SNOW! We have snow! Finally! Please let there be more!
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A seriously crappy picture of snow. |
Mogoče opazite kaj novega na desni strani? Najina prva koda za popust!
Mimogrede, ste že poskusile kdaj "water decals" (Kako se temu sploh reče v slovenščini?)? Res me zanima, ker sem zadnje čase tako grozno dolgočasna z nohti, na Born Pretty Store pa imajo trenutno tu popust.
You may notice something new on the right! Something Pretty … a discount code! Check it!
Have any of you tried water decals yet? I'd love to hear your opinion. There's a discount on the Born Pretty Store here and I haven't been experimenting much with my nails lately, gosh I'm boring!
Nakupovala sem, kriva je pa prijateljica Karmen. Za novo leto mi je prinesla Yankee Candle voske (In še cel kup drugih stvari, nad katerimi sem navdušena in vam jih pokažem naslednji teden!) in zdaj sem malo zasvojena.
I've been doing some shopping. It's my friend's Karmen's fault. She bought me the wax thingy for New Year (And a bunch of other totally awesome stuff I'm gonna show you next week!) and now I'm addicted.
Hrana! Loving Hut! Škatla! Že v kar nekaj kitajskih restavracijah sem vzela hrano za domov, da bi jo dobila v eni od teh škatlic, kot v filmih, ampak neeee, ne v Sloveniji! Potem sem pa šla po dolgem času v Loving Hut in dobila to!
Food time! Loving Hut! I love the box! I've been taking Chinese take-out in various restaurants because I was sure they were gonna put in in the box like in the movies but noooo, not in Slovenia! And then I went to Loving Hut after a long time and got this. Finally!
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Yummy rainbow rice! |
Kupila sem si novo torbico na Lič Ni nekaj, kar bi drugače kupila, ampak mi je všeč in je novo leto in moram poskusiti nove stvari pa to!
I've got myself a new bag. It's not something that I'd usually buy but it's pretty and well, it's a new year and I should challenge myself more!
Prejšnji vikend sem gledala preveč filmov. Ta vikend bom imela Hunger Games maraton. Mislim da. Obožujem Jennifer Lawrence (ampak kdo je pa ne) in gledala sem American Hustle in se nisem mogla nehat smejat:
I've been watching a bunch of movies during the weekend. I think I'm having a Hunger Games marathon tomorrow. And I adore Jennifer Lawrence (but who doesn't) and I watched American Hustle and I couldn't stop laughing at this:
Super film!
Awesome movie!
V nedeljo bom gledala grammyje, bo še katera bedela? Smešno je, ker bom potem ujela samo 4-5 ur spanca in ljudje okrog mene trpijo, če premalo spim. Zanimiv ponedeljek bo.
I'm watching Grammys on Sunday, will anyone stay up with me? It's funny because I'll only catch 4-5 hours of sleep and people around me suffer if I don't get enough sleep. It shall be an interesting Monday!
Par dni nazaj sem našla tole fotko in sem bila šokirana, da moj fotoaparat to sploh zmore, jaz ga pa tako zanemarjam! Zdaj razmišljam, da bi začela s 365-dnevnim foto izzivom, kot Taya. Ampak ne morem začeti na kar en dan. Mogoče februarja. Ojoj. Februar bo že.
I found this picture on my computer a few days ago and I was shocked that my camera can do this. And I've totally been neglecting it! Bad bad me! So I'm thinking of starting the 365 Day Photo Challenge that Taya's doing. But I can't start on a random date. So I'll maybe start in February. Oh my, it's almost February.
Res mi ni jasno, zakaj vam še nisem pokazala tega. Fotka je stara več kot eno leto, ampak sem zdaj spet naletela nanjo in … Takole Mateja K. poje pico.
I can not believe I haven't showed you this yet. This picture is more than a year old, but I recently found it again. And it's just … This is how Mateja K. eats her pizza. ![]() |
It's the best part! |
To bo primeren zaključek.
I think that's the perfect ending of a post.
hahahaha I love it when you babble! and that is a very handsome bag, miss! =)
Why thank you! :D Gosh I love my new bag! It's huge and it's almost too small haha :D
IzbrišiTi, ti ti Mateja K... Pustiš najboljši del pice ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiDrugače pa super nos za svečke, tudi sama imam vse te vonje na zalogi :)
Ane! Je pa kul, če bova kdaj imeli denar pri sebi samo za eno pico - ona meni skorjo pusti :P