Sloveniji je šlo prejšnji teden res super v športu. Robert Kranjec in Tina Maze sta zmagala, rokometaši so bili četrti. Zgubili smo proti Hrvaški za 3. mesto, mogoče zato, ker sem jedla hrvaško čokolado, medtem ko sem gledala tekmo (in vpila. Preveč se derem med gledanjem, ampak sem to res pogrešala, ker ko sem bila na faksu, nisem kaj dosti spremljala rokometa, v stanovanju ni bilo TV-ja, med kratkimi vikendi pa tudi nisem hodila na tekme.)
Slovenia was awesome at sports in the past week! Robert Kranjec won at ski jumping, Tina Maze at skiing and our handball team was fourth at the world championship. We lost against Croatia, we played for 3rd place. Maybe it was because I was eating Croatian chocolate while watching (and screaming. I really get too loud when I watch handball, oh I missed that - wasn't watching it much when I was at uni and didn't have a TV at my flat there & I wasn't home enough to go to the matches.).
Yummy Dorina |
Vsi imamo radi Zoey Deschanel, ane? Seveda. Ker je super in ker na rdeči preprogi ne pozabi na nohte! (In vse, ki gledate New Girl, a ste tako navdušene nad zadnjo epizodo kot jaz? :D)
We all love Zooey Deschanel, right? Of course we do. Because she's awesome and because she always remembers to do her nails for the red carpet! (And all of you that watch New Girl - are you as crazy about the last episode as I am?! :D)