Tretja tekma Novoletne skakalne turneje (Turneje štirih skakalnic) je potekala v Avstriji, natančneje v Innsbrucku. V petek 3. 1. smo si lahko ogledali kvalifikacije, v soboto 4. 1. pa tekmo.
Third competition in 4 Hills Tournament was in Austria - Innsbruck. There was a qualification round on Friday and a competition on Saturday.
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Source. Innsbruck |
Skakalnica, ki je znana po spremenljivih vremenskih razmerah je tudi tokrat krojila kvalifikacije in tekmo. Kvalifikacije so sicer uspešno izpeljali do konca, finalno serijo tekme pa so, ko bi moralo skočiti še 9. skakalcev, odpovedali in je tako obveljala prva serija.
Innsbruck is known for bad wind and it was the same this time. A lot of wind on the qualifications and on the competitions so there was just one round on the competition - second was canceled after 21 jumps.
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Source. Strong wind! |
Na kvalifikacijah je slavil Norvežan Anders Fannemel. Trenutno vodilni v Novoletni turneji Thomas Diethart je bil drugi, tretji pa Wolfganf Loitzl.
Norwegian Anders Fannemel won the qualifications. The leader of 4 Hills Thomas Diethart was second and Wolfgang Loitzl third.
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Source. Anders Fannemel |
Po le eni seriji je tako na tretji tekmi presenetljivo slavil Finec Anssi Koivuranta. Drugi je bil (trenutno tudi drugi v skupnem seštevku Novoletne turneje) Simon Ammann, tretji pa vodilni v skupnem seštevku Kamil Stoch.
After just one jump the victory went to Finn Anssi Koivuranta. Second was Simon Ammann who is also second on the 4 Hills. Third was Kamil Stoch who is leader overall.
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Source. Simon Ammann, Anssi Koivuranta, Kamil Stoch. |
Med našimi fanti je bil najboljši Peter Prevc na 6. mestu. Sledijo pa mu: 17. Tomaž Naglič, 25. Robert Kranjec, 28. Jaka Hvala in 42. Rok Justin.
Our best was Peter Prevc on 6. place. Then there was Tomaž Naglič - 17., Robert Kranjec - 25., Jaka Hvala - 28. and Rok Justin - 42.
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Source. Peter Prevc |
Že jutri sledijo še zadnje kvalifikacije v Novoletni turneji, v ponedeljek pa še zadnja tekma v Avstrijskem Bischofshofen-u.
Tomorrow there will be the last qualifications on 4 Hills and on Monday the last competition in Austria - Bischofshofen.
it was SO weird when they cancelled suddenly today,,, Morgi already has a broken finger, what were they afraid of????
Yes it was weird. I still think that they could continue the competitions because there was only 9 of them on the top .... :-/
IzbrišiBut ok there is nothing we can do :-/