Ogromno objav pripravljenih, toooliko fotk za obdelat. Ampak nič časa. In še nič interneta. Ampak najprej bolje mesec prepozno kot nikoli - hvala vsem za lepe rojstnodnevne želje. :)
So many blog posts prepared, so many pictures to edit! So little time. And no internet yet. But first thing first - thank you all for the birthday wishes. I'm a month late, but still - thank you! :)
In ja. Spet imam izgovor za zanemarjanje bloga! Vedno sem polna izgovorov. Ampak selitev 160 kilometrov stran na drug konec Slovenije bo kar dober? :) Super je tule v Lendavi, samo nikogar še ne razumem. Ampak so ljudje tako prijazni, da se čisto nič ne pritožujejo, ko mi še enkrat počasi ponovijo poved za povedjo. Pa še madžarsko se lahko učim. :P
Yup. I have an excuse for neglecting the blog again! I'm always full of excuses. But moving 160 kilometres away from your hometown is probably a good one? :) At least in Slovenia where 160 kilometres means a totally different part of the country. And gosh, a different language! You might not know this but it's like this in our country - there are so many dialects here, even though we're so small, a person from the very east and a person from the very west of the country can't really understand each other if they talk in their dialects. But that's part of the fun. :) And people here in Lendava are so nice and never complain if they have to slowly repeat each sentence to the stupid me. And the town is also the centre of the Hungarian minority. So it's so fun for me to see all the shop assistants and practically everyone switch from Slovene to Hungarian, because everyone knows it. And then Croatia is like 5 minutes away.
Ljudje so super prijazni, Lendava je krasna, hrana pa odlična - vegi kebab z načo sirom je tako dober kot v Velenju. Zdaj se mi ga je pa spet zaluštalo in grem zvečer spet po enega.
The people here are really nice, the place is so pretty and clean and the food - veggie kebabs with nacho cheese here are as good as in Velenje. Aaaand now I want to eat one again.

V zadnjem mesecu me je čisto okupiralo kupovanje čim bolj poceni pohištva za stanovanje. Na srečo sva že imela cel kup stvari (nekaj pa jih pobrala mojim staršem, buahaha), vse ostalo pa nama je uspelo dobiti zelo poceni in stanovanje celo super izgleda. Majhno je, ampak praktično, balkon pa je velik kot kuhinja. In na balkonu je super svetloba za fotke čez cel dan! :P
So what's been taking the most of my time lately was buying furniture for the apartment on a low budget. But thankfully we already had a bunch of stuff (and took some from my parents, buahaha) and got everything else for a low price and the place looks really nice actually. It's small but practical and we have a balcony that's as big as the kitchen. And has great light during the day so the photos of my nails will have to look pretty. :P
Samo nekaj nama gre na živce. Žužki. Stanovanje je bilo prazno, odkar so zgradili blok 2 leti nazaj, čisto blizu je mini reka in vse leteče in gomazeče stvari so postale prepričane, da je najin balkon njihov nov dom. A-a. Tole je torej moj novi najljubši razgled, skupaj z žužkokillom. V enem tednu sem izpraznila celo flašo, ampak končno so začeli dojemati, da tu ni prostora za njih.
There's just one thing that bugs us. Bugs. The place was empty since they built the building 2 years ago and a small river is like 10 metres away so the bugs thought they can live on the balcony and the windows. Oh no no. So this is my favourite view. With the thingy that makes bugs go away on the side. Emptied the whole bottle in a week but they're finally starting to get my point.
Or they did since 3 of those wished us a good morning today, 10 hours after we vacuumed their brother. Sorry, boys. Go away or the same future is near for you.
Mesto je krasno in tiho in ponoči lahko spim, ker nihče ne kriči in me ne zbuja ne sredi noči ne zgodaj zjutraj, tako kot v Velenju, ha! Ampak Velenje vseeno pogrešam. Niti slučajno pa mi tule ne bo hudo, dokler se ne vrnem nazaj. ;)
you moved????? we need to tweet more! sounds fun and looks nice =)
Yes! :) It's probably just for a year, but still. We neeeeed to tweet more, I agree! Just wait till we get the internet connection here. :D
IzbrišiA imaš pripravništvo v Lendavi? Res se morave enkrat dobiti na kaki kavi ali pa kar vegi kebabu, zdaj ko sva na istem koncu Slovenije. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiNe ne, Ličila smo sem preselili, sva šla pa s fantom zraven. ;) Pripravništvo bo še malo čakalo, trenutno sem absolventka. :D Nujno se dobiva, itak se slišiva! :)
IzbrišiSi se preselila na naš konec:) V Lendavi še lepo govorijo, če bi prišla v Mursko Soboto, pa bi verjetno res imela probleme s sporazumevanjem;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiMe je kar malo sram, ampak ko sem na hitro pogledala prvo sliko sem mislila da si v Mariboru, ker ima Večer pri nas tako podobno zunanjost. Čeprav zdaj vidim da sta si različni, ampak res sem na hitro pogledala.. :D