.com ;)

Druge pa hitro na Facebook - je še ena nagradica na voljo. :P
All the others - go quickly on Facebook. There's one mini giveaway there! :P

torek, 7. januar 2014

Želi še katera živeti v igluju? // Anyone else who wants to live in an igloo?

Ste se kdaj spraševale, kako bi bilo živeti v igluju? No, priznajte! Jaz sem se. Ves led okoli mene, sneg, in kaj bi se zgodilo, če bi si hotela fenirati lase? Na vsa ta vprašanja lahko zdaj najdete odgovore! Ne verjamete? Jaz tudi nisem. Ampak preverite TOLE stran na Holiday Lettings.
Have you ever wondered how it would be like to live in an igloo? C'mon, admit it! I have. All the ice around you, snow, and what would happen if you'd dry your hair with a dryer? You can find it out now! You don't believe me? I didn't either. But check THIS Holiday Lettings site. 

Najljubši v 2013 // 2013 favourites

Tale bo dolga. Samo toliko, da se pripravite! 
This is gonna be a long one. Just so you're ready! 

Cel kup izdelkov je, ki so mi bili res všeč v lanskem letu in sem jih ogromno uporabljala.
I have a bunch of products I really liked last year and used them quite a lot. 

Torej, kje začeti! :)
Sooo, where shall we start! :) 

My 2013 favourites

ponedeljek, 6. januar 2014

Four Hills Tournament - Bischofshofen - 6. 1. 2014

Danes se je končala 62. novoletna skakalna turneja. Zaključila se je v Avstriji v Bischofshofnu. Včeraj smo lahko spremljali kvalifikacije, danes pa je sledila še zadnja tekma.
Today 62nd 4 Hills Tournament ended in Austria - Bischofshofen. Yesterday there were the last qualifications and today the last competition.

nedelja, 5. januar 2014

Stvari, ki jih v 2013 nisem naredila // Things I didn't do in 2013

Ob koncu leta po navadi pogledamo za nazaj in razmislimo, kaj smo naredili. Zakaj ne bi stvari malo obrnili! Tule je seznam 9 stvari, ki jih v letu 2013 nisem naredila. 
You know how people always look back to the year that just went by and tell you what they've done? Why shouldn't we change that a bit! Here's a list of 9 things I didn't do in 2013! 

1. Nisem šla v London.
1. I didn't go to London.

sobota, 4. januar 2014

Four Hills Tournament - Innsbruck - 4. 1. 2014

Tretja tekma Novoletne skakalne turneje (Turneje štirih skakalnic) je potekala v Avstriji, natančneje v Innsbrucku. V petek 3. 1. smo si lahko ogledali kvalifikacije, v soboto 4. 1. pa tekmo. 
Third competition in 4 Hills Tournament was in Austria - Innsbruck. There was a qualification round on Friday and a competition on Saturday. 

Tolle Anlage
Source. Innsbruck

četrtek, 2. januar 2014

Four Hills Tournament - Garmisch-Partenkirchen 1. 1. 2014

Druga tekma na novoletni turneji je potekala v Nemškem Garmisch-Partenkirchnu. V torek, 31. 12., so potekale kvalifikacije, v sredo, 1. 1., pa druga tekma.
Second competitions in 4 hills tournament was in Germany Garmisch-Partenkirchen. On Tuesday 31. 12. there was  a qualification round and on Wednesday 1. 1. second competition.

Ein Traumtag für die letzte Qualifikation des Jahres 2013
Source. Garmisch-Partenkirchen

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