Če ste se v soboto sprehajale po Ljubljani in naletele na 3 preglasne punce, ki niso opazile nikogar okrog sebe, smo bile verjetno to me tri. :P "Babe" smo se spet dobile, po dooolgem času, ker smo vse tri tako zaposlene, da je že težko najti čas. Ampak vse se da, če se hoče! In v Ljubljano grem vedno rada! Sploh pa v predbožičnem času - lučke so prekrasne!
If you were in Ljubljana on Saturday and saw 3 too loud girls that didn't notice anyone and anything around them, it was probably us three. :P We finally got the date when all three of us had time! Ljubljana is always beautiful but in the Christmas time everything is just magical!
Pa še tako pridna sem bila, da mi je Božiček že darila prinesel! Hvala Božička Mateja in Božička Urša! :))
And I was such a good girl this year that Santa brought my presents early! Thank you Mateja Santa and Urša Santa! :))
OMG, it is magical! we don't do lights like that anymore here!
OdgovoriIzbrišigreat presents too =)
We have the same lights every year but it's still so cute and I love them! :)
IzbrišiOh gosh and I forgot to take a pic of the Chippendales chocolate K. gave me! :D