Se še spomnite mojih treh objav o razglednicah? Takrat sem vas prosila, če mi lahko tudi ve pošljete eno iz svojega kraja.
Do you remember my three posts about postcards? I asked you if you could send me one from your town.
No, v zahvalo vsem, ki ste to storili, pa je sedaj tale objava. :-)
As a thanks all of you who did that I'm writing this post. :-)
Iz Münchna imam tri.
I have three from Munich.
Tole mi je poslala Dolores. Hvala ti! :-)
This one I got from Dolores. Thank you! :-)
Munich postcard |
Tole sem poslala kar sama, ko sva z Matejo D. obiskali München.
I sent this one when I was in Munich with Mateja D.
Munich postcard |
In tole sem kupila sebi, ker mi je bila simpatična. :-P
And I bought this one for myself because it's really cute. :-P
Munich postcard |
Prijatelj Matej je bil v Londonu in mi poslal tole čudovito razglednico. Hvala ti!
My friend Matej was in London and he sent me this beautiful postcard. Thank you!
London postcard |
Tina pa mi je poslala tole. Hvala! :-)
Tina sent me this one. Thank you! :-)
Split postcard |
Pa še tri voščilnice, ki sem jih prejela za praznike.
And then three greeting cards that I received for holidays.
Tale je s Švedske:
This one is from Sweden:
Greeting card from Sweden |
Tole mi je poslala Simone iz Danske.
This one was sent by Simone from Denmark.
Greeting card from Denmark |
In tole sem prejela od TehTeh s Portugalske.
And this by TehTeh from Portugal.
Greeting card from Portugal |
Še enkrat hvala vsem!
Once again thank you all!
ohhhhhhh there's my christmas postcard! I'll try to remember to keep adding to your collection, it's really cool =)
Thank you! You are the best! ;-)
cute :) ...a ti še jaz iz LJ pošljem:) hehehe... jaz pa vsakič, ko sem kje, pozabim poslati razglednico...sploh se ne spomnem:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiA veš da iz LJ je pa res še nimam :-P
Izbrišihehehe, jst sem pa vedno na preži za dobrimi razglednicami :-)
ooo kok so luškane voščilnice! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala :-)