Velikokrat bi kaj objavila, pa ni za celo objavo, ker so nepovezane misli ali "mimogrede" fotke. Zato sem se odločila, da bi tu in tam napisala kakšno objavo brez teme. Ampak ne bodite zmedene, če bom skakala z ene teme na drugo brez kakršnekoli povezave!
Many times I have some thoughts or I take some pictures that aren't really enough for an all new post, they don't belong anywhere, but I'd still like to put them on the blog. So I though of writing some random posts here and there. Just don't be confused if I jump from one topic to another without any sense at all.
Novo leto, eden gre, drugi pride:
New Year means one cutie out, another one in:
Tole sem našla ta vikend v Mullerju!
I found these in our drugstores this weekend! ![]() |
Catrice Neonaturals |
In ...
And ...
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Essence Snow Jam |
In ...
And ...
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Essence Vintage District |
Kupila sem samo to dvoje ... Ampak VD šminki sta luštni ... Ampak ne smem nazaj in ju kupiti, ane?
I only got two things ... But VD lipsticks are really great too ... But I shouldn't go back and buy them, right?
Essence |
Essence Snow Jam Life is a Freeride |
Life is a Freeride je lep, ampak v resnici dosti bolj zelen. Zgleda, da se noče fotkat!
Life is a Freeride is gorgeous, but it's a bit more greenish in reality. I guess it's shy and didn't want to take a picture.
Je mogoče tu kakšna uporabnica kontaktnih leč? Imam problemček in rabim pomoč! Dobila sem poskusne leče, jih nosila en mesec, z desno je bilo vse super od prve minute, leva se je z mano takoj skregala. V spodnjem delu očesa sem imela neprijeten občutek - kot takrat, ko se trepalnica obrne v oko. Tečno! Zunaj je bilo OK, večinoma sem imela probleme znotraj (pa če sem gledala TV al pa samo sedela in delala nič - enak učinek). Okulist je rekel, da očitno do enega dela očesa ne pride dovolj solz. Umetne bi pomagale le za nekaj časa. Leče naj nosim le zunaj oziroma samo, kadar bodo udobne, sicer pa naj ostanem pri očalih. To me niti ne moti, ker nimam problemov z očali, super je, da bom poleti lahko imela zunaj leče in sončna očala, edino, kar mi še gre na živce, je vožnja v soncu brez sončnih očal. In bi rada nosila leče, če bodo seveda udobne, vsaj med vožnjo. Zato me zanima, če sploh še kdo vztraja in bere tale roman, ali je imela katera podoben problem in ima rešitev?
Are there any contact lenses wearers (is this the appropriate word?) here? I have a problem and I need your help! I finally got my contacts for the first time, wore them a month to see if they'll be fine, but the left one just wasn't working with me. The right one was perfect from the first minute, but I was able to really feel the left one at the bottom part of my eye - it was the same feeling as when your eyelash turns into your eye and it's really annoying! It was better outside, I mostly had problems indoors (no matter what I was doing, there was no difference if I was watching TV or just sitting still). My eye doctor said it's probably a problem that a part of my left eye doesn't get enough tears. Fake tears would only help for a few minutes. I'm supposed to wear my contacts when they feel comfortable (that's mostly outside), and that's OK with me, I don't have problems with glasses, but it's really really annoying to drive without sunglasses in the summer so I'd like to be able to at least wear contacts in my car sometimes (which I of course won't if they won't be comfortable). So if you're still with me and didn't just skip this novel I'm writing - did any of you ever have a similar problem and found a solution? I'd take any advice.
Gremo naprej ...
Moving on ...
Tole je DOBRO! Če piše London (ali če je oranžne barve), vzamem! Preprosta sem.
This was TASTY DELICIOUS! If it says London (or if it's orange) I'll take it. I'm a simple person.
GU |
Tole vas tu čaka jutri ...
A little preview of tomorrow's post. Just for you.
Well, what could this be? |
Božiček me ima res rad, ker mi še vedno nosi darila! Tole (in ogromno škatlo Ferrero Rocher!!!) sem dobila od mamine prijateljice.
Santa really loves me, because he's still bringing me gifts! I've got this (and a big box of Ferrero Rocher!!!) from my mom's awesome friend.
Santa! |
Par večerov nazaj sem imela rahlo paniko ... Kot običajno sem si umila obraz. Potem pa sem po pomoti nanesla kremo, ki jo sicer uporabljam zjutraj, ampak se nisem sekirala, ker mi je moje 100 % Pure tako ali tako zmanjkovalo, to sem pa tudi že uporabila kdaj zvečer brez problemov ... No, tokrat ne! Koža me je začela peči, pikati, postala je čisto rdeča! V šoku sem si še enkrat umila obraz, nanesla zadnje kapljice 100 % Pure kreme in po 10 minutah je bilo vse OK.
I had a little bit of panic a few evenings ago ... I did my usual face-wash routine. Then I made a mistake and put on the cream I usually put on during the day, but I almost ran out of my 100 % Pure one so I thought it's no biggie, I already used it as night cream before and everything was fine. Well ... not this time! My skin began to really burn and itch and it turned totally red! Like really really red! I was pretty much in shock, washed my face again and put the last of my 100 % Pure cream on. And all was fine after 10 minutes.
Ker se bližam nuli, 100 % Pure ni med najcenejšimi stvarmi na svetu, tiste prve kreme pa nikoli več ne bom dala na obraz (no, do poletja, ko je moja koža obupno mastna), sem poiskala cenejšo alternativo. Tale dva sem našla:
But I'm pretty much broke now and 100 % Pure is pretty much expensive and there was no way I'd ever put that first cream on my face ever again (until summer when my skin gets crazily oily) so I had to check for a cheaper alternative and I found these guys:
Alverde face creams |
Dnevna krema za občutljivo kožo je res super, tista za zelo suho pa popolna za ponoči. Sicer jo je zelo težko mazati, obraz se mi po nanosu sveti kot luč, ampak zjutraj se zbudim z gladko in čisto nič mastno kožo! Odlična rešitev. Dokler spet ne nastane kakšen problem.
Day cream for sensitive skin is really great for the day and the one for very dry skin is awesome for the night. It really leaves my face shiny (and it's really thick) but I have smooth not-oily-at-all skin in the morning. So far so good until something happens again.
Pa še ... Njam njam vegbab iz Loving Huta v Celju. Njam!
Also ... Yummy yummy vegbab from Loving Hut Celje. Yum!
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Vegbab from Loving Hut Celje |
Life is a Freeride je prečudovit! <3 Pa kebab tudi :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiRes je lep lak. Kebab je pa njami. :D
IzbrišiI also got Life is a freeride! and love it
OdgovoriIzbrišiFor the contact lenses I could help. I've been wearing contact lenses for 20 years, and I know the problem you mention. I have changed so many times of type and brand of contacts I know what you're talking about! I have had that problem in the past. It is not your eye or your tears, it is that the lenses might be thicker than your eye can handle and it slightly rub your lid whenever your eye move, which is very uncomfortable. the reason why your feeling is stronger indoors could be because in winter with the heating the air is drier, therefore the eyes are drier. No panic. just ask your optician if you could try another brand. All lenses are not as thick and some are more flexible than others and so on. It's just a matter of finding the right one. Good luck!
I just got new packs of these lenses but if it won't get better I'll get to the eye doctor again. Although he said those lenses are the thinnest and the softest possible, all the others would bother me even more. Oh well, I hope it'll get better, thanks for al the advice! :)
IzbrišiKaj je ta Gu zadeva? :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiZa leče žal ne bi vedla. Lahko,da so kej poškodovane? Js sm enkrat mela res zlo malo strgano lečo pa je biu ceu kaos. Srečna zdj se ne rabm več s tem ukvarjat :)
Lakec je pa res lep! Js sm verjetno edina beauty blogerka ki ne spremlja novih kolekcij. Vedno, ko pridem v Muller ali DM je presenečenje :P
Super post! ;)
Ta Gu zadeva je kot nek lemon cheesecake. :D Dobra je, ampak sestavin raje nisem podrobneje pregledovala, ker bi me verjetno kap. :D Za 2x na leto bom že preživela, ker je dobra, pa v steklenih posodicah je in že sanjarim o tem, da jih bom preuredila v svečnike. :P
IzbrišiBom vidla, kaj bo z novimi škatlicami leč. Samo da se pozdravim, ker zdajle se mi niti očal ne ljubi nosit. Srečna ti, ja! Enkrat bom jaz tudi, upam. :D
A ni to pol super, da ne spremljaš? :P
Hvala! ;)
A v Velenjskem Mullerju so imeli te kolekcije? Srečnica si, da si naletela na celo tri polna stojala :) Snow Jam lakec je pa čudovit <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa, v velenjskem je bilo, enkrat za spremembo smo dobili med prvimi, ne med zadnjimi. :)
IzbrišiPri nas je super, ker dokaj dolgo ostanejo stvari in se ni treba toliko "grebst" kot v LJ ali MB. :) Lakec je pa res krasen! :)
I loved the nail polish. I wish we had access to LE from Essence and Catrice here in Portugal :(
OdgovoriIzbrišiAbout the contact lenses: that situation happened to me before, but it was only once or twice so I'm not sure if it's the same problem. One time it happened because I put it upside down (that has probably happened to you already, the lense wouldn't even «stick» to the eye properly) and the other time was because my lashes got in the way of my lense.
With that said I'm not sure it's the same problem, but maybe you should check with your doctor again! When I started wearing lenses I had really dry eyes so my doctor changed to another brand (and gave me some fake tears as well) and everything was okay since then.
I hope you'll get the LEs one day!
IzbrišiI guess I'll really have to ask for another brand if it won't get better. I always make sure the lenses are turned the right way, it takes me more time than anything else to look for those little letters and numbers. XD
Thanks for the advice. :)
haha, random is good I think =)
Haha, thanks. :P
Izbrišitak problem z lečam sem js enkrat imela, ko se mi je ena narobe obrnila in nisem opazla, dokler me ni ribalo po učki :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiTo zna biti zoprno, sem slišala, ja. :D Jaz se vedno mučim s pregledovanjem, če so prav obrnjene, pa iščem tiste mini številke in črke. :D
IzbrišiMini številke in črke? Tega pa nisem vedela, da so gor :) Js vidim po tem, da če je narobe obrnjena, oblika ni pravi, da so robovi mal na ven spodviti, tako kot kaže na tej sliki:,r:40,s:0,i:204 Oprosti za zelooooo predolg link :)
IzbrišiOoo, super, bom raje to gledala, ker tisto pisavo je grozno težko najt. Je pa taka pisava kot na tej sliki, čist mini pa neopazna. :) Če se normalno prebere, je leča prav obrnjena, ampak brez očal jo je meni nemogoče najti. :)