ponedeljek, 30. december 2013

Four Hills Tournament - Oberstdorf 29. 12. 2013

Prva tekma na letošnji novoletni turneji je potekala v Nemškem Oberstdorfu. V soboto, 28. 12., so potekale kvalifikacije, v nedeljo, 29. 12., pa prva tekma.
First competitions in this years 4 hills tournament was in Germany - Oberstdorf. On Saturday 28. 12. there was  a qualification round and on Sunday 29. 12. first competition.

... ist es wieder Zeit für die Vierschanzentournee
Source. Oberstdorf.

nedelja, 29. december 2013

Čuki v Novi Gorici 28. 12. 2013 // Čuki in Nova Gorica

Včeraj sem šla na koncert skupine Čuki v Novi Gorici.
Yesterday I went to a concert of our group Čuki in Nova Gorica.

Čuki in Nova Gorica - 28. 12. 2013

sobota, 28. december 2013

New beginnings giveaway

Iskreno. Tale giveaway bi se moral že zdavnaj zaključiti. Ampak nisva imeli časa, da ga spraviva na blog in urediva še vse ostalo. In *vstavite približno 50 izgovorov, ki jih res nočete slišati in sploh nimajo veze z ničimer*. 
To be honest. This giveaway should be closed by now. But we just didn't have time to put it together and be done with all the things it comes with. Also *insert 50 other excuses you really don't want to hear about and have no meaning*. 

Kakorkoli, imava veliko novico! No, veliko za naju. Mogoče ste opazile, da sva bili zadnje tedne (khm, mesece) precej odsotni. *Spet vstavi milijon izgovorov*. Ampak nama je bloganje všeč in res ne bi radi vsega kar zaključili. Zato sva se raje odločili za svež začetek. Kdaj je bolj primeren čas kot za novo leto!
Anyways, we have big news. Well, big for us at least! As you might have noticed in the last few weeks (*cough*months*cough*) we weren't here as much as we wanted. *Again, insert a gazillion excuses here*. But we really like blogging and we don't want to just end everything. So we've decided for a fresh start. New year is the right time for that! 

Prenovili bova blog. Najverjetneje bova tudi spremenili ime. Ampak še vedno boste vedele, da sva to midve. ;) Tole ime je namreč še iz časov, ko sva bili prepričani, da bova pisali samo v slovenščini. In res nama gre že na živce tole ozadje, ki bi moralo ostati na blogu le 2 tedna. Ki sta se razvlekla v več kot eno leto.
We're going to refresh the blog. There will probably be a name change. But you'll still know it's us. ;) This name is from the times we were sure we'll only write in Slovene. And we're very much sick of this layout that was just supposed to be here for 2 weeks. It stretched into more than a year. 

Tole je torej giveaway za nove začetke! Trajal bo tako dolgo, kolikor bova potrebovali za prenovo bloga. Ampak to ne bo eno leto. :D Recimo, da en teden. Giveaway je v bistvu podkupnina, da boste potrpežljive, če bo v tem času kaj izgledalo čudno ali pa ne bo delalo, ker pravzaprav nimava pojma, kako sploh uresničiti vse ideje. :)) 
So this is a new beginnings giveaway! It'll last as long as it'll take us to change the blog. It won't last for a year though. :D Lets say a week. And the giveaway is actually a bribe for you to stay patient if things won't work as they should from the beginning, because we actually don't know anything about customising the blog. :)) 

Vse dolgočasne podrobnosti so zapisane v pravilih. Ampak le na hitro: 
- Slediti nama morate prek GFC-ja. 
Vse ostalo je neobvezno. Bova pa zelo veseli, če pustite kakšen komentar. :)
You have all the boring details in the "Terms and conditions" part. Just quick rules:
- You have to be our GFC follower (GFC is back, yay!).
Everything else in not mandatory. But we'll be very happy if you'll write a comment. :) 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

U, ja, nagrade! 
- BH Tropical Matte paletka
- MUA Matte Peachy Keen šminka
- verižica
Oh, and what's the prize! 
- BH Tropical Matte palette
- MUA Matte Peachy Keen lipstick
- a necklace

If you wonder how the palette looks like. ;)

Dve paletki sva dobili z Ličila.si, ostalo pa sva kupili zdaj ali pa nekaj časa nazaj, ampak je vse popolnoma neuporabljeno. :) Aja, od kod govorim v množini, če je pa tule samo ena paletka? Všečkajte in sledite nama še na Facebooku. Mogoče še tam čaka kakšen mini giveaway v naslednjem tednu! ;)
We got two palettes from Ličila.si and we bought other stuff now or a while ago but nothing has ever been used. :) Oh, why am I talking about two palettes, if there's only one? Like & follow us on our Facebook page. There might be more mini giveaways there in the next week too. ;)

petek, 27. december 2013

Let it snow!

Če zunaj še ni snežink, si jih bom pa sama ustvarila...
If there is no snow outside, I will create it myself ...

Barry M Blood Orange, Avon french manicure, Essence - Julia

sreda, 25. december 2013

Vesel božič // Merry Christmas

Upam, da ste imele vse lep božič in je Božiček pod smrekico pustil kaj lepega. :) 
I hope you've had a nice Christmas and Santa left something nice under the tree! :)

Meni se je končno uresničila želja in sem dobila božični pulover! 
I finally got my wish come true and got a Christmas sweater! A pretty one!

torek, 24. december 2013

2 super dneva // 2 great days

V petek popoldne smo imeli v Kopru slovesno podelitev diplom. Pa sem jo le dočakala! :-D 
On Friday we had a ceremony of diplomas in Koper. Finally! :-D

ponedeljek, 23. december 2013

Ljubljana v lučkah // Ljubljana in lights

Če ste se v soboto sprehajale po Ljubljani in naletele na 3 preglasne punce, ki niso opazile nikogar okrog sebe, smo bile verjetno to me tri. :P "Babe" smo se spet dobile, po dooolgem času, ker smo vse tri tako zaposlene, da je že težko najti čas. Ampak vse se da, če se hoče! In v Ljubljano grem vedno rada! Sploh pa v predbožičnem času - lučke so prekrasne! 
If you were in Ljubljana on Saturday and saw 3 too loud girls that didn't notice anyone and anything around them, it was probably us three. :P We finally got the date when all three of us had time! Ljubljana is always beautiful but in the Christmas time everything is just magical!

Pa še tako pridna sem bila, da mi je Božiček že darila prinesel! Hvala Božička Mateja in Božička Urša! :)) 
And I was such a good girl this year that Santa brought my presents early! Thank you Mateja Santa and Urša Santa! :))

nedelja, 22. december 2013

Engelberg 20. - 22. 12.

Smučarji skakalci so bili ta konec tedna v Švici, natančneje v Engelbergu. Tako kot vedno, so v petek potekale kvalifikacije, v soboto in nedeljo pa posamični tekmi.
Ski jumpers were this weekend in Switzerland, Engelberg. As usually they had qualifications on Friday and individual competitions on Saturday and Sunday.

Letzter Weltcup vor Weihnachten, ...
Source. Engelberg

sreda, 18. december 2013

Do you speak love?

Moja sestra je bila na volji za ustvarjanje :-) 
My sister was in a mood for creating. :-)

Essence Do you spek love? and Make it golden.

Nastalo je tole:
This is what she made:

nedelja, 15. december 2013

Titisee - Neustadt 13. - 15. 12. 2013

Smučarski skoki se se tokrat ponovno preselili nazaj v Nemčijo. Ponovno so v petek potekale kvalifikacije, v soboto in nedeljo pa posamični tekmi.
This time ski jumping competition went back to Germany. As usually there was a qualification round on Friday and competitions on Saturday and Sunday.

nedelja, 8. december 2013

Lillehammer 6. - 8. 12.

Tokrat so skoki potekali v Norveškem Lillehammerju. Veter tokrat ni krojih rezultatov tekme, tako kot na prejšnjih tekmovanjih. 
This time there were competitions in Norway Lillehammer. Luckly there were no wind to change the results as in the competitions before.

ponedeljek, 2. december 2013

Kuusamo 28. - 30. 11.

Ta vikend sta potekali dve tekmovanji v Finskem Kuusamu. V petek smo spremljali kvalifikacije in posamično tekmo, druga tekma je potekala v soboto. 
This weekend there were two competition in Finland - Kuusamo. On Friday there were qualification and first competition and on Saturday there was second competition.

Source. Kuusamo

sreda, 27. november 2013

Mua - shade 8 and Essence Hugs & kisses

Tokrat sem si zaželela nekaj rdeče barve na svojih nohtih.
This time I wanted some red colour on my nails. 

Mua - shade 8 + Hugs & kisses

torek, 26. november 2013

ponedeljek, 25. november 2013

Moji 2 najljubši šminki // My 2 favourite lipsticks

Tile dve sta moji najljubši zadnje čase … Šminki barve ustnic, ampak lepše - če je to logično. ;)
These two are my favourites lately … Lipsticks in the colours of lips just better - if that's logical. ;) 

Beauty UK In the Buff …

Beauty UK In the Buff

… MUA Shade 11. 

MUA Shade 11

Katera je pa tvoja najljubša?
And which is your favourite?

nedelja, 24. november 2013

Klingenthal 22. - 24. 12.

Sicer sama nisem ljubiteljica zime, je pa vseeno ena pozitivna stran tega letnega časa in to so smučarski skoki. Po, zame predolgi pavzi, se je ta vikend začela nova sezona. Seveda sem komaj čakala prve tekme, predvsem pa razplete, kajti pričakovala sem dobro pripravljenost fantov, sam je to le olimpijska sezona. 
I don`t really like winter but there is one think that I like about that season and that`s a ski jumping competition. After waaaay to long pause new season begun this weekend. I was very excited about first competition because it`s Olimpic season and all the boys should be well prepared.

torek, 12. november 2013

Nail art #6

Danes pri nas piha burja, tako da sem se odločila, da bo še najboljše, da malce ustvarjam na svojih nohtih. :-)
Because we have very strong wind today I decided that it`s the best do to some nail art. :-)

Blooming delight + Gliterazzi - Kryptonite

Najprej sem jih nalakirala z Deborah - Blooming delight.
Fist I used Deborah - Blooming delight.

petek, 8. november 2013

Nail art #5

Tokrat je malce ustvarjala moja sestra. Povsem me je presenetila, ker ona načeloma uporabi rdeč lak in je to to :-)
This time my sister made some creation. She totaly surprised me, because usually she use just one red nail polist :-)

Tokrat pa si je privoščila malo spremembe, vsaj na 2 nohtih :-P
But this time she didn`t - well at least on 2 nails :-P

torek, 5. november 2013

Čokoladne kroglice // Chocolate balls

Danes smo imeli v šoli naravoslovni dan in otroci so na koncu naredili tudi čokoladne kroglice. Ah ja, kar morala sem jih tudi sama narediti doma! :-P
Today we had natural day in school and children did a chocolate balls at the end. So I had to prepare them at home! :-P

Chocolate balls

Potrebujete: You need:
40 dag Albert piškotov 40 dag biscuits
10 dag sladkorja 10 dag sugar
15 dag margarine 15 dag margarine
2 dcl mleka 2 dcl milk
2 žlički čokolade v prahu 2 spoons of chocolate
rum rum

ponedeljek, 4. november 2013

Srca // Hearts

Neko sončno nedeljo sva se z mamo odpravili na pohod na bližnji hrib in po poti videli tale kamen s srčki.
One sunny Sunday me and my mum went walking to one hill near by and on our way to the top we found this nice rock with hearts.


Meni je zelo všeč ideja. Kaj pa vam?
I really like the idea. What about you?


nedelja, 27. oktober 2013

Nail art #4

Tako pa moja sestra ustvarja na mojih nohtih.
This is what my sister created on my nails. 

Barry M + BYS

Tole je sicer staro že 2 dneva, ampak se še vedno dobro drži! :-) 
It is actually 2 days old, but it still looks good! :-)

nedelja, 20. oktober 2013

Pozdravčki iz drugega konca Slovenije! // Hello! From a different part of Slovenia.

Ogromno objav pripravljenih, toooliko fotk za obdelat. Ampak nič časa. In še nič interneta. Ampak najprej bolje mesec prepozno kot nikoli - hvala vsem za lepe rojstnodnevne želje. :)
So many blog posts prepared, so many pictures to edit! So little time. And no internet yet. But first thing first - thank you all for the birthday wishes. I'm a month late, but still - thank you! :)

In ja. Spet imam izgovor za zanemarjanje bloga! Vedno sem polna izgovorov. Ampak selitev 160 kilometrov stran na drug konec Slovenije bo kar dober? :) Super je tule v Lendavi, samo nikogar še ne razumem. Ampak so ljudje tako prijazni, da se čisto nič ne pritožujejo, ko mi še enkrat počasi ponovijo poved za povedjo. Pa še madžarsko se lahko učim. :P
Yup. I have an excuse for neglecting the blog again! I'm always full of excuses. But moving 160 kilometres away from your hometown is probably a good one? :) At least in Slovenia where 160 kilometres means a totally different part of the country. And gosh, a different language! You might not know this but it's like this in our country - there are so many dialects here, even though we're so small, a person from the very east and a person from the very west of the country can't really understand each other if they talk in their dialects. But that's part of the fun. :) And people here in Lendava are so nice and never complain if they have to slowly repeat each sentence to the stupid me. And the town is also the centre of the Hungarian minority. So it's so fun for me to see all the shop assistants and practically everyone switch from Slovene to Hungarian, because everyone knows it. And then Croatia is like 5 minutes away. 

sobota, 19. oktober 2013

Po treh tednih // After three weeks ...

... brez laka na mojih nohtih, sem se danes ponovno "opogumila" in ga nanesla.
... without nail polish on my nails I find some courage and put it on again. 

Ugotovila sem namreč, da imam izredno slabe nohte, zato sem jim privoščila malo počitka. 
I found out that I have very bad nails, so I decided to take some "rest" with nail polish.

Uma, Beauty UK

nedelja, 29. september 2013

Vampire`s Love

Tih deževen dan in jaz tuhtam, kateri lak bi danes uporabila na svojih nohtih.
Quiet rainy day and I`m thinking which nail polish to use on my nails today. 

Vampire`s Love

nedelja, 22. september 2013

nedelja, 15. september 2013

Vse najboljše // Happy Birthday Mateja D.!!!!

Danes praznuje svoj rojstni dan Mateja D.! :-)
Today it`s Mateja D. birthday! :-)


Jaz sem trenutno verjetno nekje na poti med Vipavo in Velenjem, da Mateji voščim v živo, ve pa imate to priložnost kar tukaj.
Right now I`m somewhere in the middle of Vipava and Velenje, going to Mateja to wish her a happy birthday in live, but you can do it here. 


Mateja, vse najboljše in najlepše, pa ostani še naprej tako suuuupeeeer in faaaaajn oseba, kot si! :-) 

Mateja, haaaapy birthdaaaaay, I wish you to stay the same sweet and great Mateja as you are! :-)

četrtek, 12. september 2013

Nail art #3

Spet sem malce ustvarjala. Zelo težko imam namreč samo enobarven lak na nohtu, vedno morem še kaj dodati. :-)
I did some nail art again. Usually I can`t have just one colour on my nails, I always want to add something more. :-)

ponedeljek, 9. september 2013

P2 - french kiss

Tale lak sem kupila lani, ko sva bili z Matejo v Münchnu (in še nekaj drugih :-P).
I bought this nail polish last year when me and Mateja were in Munich (and some other too :-P).  

sreda, 4. september 2013

Barry M - Prickly Pear

Tegale lepotca sem dobila za rojstni dan od Mateje D. :-) Seveda, ga je bilo treba takoj preizkusiti. :-)
I got this beautifull nail polish for my birthday from Mateja D. :-) Of course I had to try it right away. :-)
Barry M Prickly Pear

ponedeljek, 2. september 2013

Barry M - Cobalt Blue

V soboto sem bila na poroki svoje sestrične. Imela sem modro oblekico in srebrn nakit in že dober mesec prej tuhtala, kaj bom naredila s svojimi nohti. :-)
On Saturday I went on my cousin wedding. I had blue dress and silver jewellery and for about one month I was trying to figure it out what to do with my nails. :-)

Barry M Cobalt Blue

sreda, 28. avgust 2013

Najboljše darilo. // Best gift EVER!

Najprej naj se zahvalim vsem vam blogarkam, ki ste se spomnile na moj roj. dan z voščili! Hvala vam! :-)
First of all I need to thank all of you who remembered my birthday with birthday wishes! Thank you so much! :-)


Potem pa vam mooooram pokazati, kakšno darilo sem dobila od Mateje D. (no, njene mame :-P). Žogo s podpisi vseh Velenjskih rokometašev! Nooorooooo, še kar ne morem verjet! :-)
And then I need to show you what gift I got from Mateja D. (well, her mum :-P). A handball ball with signatures of all players! I still can`t belive it! :-)

Handball ball

Spodobi pa se tudi, da vam pokažem kako lepo torto mi je sestra sprekla za roj. dan! Res je bila dobra. Kokosova, kot jo imam rada! :-)
And then you need to see what a beautifull and delicious cake my sister baked for me! With coconut, just like I love it! :-)


ponedeljek, 26. avgust 2013


Pred kratkim sem imela priložnost, da sem se šla vodiča po Ljubljani.
A few day ago I had an opportunity to be a guide around Ljubljana.

Ljubljanica river.

sobota, 24. avgust 2013

Happy birthday to the best Mateja in the world!

Vse najboljše za teee, vse najboljše za teee, vse najboljše najboljša Mateja na svetuuuu, vse najboljše za teee!
Happy birthday to youuu, happy birthday to youuu, happy birthday the best Mateja in the woooorld, happy birthday to youuu! 

Mateja K. ima rojstni dan! Dajmo ji vsi zaželeti, naj ima super dan. :) In Mateja - ostani točno takšna, kakršna si, najboljša prijateljica, kakršno si lahko vsak samo želi! :)
Yes yes, it's Mateja K.'s birthday! Let's all wish her an awesome day. :) And Mateja - stay just the way you are, you are the best friend a girl could have! :)

četrtek, 22. avgust 2013

Gelly Hi-Shine nail paint by Barry M - Blood Orange

Sama se zelo težko odločim med vsemi laki, ki jih imam doma za svojega najljubšega.
If you ask me, I can`t choose my favourite nail polish by all of them that I have.

Barry M Blood Orange

sreda, 21. avgust 2013

SunSmiles sandali // SunSmiles sandals

Kaj je boljšega za punco, kot če dobi nove čevlje? Skoraj nič, tako je! In si lahko predstavljate, da sem skočila do stropa, ko sta me kontaktirala prijazna Marjan in Gabrijela s SunSmiles Slovenija in mi ponudila, da me obujeta. Ko so me doma pričakali sandalčki, sem skočila pa še višje! Zakaj? Krasni so! Ampak to ni vse. 
There's nothing better for a girl than to get brand new shoes! And you can imagine how happy I was when Marjan and Gabrijela from SunSmiles Slovenija contacted me and offered me sandals. When I got home and saw them for the first time - love at first sight. But they're not just pretty, oh no. 

Sun on SunSmiles! ;)

četrtek, 15. avgust 2013

Blebetanje/Babbling #11

Nazaaaaj sem! Ne morem verjet, da je bilo tako dolgo in sem zanemarjala blog. Ampak zelo sem bila zaposlena - služba, izpiti ... Okej, priznam. Lena sem bila. Najprej sem gledala vse epizode Modern Family ...
I'm baaack! Can't believe it's been so long. I've been neglecting this blog. I'm sorry. But I've been busy, you see, work, exams ... Oh okay! The real reason was I was really lazy. And I watched all of the episodes of Modern Family first ... 

Potem sem naletela na Downton Abbey. Ojoj. Naglas in drama in mamo in ata bom zdaj klicala "mama" in "papa"! Komaj sem se zadrževala, da nisem non stop guglala, kaj se bo zgodila. Samo za gospoda Batesa sem se pregrešila, ampak moje srce ne bi vzdržalo. In zadnji del!!!
And then I found Downton Abbey. Oh my. The accent! The drama! I'm gonna start calling my parents "mama" and "papa"! I barely kept myself from googling what happens. I admit, I googled what happens to Mr. Bates. My poor heart just couldn't handle it! And the season finale! Oh no they didn't!!! 

ponedeljek, 12. avgust 2013

Nail art #2

Včeraj sem imela nekaj časa in sem odločila za malce ustvarjanja na nohtih.
Yesterday I had some free time so I decided to do something to my nails.

Nail polishes.

Nastalo je tole:
This is what I created:

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