sobota, 29. december 2012

Jaslice. Nativity scene

Včeraj sem se z mamo in sestro odpravila v italijanski Gradež na ogled jaslic. Razstavljene so po celem mestu in ene kar na morju. :-)
I went to Italian Grado with my mum and sister yesterday to see nativity scenes. They are all over the town and one also on the sea. :-)

Nativity scene in Grado on a boat

petek, 28. december 2012

Omar Naber v Novi Gorici. Omar Naber in Nova Gorica.

V soboto sem se po (pre)dolgem času odpravila na nastop Omarja Naberja. Kot nekateri verjetno že veste, je prav on razlog, da sva se z Matejo D. sploh spoznali.
On Saturday I went, after tooo much time, to a mini concert of Omar Naber. As some of you already know, he's the reason that I and Mateja D. even met.

Omar Naber in Nova Gorica

Omar in Nova Gorica

četrtek, 27. december 2012

The Battle Challenge: Pink Vs. Purple

The Battle Challenge

Tale je pa težka - katera je zmagovalka za vas, roza ali vijolična? Meni sta obe všeč, zato sem uporabila obe in naredila eno luštno manikuro! 
That's a tough one - which one is a winner in this battle for you? I like them both, pink and purple, so I decided to put them together and make a cute mani! 

A Holly Jolly Christmas Challenge

A Holly Jolly Christmas Challenge

Pa poglejmo vseh pet božičnih manikur! 
Lets check all five Christmas manis!

Rocking Around the Christmas Tree

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!

Deck the Halls!

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Katera je tvoja najljubša?
Which one is your favourite? 

torek, 25. december 2012

A Holly Jolly Christmas Challenge: We Wish You a Merry Christmas

A Holly Jolly Christmas Challenge

Pa še zadnja naloga! Vesel božič vsem. 
And the last task! Merry Christmas, everybody!

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

A Holly Jolly Christmas Challenge: Santa Claus is coming to town

A Holly Jolly Christmas Challenge

Zadnji dve manikuri bom obe objavila danes - včeraj žal ni bilo časa. Evo ga, Božička!
I'll post both of the last two manis today - there was no time yesterday. Here's Santa! 

Santa Claus is coming to town

sobota, 22. december 2012


V četrtek smo se v Ljubljani dobile na dooolgeeem klepetu obe Mateji ter Urša, ki je za 3 tedne prišla domov iz Anglije.
On Thursday me, Mateja D. and Urša met in Ljubljana for a very looong chat because Urša came back from England for 3 weeks.

Ljubljana during Christmas time

petek, 21. december 2012

Prvič. The first time.

Zadnje dni spremljam nastajanje novega koledarja Adrie Airways. Ob tem se vedno spomnim kako je bilo, ko sem dobre štiri mesece nazaj prvič stopila na letališka tla, videla letalo "od blizu", šla skozi ves sistem prijave in odletela na Dansko. 
Last days I'm follow the creation of Adria Airways calendar. And then I remembered how it was 4 months ago when I was at the airport, saw a plane from close for the first time, went through the whole check-in system and flew to Denmark. 


četrtek, 20. december 2012

Winterlicious Tag

Našla sem ga na Tayinem blogu in se odločila, da na vprašanja odgovorim še jaz. Pa začnimo!
I found this tag on Taya's blog and decided to do it myself. Lets start!

1. Najljubši zimski lak?
Hmm ... Pojma nimam. Nekaj bleščičastega. In rdečega. Barry M Red Glitter bi bil popoln! Khm, Božiček? Lake nosim čisto po razpoloženju, ne vremenu. :) Ampak tole je rdeče in bleščičasto in všeč mi je (e.l.f. Smokin Hot & BYS Glitterazzi Starlette).

1. Favourite Winter Nail Polish?
Emm ... I have no idea. Something glittery. And red. Barry M Red Glitter would be perfect! Santaaa, a hint! I don't really wear different colours depending on the weather, I just wear what I like at the moment. :) But this is red and glittery and I really like it (e.l.f. Smokin Hot & BYS Glitterazzi Starlette).

ponedeljek, 17. december 2012

A Holly Jolly Christmas Challenge: Deck the Halls!

Christmas Challenge

Ni se mi niti sanjalo, kaj bi tokrat naredila, zato sem se odločila za nekaj preprostega.
I had no idea what to do for this one. So I just did something simple.

Deck the Halls!

petek, 14. december 2012

Zeleno-zlata. Green-Gold.

Letošnjo jesen in zimo sem v trgovini opazila veliko ogrlic v kombinaciji zeleno-zlate barve.
In this autumn and winter I noticed a lot of necklaces in combination of green and gold.

Načeloma sama ne bi nikoli pomislila na takšno kombinacijo, vendar sem sedaj videla, da barvi zelo lepo pašeta skupaj in sem nad njo navdušena.
Usually I wouldn't think about that combination, but now I can tell you it`s very beautiful.

Pa preverite še same, ali je to lepa kombinacija ali ne.
Well, you can check by yourself it that's true or not.

The Battle Challenge Part 2. Black vs. White

The Battle Challenge

Bitka se končno nadaljuje! No, med črno in belo ni bitke, ker najbolje izgledata skupaj! Želela sem ponoviti manikuro iz črno-belega izziva in tukaj je!
And the battle continues, finally! Well, there's no battle between black and white because the best thing to do is to put them together! I really wanted to re-do a mani from Black and White Challenge, so here it is!

ponedeljek, 10. december 2012

A Holly Jolly Christmas Challenge: Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!

Tole je pa res zabaven izziv, tako ali tako sem čisto navdušena nad zimo in božičem! Evo, druga manikura!
Oh this is such a fun challenge, I love winter and Christmas! So here's day two!

Christmas Challenge

Uporabila sem Bourjois 10 Days številko 14, Flormar 387 in nekaj snežink!
So I used Bourjois 10 Days number 14, Flormar 387 and some snowflakes!

nedelja, 9. december 2012

Pogrešam. I miss.


Pogrešam svoje študentsko življenje. Pa saj ne, da bi sedaj že imela redno službo, ampak na faks pa tudi ne hodim več. 
I miss my life as a student. Well I don't have a job yet, but I don't have to go to uni anymore. 


sobota, 8. december 2012

Sneg! Snow!

Danes sem kot majhen otrok, vsa srečna skačem naokrog, ker imamo SNEG!
I'm like a little kid today, happily jumping around. We have SNOW! 



petek, 7. december 2012

Lipcote Lipstick Sealer Review

Lipcote Lipstick Sealer naj bi pripomogel k boljši obstojnosti šmink. Ker pri meni šminke res ne zdržijo dolgo, sem se ga odločila preizkusiti. Najprej nanesemo šminko, nato Lipcote na zunanji rob ustnic in ga razmažemo po celotni površini. In potem čakamo, da se posuši, kar se zgodi zelo hitro. Je pa treba potem še vsaj 10 minut čakati, preden lahko kaj spiješ ali poješ, sicer je treba vse skupaj odstraniti in začeti znova - ker se šminka nekako spaca in "odlepi" z ustnic. Najtežji del zame, ko sem takooo neučakana. ;) V tem času postanem grozno žejna in imam seveda nenormalno željo po velikem premikanju in grizenju ustnic - ker tega pač ne smem početi. :P Po navadi na začetku občutim nekakšen mravljinčast občutek, ki pa hitro mine, ko se lipcote posuši.  
Lipcote Lipstick Sealer is supposed to make lipsticks last longer. Lipsticks really don't last more than a couple of hours on me, so I decided to try it. We put on lipstick first and then the Lipcote on outer parts of lips and we brush it all over them. And then we wait for it to dry, which happens really fast. But you have to wait for about 10 minutes till you can eat, drink or move lips too much. If you do any of this you have to start again with putting on your lipstick and sealer, otherwise it smudges and glues from your lips, not very pretty. That's the hardest part for me - the waiting. ;) I usually get a tingly feeling at the beginning, but it passes in a moment when the sealer dries.

Lipcote Lipstick Sealer

Na ustnicah na začetku ustvari nekakšno zaščitno plast, kot da bi šminko prilepil, vsaj jaz imam tak občutek, ni pa to nič neprijetnega. Zdi se mi, da šminko nekako zgladi, zelo pa mi je všeč to, da se mi lasje ne lepijo na ustnice. Meni ne izsuši ustnic, kar naj bi bila njegova slabost, je pa res, da ga ne uporabljam vsak dan. Največkrat ga nanesem na e.l.f.-ove šminke, ki jim podaljša obstojnost. Po navadi mi v pol ure že začnejo bledeti, z njim se to začne dogajati po približno 2 urah. Super je tudi to, da odtisov šminke ne "puščam" na kozarcih oz. je to vsaj manj vidno. 
It kind of creates a coat on lips from the beginning, like it glues the lipstick to lips, at least it feels like that to me and it doesn't feel uncomfortable. I think it kind of makes the lipstick smoother and what I really like about wearing it - my hair doesn't glue on my lips in the wind. It doesn't dry out my lips, that's supposed to be it's minus, but I don't wear it every day. I mostly use it on e.l.f. lipsticks. They usually start to fade on me after half an hour but that starts to happen after 2 hours if I wear the sealer. And I really like how I don't leave lipstick prints on glasses when I wear it. 

Zame ni čudežen - šminka mi vsekakor ne zdrži cel dan, vseeno pa podaljša njeno obstojnost in ne skrbim, ali se je razmazala, ostala na kozarcu in podobno. Njegova slabost je ta, da pri meni ne deluje dobro na šminkah, ki se nagibajo že k balzamom in glosom. Težje se posuši in lažje spaca šminko. Mi je pa res idealen za e.l.f.-ove šminke, ker so mi super odtenki, ki pa na meni komaj kaj zdržijo, s to stvarco pa vsaj kakšni dve uri ne rabim skrbeti.
It's not a miracle product for me - lipsticks don't stay on lips the whole day but they do stay quite longer and I don't have to worry if I have my lipstick smudged all over my face or it stayed on the glass and similar. It's weakness is it doesn't go well with lipsticks more similar to lip balms or lip glosses. It dries harder and it smudges the lipstick. But it's really ideal for e.l.f. lipsticks because I really like their shades but they don't last long on me. With the sealer I don't have to worry for two hours.

Ga imate - ali pa kaj podobnega?
Do you have one - or something similar?

A Holly Jolly Christmas Challenge: Rocking Around the Christmas Tree

Prejšnji teden sem padla v božično vzdušje, pa sploh ne vem, zakaj! No, Munchen je bil okrašen, snežilo je, imela sem se res super, ko sem prišla nazaj domov, je bilo še tu vse okrašeno, sneg, jutri bo menda spet sneg, jaz sem presrečna! In evo, popoln čas, da začnemo z božičnim izzivom! Sam s Polish Art se je domislila super izziva, s prvimi nohti sicer zamujam, ampak vse naslednje manikure bodo ob ponedeljkih, ena ekstra pa še na božič.
I totally got into Christmas mood last week, don't even know why! Well, Munich was already decorated, there was snow, I've had the best time ever and when I got back home my town was decorated too and we got snow and apparently it's going to snow tomorrow, so life's great! And it's perfect time to start the Christmas challenge! Sam from Polished Art created one. I'm late with the first mani, but from now on I'll post every Monday and the last one comes on Christmas. 

Takole bo izziv zgledal:
These are the challenge's tasks:
Christmas Challenge

Za prvo nalogo sem naredila tole: 
So we start with Rocking around the Christmas tree and this is what I came up with!

ponedeljek, 3. december 2012

Ed Sheeran in Munich = PERFECT!

Včeraj sva bili malce skrivnostni in nisva želeli takoj izdati, kaj sva v resnici delali v Münchnu. Mateja D. sem Matejo K. zvlekla na koncert Eda Sheerana! Še 2 meseca nazaj ni poznala skoraj nobene pesmi, zdaj bo počasi še ona postala obsedena z njegovo glasbo! OK bodimo iskreni. Verjetno je že povsem obsedena - poslušanje njegove pesmi Kiss me na repeat že dobre 3 ure se verjetno lahko šteje kot obsedenost, ane?
Yesterday we didn't want to tell you why we went in Munich. Well, Mateja D. dragged Mateja K. to Ed Sheeran's concert! 2 months ago she didn't quite know his songs, now she's slowly becoming a obsessed with his music. OK, is already totally obsessed - listening to Kiss me for 3 hours is obsession, right?

Ed Sheeran in Munich

Mateja D. sem par mesecev nazaj kar mimogrede kupila karte za koncert. Prijelo me je, da bi šla na njegov koncert (ok, "prijelo me je" je preblago povedano), če odlašam, to ni dobro, pogledala sem, kje bo najbližje in do kod peljejo vlaki, in naročila karte. O ostalih stvareh sva razmišljali kasneje. Mateja K. pa se je v avanturističnem duhu veselo strinjala, da gre zraven. Čeprav ne ve, na kateri koncert. Da se še dan pred odhodom Mateja D. nisem znebila angine, je bila majhna ovira. Ampak sem si rekla, v petek zjutraj bom po koncertu tako ali tako brez glasu!
I, Mateja D., bought tickets to the concert a few months ago, without even thinking. Well, I really  REALLY really wanted to go to his concert, it's never good if I think too much, I just looked up when and where our trains drive. We thought about other things later. And Mateja K. felt adventuristic and agreed to come along. Didn't care to whose concert we're going! There was a minor obstacle ... Mateja D. had angina for a few weeks and still haven't got rid of it the night before we left. Oh well, I was sure I'd loose my voice after the concert anyway!

nedelja, 2. december 2012

Mateja & Mateja & Munich!

Mateja in Mateja sva zalogaj že v Sloveniji. Ko se odpraviva v München ...
Mateja and Mateja are hard work even in Slovenia. But when we go to Munich ...

V sredo zjutraj sva se dobili na ljubljanski železniški postaji in se od tam z vlakom odpravili proti Münchnu. 6 ur vožnje v eno smer, uf! Na začetku je čas kar hitro mineval, saj sva z zanimanjem opazovali naravo, ki je brzela mimo oken. Potem sva si ogledali vodič po mestu, da bi videli, kaj vse si morava ogledati, no, Mateja K. je gledala vodič. Mateja D. je z bolečim grlom poskušala zaspati, vendar jo je Mateja K., navdušena nad razgledom, vedno znova budila. (Mislim, da me je imela po 6 urah že polno glavo! Ne pa ne! OK, malo. :P)
On Wednesday morning we met at the Ljubljana train station and got on the train to Munich. 6 hours of train ride in one direction, wow! Time passed quickly at first because we were admiring the nature outside the windows. Then we were checking a travel guide to see what we have to see there, well, Mateja K. was checking the guide, Mateja D. was trying to sleep with her sore throat, but Mateja K. kept waking her up to show her things (After 6 hours she probably had enough of me! No no! Well, a little. :P). 

View from train
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