Se spomnite, kako sem komaj čakala Essence Fruity kolekcijo? No, nekaj ostankov mi je pa le uspelo ujeti!
Remember how I couldn't wait till Essence Friuty would be out? I was able to catch some stuff!
Laki so mi bili sicer všeč, ampak me noben ni dovolj premamil, uspešno sem se uprla tudi senčkam (ker verjetno sploh ne bi bile obstojne na mojih vekah), dišeči nadlak je tudi ostal na polički, tole je pa le bilo zame:
I liked nail polishes, but none so much that I'd take them, I was able to resist eye shadows (they probably wouldn't last long on my eyelids), I left scented top coat on the shelf, but I did buy these:
Essence Fruity |
Balzama za ustnice super dišita! Čisto saden vonj. Rozast rahlo obarva ustnice, ampak tako malo, da se ne opazi preveč. Za oranžnega pa ne vem, ker ga še nisem veliko uporabljala. Obstojnost bi lahko bila malce boljša, ni pa porazna.
Lip balms smell great! Very fruity. My lips are slightly pinkish when I use the Very Cherry one, but not too much. I'm not sure about the orange one, I haven't used it so much. They're not very long lasting, but it's OK for some time.
Essence Fruity Very Cherry lip balm |
Essence Fruity Very Cherry lip balm |
Essence Fruity Peach Beauty lip balm |
Essence Fruity Peach Beauty lip balm |
Blushe bi tako ali tako pokupila kar vse, zato je tudi ta odšel z mano.
I'd buy all the blushes in the world if I could, so it's no surprise this one went home with me.
Essence Fruity Smoothie Operator blush sorbet |
Essence Fruity Smoothie Operator blush sorbet |
Barve je zelooo lepa roza z nekaj zlatega sijaja, vendar se ta kar hitro porazgubi. Malce težaven je le za nanašanje. Zelo hitro se popolnoma posuši in potem se le svaljka. Jaz si pomagam kar s čopičem za nanos podlage, ker se še najbolj obnese.
The color is very pretty pink with some golden shine, but that's not very visible on face. It's quite hard to nicely apply it though. It dries in a second and it's impossible to blend it then. I use foundation brush to help me with that.
Essence Fruity Smoothie Operator blush sorbet swatch |
Škoda, da je že zmanjkalo sadnih nalepk, tistih sem se najbolj veselila!
Too bad they were out of nail fruits, I was really looking forward to those!
Ste ujele kaj zase? Če niste, dobijo Fruity še v Tuš drogerije, ampak ne vem, kdaj. V Mullerjih je sicer že Rebels, upam, da kmalu pride še Soul Sista! DM ima Marble Manio. Naslednje kolekcije pa bodo tele:
Did you get something for yoursef? I can't wait till Soul Sista gets to our stores - we now have Rebels and Marble Mania. And watch for the following collections:
- A New League,
- Snow White,
Na kaj komaj čakate?
It there anything you like?
jaz sem tudi komaj cakala na fuity edicijo in najbolj sem si zelela rumen lak (banana), ki sem ga na sreco tudi dobila. sam samcat je na stojalu cakau name xD seveda je po stirih dnevih kolekcija bila ze cisto izropana, jaz sem pa imela neko noro sreco in ga uspela dobiti. z njim sem tudi zadovoljna (je pa nekam bolj gost in lepljiv).
OdgovoriIzbrišiA ni to lepo, ko prav veš, da je samo na tebe čakal, hehe :D
Izbrišiwell shame for the blush!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiI want that peach lip and Cheek pot from Rebels...I wonder if we have that here at all =P
it could also be the one from Ready for Boarding though, and that green nail polish (if mom even knows I looked at it I'm dead!)
oh and I love the kabuki from soul sista, so cute, I wouldnt mind having one! xD
That pot reminds me od Sleek's Pout Polish - at least as much as I've seen it. :D It's a nice color.
IzbrišiI can't wait for kabuki too. And I'm really looking forward to perfumes. :D
Thank you so much, sweetie :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiI haven't seen Rebels here in Portugal yet, but i was looking foward to buy the Rock top coat.. :x
From Ready for Boarding I would buy the necessaire and the yellow nail polish :D
No problem ;)
IzbrišiRock top coat looks great as much as I've heard of it and seen the pics. :D
Thanks for linking to my blog :) I can't wait to see Fruity in Poland!
OdgovoriIzbrišiNo problem, it's usually the place where I first see the upcoming LEs, so it's only fair to introduce it to others too. ;)
Izbrišitale blush res zgleda kot kremasti jagodni sorbet :D lepe barve je :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiBarva je super, nanos je pa malo problematičen. :)