sobota, 12. januar 2013

Moji najljubši smučarski skakalci. My favourite ski jumpers.

V nedeljo, 6. 1., se je končala 61. novoletna turneja v smučarskih skokih. Tudi letos je slavil Gregor Schlierenzauer.

Adam Malysz

On Sunday, 6. 1., the 61st 4 Hills Tournament ended. This years winner was, once again, Gregor Schlierenzauer.

Ob spremljanju vseh štirih tekem sem ugovotila, da sem kar pogrešala fante, kajti letos sem večinoma delala ravno, ko so bile tekme.
While watching all 4 competitions I realized that I missed those boys, because I was working almost all weekends when competitions were.

Jurij Tepeš
Severin Freund

Johan Remen Evensen

Tako je čas, da vam razkrijem nekaj mojih najljubših skakalcev. Da ne bom ravno pretiravala, se bom osredotočila na mojih top 6. :-)
Kamil Stoch

So it's time that I show you my favourite ski jumpers. But I don't want the list to be too long, so I will focus on my top 6. :-)

6. Peter Prevc (Slovenija // Slovenia)
Trenutno na 12. mestu v skupnem seštevku svetovnega pokala.
Right now on 12th place in World Cup.

Peter Prevc

Peter Prevc

5. Harri Olli (Finska // Finland)
Sicer ne tekmuje več, ampak jaz še nisem pozabila nanj. ;-)
He's not competing anymore, but I didn't forget him yet. ;-)

Harri Olli

4. Anders Jacobsen (Norveška // Norway)
Trenutno na 3. mesto v svetovnem pokalu, sicer pa trenutno drugi najboljši Norvežan. Dobra vrnitev po letu premora. 
Currently on 3th place in World Cup, and second best Norwegian ski jumper. What a come back after a year of pause. 

Anders Jacobsen
Anders Jacobsen

3. Jaka Hvala (Slovenija // Slovenia)
Trenutno naš najboljši skakalec, na 11. mestu. Jaka, kar tako naprej!
Right now he's our best ski jumper, on 11th place. Jaka, keep going!

Jaka Hvala (Source)

2. Thomas Morgenstern (Austrija // Austria)
Glavni razlog, da sem sploh začela spremljati smučarske skoke. Kaj naj rečem, s tisto lušno kapo je bil res opazen. Trenutno na 10. mestu. Pred kratkim je tudi postal očka hčerke Lilly.
He's the main reason that I started to watch ski jumping competitions. What can I say, with his cute hat, he was very noticeable. Currently on 10th place. Recently he became a dad of daughter Lilly!

Thomas Morgenstern

Thomas Morgenstern

1. Tom Hilde (Norveška // Norway)
Rojen istega leta kot jaz, v istem nebesnem znamenju. Dolžina las je nekje ista. Super prijazen in zelo zabaven fant. Sicer pa trenutno na 9. mestu v skupnem seštevku svetovnega pokala.
He was born in the same year as I and in the same zodiac sign. We have almost the same lenght of hair. He's very kind and very funny guy. Currently on 9th place in World Cup.

Tom Hilde

Tom Hilde

His signature on my hand :-P

Pa še mnogi drugi ...
And all the others ...

Martin Schmitt

Borek Sedlak

Emmanuel Chedal

Richard Freitag

Primož Peterka

Martin Cikl

Pa še moja naj ekipa: Norvežani :-)
And my favourite team: Norway team :-)

Ole Marius Ingvaldsen
Kenneth Gangnes

Anders Bardal
Kim Rene Elverum Sorsell

Kateri pa so tvoji najljubši smučarski skakalci in/ali ekipa? 
Which are your favourite ski jumpers and/or ski jumping team?

4 komentarji:

  1. Pa nekateri tut niso slabi za pogledat :PP

  2. oh you and your norway guys...did Gregor win 4Hills before? it must have been like the 2nd time because I know like 2 seasons ago when Morgi won Gregor had never won it...

    I like some of those guys too...the Jaka one is cute, I dont think I've ever seen him


    1. Yes, Gregor won last year, and Morgi 2 years ago - I think! :-)
      Ah, Norwegians are the best :-P
      Yes, Jaka is great - it`s his first season in world cup ... :-)


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