Prva tekma na letošnji novoletni turneji je potekala v Nemškem Oberstdorfu. V soboto, 28. 12., so potekale kvalifikacije, v nedeljo, 29. 12., pa prva tekma.
First competitions in this years 4 hills tournament was in Germany - Oberstdorf. On Saturday 28. 12. there was a qualification round and on Sunday 29. 12. first competition.
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Source. Oberstdorf. |
Na kvalifikacijah je slavil zmago in 2.000€ Norvežan Anders Bardal. Drugi je bil Japonec Noriaki Kasaii in tretji Švicar Simon Ammann.
Norwegian Anders Bardal won the qualifications and 2.000€. Second was Noriaki Kasaii and third Simon Ammann.
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Source. Anders Bardal. |
Na tekmo se je uvrstilo vseh 7 Slovencev: All 7 Slovenian jumpers qualified to the competition: Peter Prevc, Jurij Tepeš, Jaka Hvala, Robert Kranjec, Rok Justin, Tomaž Naglič in Jernej Damjan.
V drugo serijo pa sta se uvrstila le Peter Prevc in Jurij Tepeš. Only Peter Prevc and Jurij Tepeš come to the second round.
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Source. Jernej Damjan |
Na tekmi, ki je minila brez večjih zapletov, razen nekaj manjših pavz zaradi vetra, je slavil Švicar Simon Ammann. Drugi je bil Norvežan Anders Bardal, tretje mesto pa sta si delila Avstrijec Thomas Diethart in naš Peter Prevc. Bravo Pero! :-D
The competition went by great except some small pauses because of the wind. Victory went to Simon Ammann, second was Anders Bardal and on the third place there were two ski jumpers: Thomas Diethart and Peter Prevc. Congratulation to our Peter! :-D
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Source. Anders Bardal, Simon Ammann, Peter Prevc, Thomas Diethart. |
Naši orli pa so zasedli naslednja mesta: Our ski jumpers were:
3. Peter Prevc
19. Jurij Tepeš
31. Jaka Hvala
41. Robert Kranjec
42. Rok Justin
45. Tomaž Naglič
47. Jernej Damjan
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Source. Peter Prevc |
Druga tekma v Novoletni turneji bo potekala Garmisch - Partenkirchenu.
Second competitions in 4 Hills will be in Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
you know, I'm SO happy to be watching the four hills again! I got to watch both days too...shame who won, but oh well =)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI just have a problem... I am supposed to go out with a friend the day of Bischofshofen... grrrrrr!
I`m kinda lucky with watching all the qualifications this year and competitions too :-)
IzbrišiShould be like this every year :-P