Druga tekma na novoletni turneji je potekala v Nemškem Garmisch-Partenkirchnu. V torek, 31. 12., so potekale kvalifikacije, v sredo, 1. 1., pa druga tekma.
Second competitions in 4 hills tournament was in Germany Garmisch-Partenkirchen. On Tuesday 31. 12. there was a qualification round and on Wednesday 1. 1. second competition.
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Source. Garmisch-Partenkirchen |
Na kvalifikacijah je slavil zmago in dobil 2.000€ Thomas Diethart.
Thomas Diethart won the qualifications and 2.000€.
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Source. Thomas Diethart |
Druga tekma je tradicionalno potekala na novo leto. Prav tako kot na kvalifikacijah je tudi na tekmi slavil Thomas Diethart, ki je tako tudi prevzel skupno vodstvo v novoletni turneji. Drugi je bil Thomas Morgenstern in tretji Simon Ammann.
Secondy competition was on new year`s day. Just like on the qualification Thomas Diethart won the competition and become a leader in 4 Hills Tournament. Second was Thomas Morgenstern and third Simon Ammann.
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Source. Thomas Morgenster, Thomas Diethart, Simon Ammann |
Kaj pa naši fantje? What about our boys?
18. Peter Prevc
21. Robert Kranjec
22. Jernej Damjan
29. Jaka Hvala
37. Jurij Tepeš
44. Tomaž Naglič
49. Rok Justin
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Source. Rok Justin |
Jutri, v petek 3. 1. bodo potekale tretje kvalifikacije, v soboto pa nas čaka tretja tekma, in sicer v Avstrijskem Innsbrucku.
Tomorrow on Friday 3. 1. there will be a qualifications and on Saturday third competition in Austrua - Innsbruck.
Joooooj :(
OdgovoriIzbrišiNaši pa spet nekaj štrajkajo. Pa Peter je bil res odličen v Obersdorfu. :)
Ampak ja, zanimivo da je tale Diethart kar od nekje pristal na 1. mestu. Pa nov, mlad skakalec. Bravo :)
Žal naši res nimajo sreče letos na tej turneji, razen Prevca, ki mu še kar gre no :-)
IzbrišiTale Diethart je pa res od nekje "skočil" v ospredje :-) ampak meni je ql tko, vsaj ne zmagujejo vedno eni in isti :-P
I really liked the outcome in Garmisch, except for third place...a bit of shame for the SLO, your boys aren't doing that good in the four hills... INNSBRUUUUUUUUCK =) it's my favorite =)
No, they are really not doint that good this year :-/ Hope to see some better jumps on the Olympic Games ;-)
IzbrišiHehehehe, I don`t really like Innsbruck :-P