Ta vikend pa smo končno le dočakali smučarske polete. V petek so bile kvalifikacije, v soboto in nedeljo pa posamični tekmi.
This weekend it was finally ski flying time. There were qualifications on Friday and an individual competitions on Saturday and Sunday.
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Source. Kulm |
Žal se je vikend začel zelo slabo z grdim padcem Thomasa Morgensterna v petek na treningu! Thomas je trenutno v bolnišnici na intenzivni negi, vendar naj bi se mu stanje izboljševalo. Thomas, upamo, da se čim prej ponosno postaviš na noge!
Unfortunately the weekend started badly because of a bad fall of Thomas Morgenstern on Fridays training! He`s in hospital now on intensive care. We just hope he will be ok soon!
Sledile so kvalifikacije, ki so bile za Slovence zelo uspešne. Zmagal je namreč Robert Kranjec, drugi pa je bil Jurij Tepeš.
Then there were qualificatios which were great for Slovenian flyers. Robert Kranjec was first and Jurij Tepeš was second.
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Source. Robert Kranjec |
V soboto je bila na sporedu prva tekma. Zaradi precej nizkega zaletnega mesta žal nismo spremljali dolgih poletov, vendar je bila tekma kljub vsemu zanimiva.
Zmagal je 41. letni Japonec Noriaki Kasai. Čestitke! Drugo mesto je osvojil naš Peter Prevc, tretji pa je bil Avstrijec Gregor Schlierenzauer.
There was first competition on Saturday. Unfortunately there was not a lot of long jumps because of the start gate but the competitions was interesting anyway.
41. year old Noriaki Kasai from Japan won the competition! Congratulation! Second was our Peter Prevc and third was Austrian Gregor Schlierenzauer.
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Source. Peter Prevc, Noriaki Kasai, Gregor Schlierenzauer |
Robert Kranjec je bil na odličnem 5. mestu in Jurij Tepeš na 7. V finalu sta bila še Jaka Hvala, ki je tekmo končal na 24. in Tomaž Naglič na 30. mestu.
Robert Kranjec was 5., Jurij Tepeš 7., Jaka Hvala 24. and Tomaž Naglič 30.
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Source. Peter Prevc |
Nedeljska tekma pa je bila za Slovenske gledalce še boljša, saj je zmaga šla v roke našega odličnega Petra Prevca! Iskrene čestitke Peter! Drugo mesto je osvojil Gregor Schlierenzauer, tretji pa je bil sobotni zmagovalec Noriaki Kasai.
Sundays competitions was even beter for Slovenians because of the won of our Peter Prevc! Congratulation Peter! Second was Gregor Schlierenzauer and third Noriaki Kasai.
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Source. Peter Prevc |
Jurij Tepeš je ponovno zasedel 7. mesto, Jernej Damjan 14., Robert Kranjec 18. in Jaka Hvala 25. mesto.
Jurij Tepeš was once again 7., Jernej Damjan 14., Robert Kranjec 18. and Jaka Hvala 25.
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Source. Jurij Tepeš |
Kakšna škoda, da letos v Planici ne bomo gledali poletov, saj bi bili verjetno naši orli ponovno na stopničkah!
What a shame there won`t be a ski flying competitions in Planica this year because I`m sure our boys would be on the top again!
Jaaa, juhu kako sem vesela! <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiNoriaki pa res največji car :)
Jaz sem bil res preeeeesreeeečnaaaa včeri! :-)
IzbrišiOMG!!! Prevc! these things ALWAYS happen when I'm not looking! I was so bored with the second round that I had to do something grrr...
OdgovoriIzbrišiI was really happy yesterday, my Canadian boy was 9th =)
My prayers are with Morgi, but from what I just read, he'll be OK, he's stable, and I think conscious too so...
Hahahaha, so stop watching that our boys could win all the games :-P hahahaha :-P
IzbrišiYeees, what a surprise was thaaat?! :-)
Mhm, he`s doing ok :-)