sobota, 18. januar 2014

Wisla - 16. 1. 2014

V četrtek je potekalo še eno tekmovanje na Poljskem - v Wisli. 
On Thursday there was another competition in Poland - Wisla.

Die Adam Malysz Schanze in Wisla
Source. Wisla.

Tokrat je šla zmaga v roke mladega Nemca Andreasa Wellingerja. Drugi je bil Poljak Kamil Stoch in tretji Avstrijec Michael Hayboeck. 
This time the winner was from Germany - Anders Wellinger. Second was Kamil Stoch from Poland and third Michael Hayboeck from Austria. 

Top 3: Kamil Stoch, Andreas Wellinger, Michael Hayböck
Source. Kamil Stoch, Andreas Wellinger, Michael Hayboeck.

Tekma je potekala kar tekoče, imeli so le nekaj težav s premočnim vetrom.
The competition went by ok with the exception of a bit of a wind during the competition. 

Source. Wisla.

Naš najboljši je bil tudi tokrat Peter Prevc, ki je zasedel 5. mesto, 14. je bil Jernej Damjan in 15. Robert Kranjec. Tomaž Naglič je bil 39., Rok Justin 43., Jurij Tepeš 47. in Jaka Hvala 50. 
Our best was once again Peter Prevc who was 5th, Jernej Damjan was 14th, Robert Kranjec 15th. On 39. place was Tomaž Naglič, 43. place Rok Justin, 47. place Jurij Tepeš and 50. place Jaka Hvala.  

Jernej Damjan
Source. Jernej Damjan.
Petru Prevcu je uspel odličen prvi skok! Pristal je kar pri 140,5m kar je bila vsekakor daljava dneva! Žal pa ni zdržal pritiska pri doskoku in podrsal po tleh, ter posledično dobil slabe ocene in tako ni bil v boju za stopničke. 
Peter Prevc did an amazing first jump. He landed at 140,5m which was the longest jump that day but unfortunately he didn`t endure the pressure and flich to the ground and then got low marks and wasn`t able to compete for the first three places.

4 komentarji:

  1. Tudi jaz zelo rada spremljam naše skakalce... sploh Prevcu gre zadnje čase super (že lani je bil odličen). :D

    1. Skoki so tanajtaboljši, sploh ko gre našim skakalec dobro :-)
      Prevc pa sploh raztura! :-)

  2. BUT HE GOT HILL RECORD! you forgot to mention that! =P

    I like Wellinger, but Wisla was kinda boring.... congrats for today! I just saw Damjan speaking German, was quite interesting =)



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