Danes se je končala 62. novoletna skakalna turneja. Zaključila se je v Avstriji v Bischofshofnu. Včeraj smo lahko spremljali kvalifikacije, danes pa je sledila še zadnja tekma.
Today 62nd 4 Hills Tournament ended in Austria - Bischofshofen. Yesterday there were the last qualifications and today the last competition.
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Source. Bischofshofen |
Do zadnjega skoka ni bilo odločeno, kdo bo letošnji zmagovalec, saj sta si bila Švicar Simon Ammann in Avstrijec Thomas Diethart precej blizu po prvi seriji. V boj se je z odličnim prvim skokov umešal še Avstrijec Thomas Morgenstern.
Untill the last jump we didn`t know who the winner is because Simon Ammann and Thomas Diethart were both good and preaty close after first round. And with a great first jump there was also Austrian Thomas Morgenstern.
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Source. Thomas Morgenstern, Thomas Diethart, Simon Ammann |
Ampak poglejmo najprej kvalifikacije. Zmaga na zadnjih kvalifikacijah je pripadla našemu Petru Prevcu, ki mu je uspel res odličen skok. Drugi je bil Thomas Diethart in tretji Anders Jacobsen.
But first lets see the results from the qualifications. Victory on the last qualifications went to our Peter Prevc who did really great jump. Second was Thomas Diethart and third Anders Jacobsen.
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Source. Peter Prevc |
Tako, pa je za nami tudi tekma! Zmaga je ostala v Avstriji, saj je bil zmagovalec Thomas Diethart. Tako zadnje tekme, kot celotne Novoletne turneje 2013/2014. Čestitke!
So, the competitions is over! Victory stayed in Austria because the winner was Thomas Diethar. He won the last competition and a 4 Hills Tournament 2013/2014! Congratulation!
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Source. Peter Prevc, Thomas Diethart, Thomas Morgenstern |
Odlično drugo mesto zadnje tekme je šlo v roke našega Petra Prevca (Pero Mišica!). Čestitke! :-)
Drugo mesto Novoletne turneje pa si je z odličnima skokoma na zadnji tekmi prislužil Thomas Morgenstern.
Second on todays competition was our best Peter Prevc! Congratulation! :-) Second place on 4 Hills went to (after 2 amazing jumps on todays competition) Thomas Morgenstern! Congratulation!
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Source. Peter Prevc |
Tretje mesto zadnje tekme je šlo v roke Thomasa Morgensterna, tretje mesto Novoletne turneje pa Švicarja Simona Ammanna. Čestitke vsem fantom!
Third on todays competition was Thomas Morgenstern and third on the 4 Hills was Simon Ammann! Congratulation to all!
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Source. Thomas Morgenstern |
Za konec pa še ena slikca, ki me je res nasmejala:
And for the end one great picture that made me laugh:
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Source. Where did he come from? :-P |
OdgovoriIzbrišiTok sm skakala ko je imel najdaljši skos v 1. seriji :DDD
Heheh, Diethart je pa smeško :D pujsek
Naš Pero je car, pa lepo je videt, da počasi prihaja nazaj v top formo in na stopničke :-)
IzbrišiJaaa, res je smešen. Pa ni mi jasno kaj majo s tem pujsom :-P