Pa se tokrat usmerimo še malo v naše glasbene skupine. Narodno-zabavna glasba je pri nas zadnje čase precej priljubjena. Pa tudi ni prave veselice brez nje.
Let`s focus on our music groups this time. Folk music is very popular here these days. And let`s face it - there is no good party without it.
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Tako vam tokrat predstavljam tri mlade in postavne fante, ki slišijo na ime Gadi. Skupino sestavljajo Anže Zavrl, David Novak in Primož Ilovar.
This time I would like to represent to you three young and handsome boys, who`s group name is Gadi. They are Anže Zavrl, David Novak and Primož Illovar.
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Posneli so tudi že nekaj videospotov. Meni osebno je spot za pesem Poslovni oglas res super. Se tudi vam zdi, da pa so fantje na nekaj pozabili?
They also recorded a few videos. My favourite is the one for song "Business Ad". Do you also think that they forgot something in this video?
Pa še ena super balada za vse zaljubljene.
Here`s one great ballad for all of you who are in love.
Fantje zadnje čase veliko nastopajo na raznih festivalih, kjer posegajo po visokih mestih.
S pesmijo Pojdi z njim so na festivalu Graška gora osvojili Zlatega pastirčka.
They also compete at some festivals where they reach good places. At festival Graška gora they got Zlati pastirček award for a song "Go with him".
Trenutno jih lahko zasledite v oddaji Na zdravje, kjer se s pesmijo Malo, malo še potegujejo za Pesem poletja. Upaaaam, da nas čaka tudi videospot za to pesem!
Now you can catch them at the show "Na zdravje" ("Cheers") where they are competing for a "Summer song" with "Malo, malo še" ("Just a Little Bit"). I hope there will be a video for it!
In reeeees sem suuupeeer veseeeela, ker mi je uspelo dobiti tudi mini intervju. Na moja vprašanja je odgovarjal Primož (basist), ki se mu iskreno zahvaljujem, ker si je vzel čas za odgovore.
And I am suuuuuuuuper haaaappy to get this mini interview. Primož (bassist) answered on my questions and I'm honestly grateful that he took time to send me this. 1. For starters please introduce yourselves (maybe a bit differently) to our readers who don't know you yet. What's the craziest thing you did so far?
O najbolj nori stvari, ki sem jo naredil, raje ne bom razglabljal v javnosti, je pa ena bolj norih stvari ta, da sem se v času moje poznejše pubertete z raznih fešt in zabav včasih ponoči vozil z ugasnjenimi lučmi, da me ne bi videli možje v modrem.
I prefer not talking in public about the craziest thing I did, but one of the crazy ones is how when I was in my late puberty I was driving with my lights off from parties so the cops won't see me.
2. Sami pišete besedila svojih pesmi. Od kje ideje, navdih?
2. You are the authors of your songs. Where do you get your ideas and inspiration?
2. You are the authors of your songs. Where do you get your ideas and inspiration?
Navdih so pri meni iz resnične zgodbe, katere sem sam doživel.
My inspiration are true stories that I have myself experienced.
My inspiration are true stories that I have myself experienced.
3. Kdor vas pozna, ve, da ste do sedaj dobili že kar lepo število nagrad na raznih festivalih. Ste na katero izmed njih še posebej ponosni? Katero nagrado si še posebej želite osvojiti v prihodnosti?
3. All that are familiar with your work know that you have won quite some awards on festivals. Is there one that you are the most proud of? What award would you like to win in the future?
3. All that are familiar with your work know that you have won quite some awards on festivals. Is there one that you are the most proud of? What award would you like to win in the future?
Na vse nagrade in uspehe sem enako ponosen, največja nagrada mi je pa ta, da nas publika sprejme in da bi bili poznani po celi Sloveniji in pa seveda tudi čez mejo.
I'm equally proud of all our awards ans success, but the biggest award is the fact that our fans accept us and I wish we would be known all over Slovenia and over the borders too.
I'm equally proud of all our awards ans success, but the biggest award is the fact that our fans accept us and I wish we would be known all over Slovenia and over the borders too.
4. Veliko nastopate na festivalih. Kako potekajo priprave na festivale? Koliko treme je prisotne pred nastopom?
4. You participate in many festivals. How does the preparation for those look like? Do you have any stage fright?
4. You participate in many festivals. How does the preparation for those look like? Do you have any stage fright?
Trema pred nastopom na festivalu je vedno, ampak ravno pravšnja, ne prevelika. In to je seveda tudi pravilno, ker če ne bi bilo treme, potem bi bil to verjetno znak, da celotne stvari ne jemljemo dovolj resno.
There's always stage fright before festivals, but just the right amount. And that's the right thing, if we didn't have any stage fright, that would probably be a sign that we don't take things seriously enough.
There's always stage fright before festivals, but just the right amount. And that's the right thing, if we didn't have any stage fright, that would probably be a sign that we don't take things seriously enough.
5. Kateri pevci ali skupine so vaši vzorniki?
5. Which singers or groups are your idols?
5. Which singers or groups are your idols?
Vzornike vidim predvsem v skupini Queen, čeprav igramo čisto drugo zvrst glasbe. Najbolj mi je všeč pri njih to, da so ustvarjali ''večno glasbo'', kar pomeni, da so pesmi, ki jih poslušaš, še danes takšne kot bi bile narejene včeraj, tako po avtorski kot po produkcijski plati.
I see our idols in Queen even though we play a totally different type of music. What I really like about them is the fact that they created timeless music, which means their songs are just as if they were made yesterday even now - on songwriting and production side.
I see our idols in Queen even though we play a totally different type of music. What I really like about them is the fact that they created timeless music, which means their songs are just as if they were made yesterday even now - on songwriting and production side.
6. S pesmijo »Malo, malo še«, se v TV-oddaji Na zdravje potegujete za Pesem poletja. Kdaj bo potekalo tekmovanje in kako lahko glasujemo za vas?
6. You're competing in "The song of summer" on Slovenian TV-show "Cheers" with the song "Just a little bit". When will the competition take place and how can we vote for you?
6. You're competing in "The song of summer" on Slovenian TV-show "Cheers" with the song "Just a little bit". When will the competition take place and how can we vote for you?
Tekmovanje poteka že dalj časa, za nas boste pa lahko glasovali v oddaji '' Na zdravje!'' ta petek.
The competition has been going on for some time now and you'll be able to vote for us this Friday.
The competition has been going on for some time now and you'll be able to vote for us this Friday.
Več o fantih in njihovih začetkih lahko preberete na njihovi spletni strani.
You can find more about the guys and their beginning on their web page.
Spremljate jih lahko tudi na Facebooku.
They are also on Facebook.
We do not own any of the pictures in this blog post.
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