Danes zjutraj sem ugibala, o čem bi še lahko pisala na blogu. Pogledujem naokrog in iščem kakšen navdih v okolici. In takrat jih zagledam. Razglednice namreč. :-)
This morning I was wondering what to write about on our blog. I was looking around to get some ideas. And then I saw them. Postcards. :-)
This summer I got a few postcards from different places and countries and I have a few of them from the past few years. So I decided to show you all my postcards that I got in the past.
Nekaj je mojih, ki sem jih poslala domov iz svojih "potovanj", večina pa jih je od prijateljev.
Some of them are mine, but mostly they are from my friends.
Tokrat se bom osredotočila na razglednice, ki sem jih prejela iz drugih evropskih držav, z izjemo Hrvaške. Od tu jih imam kar nekaj, tako da bodo te razglednice deležne druge objave.
In this post blog I will focus on postcards from Europe, but no Croatia. Just because I have so many from there that I will post them in one other blog post.
Pa začnimo z našo sosednjo državo, Italijo. Kar tri razglednice sem prejela iz Rima. Prva je že kar stara in sem jo prejela od sošolca Danijela 10 let nazaj, drugo sem prejela od sošolke Mance 6 let nazaj, tretjo pa od prijateljev Mateja in Tilna, ki sta bila v Rimu 2 leti nazaj.
So let`s start with Italy. I've got 3 postcards from Rome. First one is oooold and I got it from my school mate Danijel 10 years ago. Second one is from my school mate Manca and I got it 6 years ago. The last one is from my friends Matej and Tilen who were there 2 years ago.
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Rome |
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Rome |
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Rome |
Nadaljujmo z Grčijo. Prvo sem poslala kar sama s svojega maturantskega izleta, drugo sem prejela od prijateljice Urše, prav tako z maturantskega izleta.
Let`s continue with Greece. First postcard was send by me from my high school graduation trip and the second one is from my friend Urša, also from her high school graduation trip.
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Greece |
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Greece - famous Greece turtle |
Predstavljam vam razglednico z Dunaja, ki mi jo je poslala prijateljica Maruša, ter razglednico iz Münchna, ki sem ga obiskala s srednjo šolo.
Here is postcard from Vienna which was send by my friend Maruša and a postcard from München where we were during high school.
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Vienna |
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München |
Tudi iz Španije sem že prejela dve razglednici. Prva je od moje soblogerke Mateje, ki je bila v Španiji na maturantskem izletu, druga pa od dobre prijateljice Daše, ki se je letos tja odpravila na dopust.
I also have two postcards from Spain. First one is from Mateja (my coblogger) who was in Spain for her high school graduation trip and the second one is from my friend Daša, who was there this summer.
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Spain - Lloret de Mar |
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Barcelona |
Potem je tu Francija. Razglednica iz Pariza je stara 7 let, poslala pa mi jo je prijateljica Maruša, drugo sem prejela letos pozimi s smučarskega oddiha prijateljice Daše. Mogoče (upam!) tudi meni kdaj uspe videti Eifflov stolp v živo.
Then we have France. Postcard from Paris is 7 years old, sent by Maruša and the other one is from Daša, from her ski vacation this winter. Maybe (I hope!) I will be able to see Eiffel tower in live one day.
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Paris |
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France - Savoie |
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Portugal - Porto |
Tu so še 4 razglednice s Portugalske - Porto. Poslala mi jih je prijateljica Teresa, ki živi tam. Tisti, ki redno spremljate najin blog, jo poznate pod imenom TehTeh.
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Portugal - Porto |
I also have 4 postcards from Portugal - Porto. They were all sent from friend Teresa who lives there. Those of you who are reading our blog regularly might know her as TehTeh.
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Portugal - Porto |
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Portugal - Porto |
Imam tudi razglednico iz Oxforda. Tu je prijateljica Špela preživela poletje v poletni šoli.
Postcard from Oxford was send to me from Špela who was there in a summer camp.
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Oxford |
To poletje je bila v Dublinu prijateljica Sara, ki mi je poslala to čudovito razglednico.
Sara in Dublin was this summer and she sent me this beautiful postcard.
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Ireland - Dublin |
Kot veste, sem sama to poletje teden dni preživela v Copenhagnu. (Več o tem najdeš tu.)Drugo razglednico pa mi je lansko leto poslala moja danska cimra Simone.
As most of you already know I was in Copenhagen this summer. (Read more about this here.) So the first one is mine and the second one is from my Danish room-mate Simone. She sent it to me last year.
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Denmark - Copenhagen |
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Denmark - Copenhagen |
Zelo sem bila vesela razglednice z Norveške, kjer je bila Tjaša 2 poletji nazaj. :-) Moja velika želja je, da bom nekoč tudi sama obiskala to državo! (Še posebej vse smučarske skakalnice tam.)
I was so happy to get a postcard from Norway where Tjaša was 2 summers ago. My huge wish is to go there some day! (To see all the ski jumping hills.)
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Norway - North Cape |
Le nakaj dni nazaj pa sem prejela še razglednico s Finske od danske cimre Simone.
Just a few days ago I received this postcard from Finland from my Danish room-mate Simone.
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Finland |
Tako, to so kraji, ki sem jih obiskala jaz oz. moji prijatelji. Kje vse ste pa vi že bili?
So, this are the places where I or my friends were. Where in Europe were you?
Na vas pa se obračam s še eno prošnjo. Če kdo od vas živi oz. bo odpotoval v kraj, od koder še nimam razglednice in bi mi bil pripravljen eno poslati od tam (res bi bila fuuuuuuul vesela!), vas naprošam, da se mi javite na najin e-mail (mateji.ustvarjata@gmail.com), da si izmenjamo naslove. =)) Po želji vam jo tudi jaz pošljem od tu. ;-)
And now I would like to ask you for one favour. If one of you lives or is planning to go to some places from where I don`t have any postcards yet, I would like to ask you to send me a postcard from there (That would make me really haaaaaaaappy!). You can ask me for my address at our e-mail (mateji.ustvarjata@gmail.com) and if you want I will also send you a postcard from here. ;-)
wow so manyyyyyy! and so lucky you are...the graduation trip is my school was also Spain, I did not want to go there again so I passed...I should have gotten a postcard from London...if I had I would send it to you...
OdgovoriIzbrišibtw, still waiting on postcards from Planica =P
Thank you sweetie =) I also really want to get a postcard from London =)
IzbrišiAnd of course you will get a postcard from Planica =) You just have to wait until March :-P
Oh, very nice collection! I brought home postcards from every place where I´ve been. Our Slovak but foreign, too. My favourites are postcard from Saint Tropez and Vienna. But I love all my postcards from my friends (most often from Croatia, England, Austria). Would you like postcard from Slovakia? :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you =) I would be really glad to get your postcard, yes =)))
IzbrišiAvtor je odstranil ta komentar.
OdgovoriIzbrišiOK, I will buy postcard from place I live and then I will write you for address :-) I hope I will find some nice :-)
IzbrišiOK! =) Can`t wait =))))
Izbrišihaha! lepo je videt, da nekdo se zbira razglednice! Sem mislisla, da sem cisto za casom, ker se zbiram znamke xD
OdgovoriIzbriši=) tudi znamke so zelo zanimive ja =)