Sicer sama nisem ljubiteljica zime, je pa vseeno ena pozitivna stran tega letnega časa in to so smučarski skoki. Po, zame predolgi pavzi, se je ta vikend začela nova sezona. Seveda sem komaj čakala prve tekme, predvsem pa razplete, kajti pričakovala sem dobro pripravljenost fantov, sam je to le olimpijska sezona.
I don`t really like winter but there is one think that I like about that season and that`s a ski jumping competition. After waaaay to long pause new season begun this weekend. I was very excited about first competition because it`s Olimpic season and all the boys should be well prepared.
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Source. |
No, v petek so potekale prve kvalifikacije. On Friday there were qualifications.
Zmagal je Piotr Zyla. Piotr Zyla won.
Naši fantje, pa so dosegli naslednja mesta: Our guys were:
7. Jurij Tepeš
12. Jaka Hvala
18. Matjaž Pungentar
47. Jernej Damjan
54. Tomaž Naglič
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Source. Peter Prevc |
V soboto je potekala prva ekipna tekma. Za Slovenijo so tekmovali Tepeš, Kranjec, Hvala in Prevc. Zaradi kar nekaj težavah zaradi vetra je potekala le ena serija in zmagala je Slovenijaaaaaa. Še 1x iskrene čestitke našim fantom!
On Saturday there was first team competition. Tepeš, Kranjec, Hvala and Prevc were the one for our team. There was a lot of troubles because of the wind and so there was just one round. Victory went to our team! Congratulation to our guys!
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Source. Tepeš, Kranjec, Prevc, Hvala |
Danes pa je potekala prva posamična tekma. Najprej so jo prestavili za skoraj 1 uro zaradi vetra, ki je tudi naprej krojil tekmovanje. Tako smo lahko videli padec Avstrijca Koflerja, Gregor Schlierenzauer in Anders Bardal pa sta (po navodilih trenerja) zapustila štartno mesto in tako ostala brez točk na tekmovanju.
Today there was first individual competition. First it was postponed for 1 hour because of too strong wind which was responsible for all the troubles during the competition. First we saw fall of Austrian Andreas Kofler. Gregor Schlierenzauer and Anders Bardal went back down because of to strong wind and so they were left with no points in this competition.
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Source. Andreas Kofler |
Zmagal je Poljak Krzysztof Biegun. Naš Jurij Tepeš pa je skočil na odlično 3. mesto (135,5 m). Čestitke!
Krzysztof Biegun from Poland won the competition. Our Jurij Tepeš was 3rd! Congratulation!
Ostali fantje pa so zasedli naslednja mesta: All the other boys from our team:
21. Peter Prevc (123 m)
23. Robert Kranjec (118 m)
36. Matjaž Pungentar (119,5 m)
47. Jaka Hvala (99,5 m)
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Source. Krzysztof Biegun |
Upajmo, da bo naslednji vikend vreme bolj naklonjeno skakalcem!
So let`s just hope there will be no wind next weekend!
it's Olympic season! yaaaaaaaay =D
OdgovoriIzbrišigood to know Jurij's doing well =)
Yeees, there are going to be olimypic games :-)
IzbrišiYes, Jurij had a good jump ... well and some luck with wind! :-)