Jupiiii, moj 3. e.l.f. nakup! Ne morem vam pokazati vsega, ker bo en delček za darilo, prejemnica pa mogoče tole bere ... Zdaj pa bolje, da utihnem, da ne povem preveč.
Wooohooo, my 3rd e.l.f. haul! I can't show you the whole haul, because part of it will be a gift, and the person it is for might be reading this ... And now I have to shut up before I tell you too much.
Tole pa sem kupila zase, pri e.l.f.-u pa so spet imeli akcijo z zastonj poštnino in priloženim darilcem! Če pa oni niso najboljši.
So, that's what I bought for myself and of course, they had free shipping & mystery code again! Aren't they the best?
e.l.f. haul |
Najprej ... Brush Shampoo in Daily Brush Cleaner.
e.l.f. Daily Brush Cleaner & Brush Shampoo |
Najbolj sem navdušena nad šamponom za čopiče! Ostanke ličil kar stopi in res temeljito odstrani. Prej sem sicer prisegala kar na šampone za lase, ki so sicer opravili delo, vendar je tale res boljši. Predvsem čopiče očisti temeljiteje in hitreje.
Daily Brush Cleaner tudi ni slab, čisto spodoben za vmesno hitro čiščenje, ne očisti pa tako dobro kot šampon, kar je tudi logično. Diši sicer zelo lepo, ampak meni se zdi vonj rahlo premočen.
I love Shampoo Brush! It just melts down all the make-up remains and it's really through. I've been using hair shampoos before, they've done the work, but this one is really much better. It cleans brushes quickly and more thoroughly.
Daily Brush Cleaner is good too, decent enough for the in-between clean ups, but it doesn't clean as good as the shampoo, logically. It smells nice, but the smell is just a little bit too strong.
e.l.f. Mineral Infused Primer |
Najprej: kožo naredi zareeees mehko, gladko in svilnato. Je prozoren, porabi se ga izredno malo. Tekoči puder mi zdrži malo dlje, predvsem ga lažje nanesem, pa tudi končni rezultat je boljši - polt je bolj enakomerna. Ampak nič ne more 100 % pomagati moji zimski koži, ki se preveč rada lupi na nosu. Tale pa vseeno pomaga in če nič drugega - puder res izgleda lepše.
The first thing: it makes your skin feel really smooth, soft and silky. It's sheer and you need just a little bit of it for the whole face. The primer makes my foundation stay on a little bit longer, I can apply it more easily and evens my skin a little, but nothing can 100 % help my peeled nose in winter. This one sure does help and if nothing else - my foundation is more even.
e.l.f. Shimmer Eyeliner Pencil in Boldly Bronzed |
Moj najljubši svinčnik vseh časov! Resno, ne pretiravam! Popoln je! Barva je krasna za moje oči - rjava z nekoliko oranžne/rdeče, super je za moj vsakodnevni makeup, ki se po navadi giblje v rjavih in oranžnih tonih. Res je mehek, obdrži se cel dan in še nikoli se mi ni razmazal.
My favorite pencil of all times! Seriously, I'm not overreacting! It's perfect! The color is just perfect for my eyes - brown with a hint of orange/red, it's great for my everyday makeup (usually in some brown or orange shade). It's really soft, blends perfectly and it's never let me down.
e.l.f. Shimmer Eyeliner Pencil in Boldly Bronzed |
Tale fotka ne pokaže čisto realne barve - nekje vmes se skriva še rdeča, ki mi je ni uspelo ujeti.
This is not completely accurate picture - there should be some red in there, I just couldn't catch it in the photo.
e.l.f. Eyelid Primer in Champagne |
Glede na to, da sem zadovoljna že s Sheer izvedbo tega primerja, me tale tudi ni razočaral. Mogoče ima malo več bleščic, kot sem predvidevala, zato imejte to v mislih ob nakupu, se pa vseeno dobro obnese.
I'm satisfied with the Sheer one, so this one didn't let me down either. It has a little bit more glitter than I thought, so have that in mind, if you want to buy it, but it does a decent job too.
e.l.f. Eyelid Primer in Champagne |
e.l.f. Eyelid Primer in Champagne |
e.l.f. Wet Gloss Lash and Brow Clear Mascara |
e.l.f. Wet Gloss Lash and Brow Clear Mascara - the lashes part |
e.l.f. Wet Gloss Lash and Brow Clear Mascara - the eyebrows part |
Krtački sta malo drugačni. Kar me seveda ni motilo pri tem, da sem ju, popolnoma zaspana, že drugi dan zamenjala. Še dobro, da sem tako ali tako nameravala obe strani uporabljati le za obrvi. ;) Super opravi svoje delo in obrvi ostanejo na mestu.
The brushes are a bit different! Of course I didn't notice that when I switched them, totally sleepy, the second day. Well, I was planning on using it only on eyebrows, so no big deal. ;) It does the job perfectly and eyebrows stay in place.
e.l.f. Lipstick in Seductive |
Pri e.l.f.-u imajo super šminke. Tale odtenek je krasen - nekaj med roza in rdečo.
E.l.f. has one of the best lipsticks! This one is great too, and I love the shade - something between pink and red.
e.l.f. Lipstick in Seductive |
e.l.f. Lipstick in Seductive |
Tale izdelek je pa postal zame to zimo nujen. Res dober balzam za ustnice, ki se obdrži vsaj 2 uri tudi, ko je zelo mrzlo. Na meni se res obnese, pa je bilo zelo mrzlo. Ustnice super omehča, je pa prozoren, tako da je med različnimi odtenki najverjetneje razlika le v vonju. Tale je citronast. Moram poskusiti še jagodo.
This product became a mush-have this winter for me. A really good lip balm, it stays on the lips for at least 2 hours even when it's really cold. It makes lips super-soft and it's sheer, so I think the difference between shades is only in smell. This one is lemony. I have to try strawberry.
e.l.f. Therapeutic Conditioning Lip Balm in Orange Creme |
e.l.f. Therapeutic Conditioning Lip Balm in Orange Creme |
Kaj me je pa čakalo v mystery bag? 2 lakca (Zanimivo, kako vedno uganejo, kateri odtenki so mi všeč - tadva sem imela nagledana že nekaj časa!), pinceta in črn svinčnik. Ampak kako se to potrudijo zaviti! Skrivno darilce dajo v ogromno roza vrečko, ki je na vrhu zlepljena, tako da jo je treba res napasti, da pridete do darila. Pa je potem to še toliko boljše!
And the mystery bag? 2 nail polishes (It's really interesting how they guess every time which shades I like - I've wanted to buy this two for quite some time!). And how they wrap the bag! They put everything in this huuuge ping bag that's glued on the top, so you really have to try hard to open it. But you're excited every time!
Svinčnik sem dobila že pri enem od prejšnjih nakupov, ta je tudi tisti, ki me je dovolj navdušil, da sem kupila še odtenek Boldly Bronzed.
I've got this pencil in one of my previous hauls too and because of that one I've bought Boldly Bronzed.
e.l.f. Shimmer Eyeliner Pencil in Black Bandit |
Pinceta je presenetljivo dobra! Sem mislila, da bo zaradi vseh bleščic bolj nerodna, pa malo večja je od mojih običajnih pincet, ampak sem zelo zadovoljna z njo.
Tweezer is surprisingly great! I thought it'd be a bit clumsy to use it because of all the stones and it's a bit bigger that my usual ones, but I'm very satisfied.
e.l.f. Tweezer and Pouch |
Pa še lakca. Metal Madness in Purple Pleaser. Krasna sta!
And the nail polishes in Metal Madness and Purple Pleaser. They are gorgeous!
e.l.f. nail polishes in Metal Madness and Purple Pleaser |
Samo poglejte ga!
Just look at Metal Madness!
e.l.f. nail polish in Metal Madness |
Ampak nekaj mora ostati za drugič. Kako izgledata lakca na nohtih, vam pokažem še v tem tednu.
woooooow great and huge haul!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišihave you changed the blog??
Yeah, I'm on a cosmetic diet now ... I think I'll last for a week or so XD
IzbrišiWe are slowly changing it, yes, thanks for noticing! :)
Some of the products you bought have been on my wishlist for a long time. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiMetal Madness nailpolish has a gorgeous color :D
Yes, Pipi was one of my inspirations for that disguise, even though I didn't stick to the original costume! I think it's so cute that your hometown has a Festival for Pipi :) Definitely one of my favourite childhood characters. :D
Pippi is the best! ;) And the festival is a hit every year, every girl dresses like her, boys are pirates, there are workshops so it's really fun. :D
IzbrišiYou should buy Metal Madness, I'll try to put on the photos of the manicure today, it's gorgeous! :D
Metal Madness pa zgleda fantastičen, kmalu bi morala dubit moja prva Elf lakca, nestrpno ju čakam :) Lep nakup, shopping pomaga duši <3 :P
Ah, shopping vedno pomaga ;) Pokukaj kmalu spet sem, boš videla še več fotk Metal Madnessa. ;)
IzbrišiKatera lakca pa čakaš? :)
Slikice so super, Metal Madness mi je pa preveč všeč.hm.nov član wishlista, zgleda :D
Izbrišisem lih danes dobila lakca(na nekem forumu v bistvu, sem kupila dvd in lakca sta bila darilo), en je dark navy drugi pa je anonimen :P lep vijoličast z bleščicami, moram ugotoviti kako se kliče.
Lp do naslednjega posta :)
Oh Elf ... ne bi smela brati te objave, ker me spet mika zapravljane ... toliko vsega "nujno" rabim ... =)
OdgovoriIzbrišiAne, te kar mika in mika :D Jaz sem sicer nakupila samo "nujne" stvari, ampak ena šminka je pa res še morala past notri, čeprav jih imam že preveč ;) :D
IzbrišiTo je pa ena tistih objav, ko ti naredi "ornk lušte". Hvala, Mateja :D..Drugače pa šampon pa balzam bom definitivno vzela, ker že dolgo iščem čistilce za moje čopiče, eyeliner je pa čudovit, obožujem rjavo-bronaste odtenke :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSvinčnik je res super, mi bo že 2. kmalu zmanjkalo. Šampona se pa vseeno še kar tistega za lase držim, ni večje razlike :)