ponedeljek, 3. december 2012

Ed Sheeran in Munich = PERFECT!

Včeraj sva bili malce skrivnostni in nisva želeli takoj izdati, kaj sva v resnici delali v Münchnu. Mateja D. sem Matejo K. zvlekla na koncert Eda Sheerana! Še 2 meseca nazaj ni poznala skoraj nobene pesmi, zdaj bo počasi še ona postala obsedena z njegovo glasbo! OK bodimo iskreni. Verjetno je že povsem obsedena - poslušanje njegove pesmi Kiss me na repeat že dobre 3 ure se verjetno lahko šteje kot obsedenost, ane?
Yesterday we didn't want to tell you why we went in Munich. Well, Mateja D. dragged Mateja K. to Ed Sheeran's concert! 2 months ago she didn't quite know his songs, now she's slowly becoming a obsessed with his music. OK, is already totally obsessed - listening to Kiss me for 3 hours is obsession, right?

Ed Sheeran in Munich

Mateja D. sem par mesecev nazaj kar mimogrede kupila karte za koncert. Prijelo me je, da bi šla na njegov koncert (ok, "prijelo me je" je preblago povedano), če odlašam, to ni dobro, pogledala sem, kje bo najbližje in do kod peljejo vlaki, in naročila karte. O ostalih stvareh sva razmišljali kasneje. Mateja K. pa se je v avanturističnem duhu veselo strinjala, da gre zraven. Čeprav ne ve, na kateri koncert. Da se še dan pred odhodom Mateja D. nisem znebila angine, je bila majhna ovira. Ampak sem si rekla, v petek zjutraj bom po koncertu tako ali tako brez glasu!
I, Mateja D., bought tickets to the concert a few months ago, without even thinking. Well, I really  REALLY really wanted to go to his concert, it's never good if I think too much, I just looked up when and where our trains drive. We thought about other things later. And Mateja K. felt adventuristic and agreed to come along. Didn't care to whose concert we're going! There was a minor obstacle ... Mateja D. had angina for a few weeks and still haven't got rid of it the night before we left. Oh well, I was sure I'd loose my voice after the concert anyway!

Ed Sheeran

Bilo je super! Tale je bil zadnji koncert njegove evropske turneje, zdaj ga bodo večino časa imeli v Ameriki, mi pa čakamo. 
It was awesome! This was the last concert of his European tour, USA has him now for most of the time and we wait.

Do prizorišča (Zenith v Münchnu) sva prišli ob super času. Eno uro čakanja na snegu, pa so nas spustili notri, v razprodano dvorano. Najbolj sem bila presenečena, da se je koncert začel čisto točno! S Passengerjem, pol ure je bilo njegove. Odličen je, brez problema bi ga lahko pustili še pol ure dlje! Pa zelo prijazen je, po koncertu je ostal verjetno še več kot uro, da se je podpisoval in fotkal, vsakega poslušal!
We came to the sold out venue (Zenith, Munich) just in time. Waited outside for an hour and then they let us in. I was really surprised that they started on time! With Passenger, half an hour was his. He was great, there'd be no problem if he'd be on stage another half an hour! And he's a really nice guy, he stayed after the concert for at least an hour, probably more, to talk and take some photos.


Tale nama je najbolj ostala v spominu.
We probably both liked this one the most.


Pa še malo čakanja in potem ... ED! Začel je z Give Me Love, zadnjim singlom, potem sem seveda pozabila zaporedje pesmi, ampak bil je super! Sicer sem upala, da bom dočakala Gold Rush, ampak je itak skoraj nikoli ni, tako da mu oprostim.
And some more waiting and then ... ED! He started with Give Me Love, his last single, and then went on with other songs, he was awesome! I was hoping he'd sing Gold Rush, but he does that really rarely so I forgive him.

Ed Sheeran

Krasno je bilo, da je še enkrat prišel na oder Passenger in sta skupaj odpela eno pesem! 
It was great that he invited Passenger back on and they sang together! 

Ed Sheeran and Passenger

In se poslavljala, ker je bil to njun zadnji skupni koncert. Objemanja je bilo sploh veliko.
And they said goodbye, it was their last show together. There was lots of hugging.

Ed Sheeran and Passenger

Saj sem gledala posnetke na YouTubu, ampak slišati vse pesmi v živo je res neprecenljivo. Sploh, ker Ed vedno še nekaj doda ... Nikoli ne odpoje pesmi tako, kot je bila posneta, kar je super. Odpel je tudi nekaj priredb, Be My Husband, Wayfaring Stranger in Parting Glass. 
I watched concert YouTube videos but to hear all the song live is just the best, of course. More so because Ed quite likes to add some more to them, he never sings them as they were recorded, I love that. He also sang  Be My Husband, Wayfaring Stranger and Parting Glass!

Ed Sheeran

Ves čas je krasno vključeval tudi nas, med drugim smo bili njegov gospel zbor. Bil bi odličen zborovodja.
He kept including the crowd, we were his gospel choir. He'd be a great choirmaster.

Najbolj všeč mi je bila You Need Me I Don't Need You. Ko sem prvič slišala tole verzijo ...
My favourite was definitely You Need Me I Don't Need You. When I first heard this version ...

... sem mislila, da boljše pa res ne gre. Pa je bilo še boljše! Mislim, da je pesem trajala vsaj 15 minut in vse, kar lahko rečem, je VAU. Sem se trudila s snemanjem, ampak je bilo tako glasno, da se sliši samo hreščanje, slika pa nori sem in tja, ker itak nisem ostala na miru, tako da raje uživajte v zgornji verziji.
... I thought it can't get any better. Well, I guess it can! I think it lasted for at least 15 minute and all I can say is WOW. I tried to record it but you can only hear noise and a jumping picture because I couldn't stand still. So just enjoy the version above.

Ed Sheeran

Ura in pol je bila premalo, res je hitro minilo! 
An hour and a half was too little, it went by so fast!

Ed Sheeran & James II

... Zato smo še čakale po koncertu - kot prave zmešane fenice! Približno 20 ali 30 nas je čakalo za dvorano (v snegu) in zmrzovalo, sploh Mateja K, Primorka, je skoraj znorela. Ampak vzdušje je bilo prav dobro. Čakalo je tudi nekaj fantov, eden je imel s sabo kitaro, tako da nam dolgčas ni bilo, spoznali sva super punco iz Srbije, ki se je na koncert vozila še dlje kot midve - 15 ur z avtobusom in to v eno smer! Dvorana je bila že pospravljena, varnostniki so odšli, Eda od nikoder ... Dokler ni po uri in pol ali dveh prišel mimo eden od njegovih (verjetno) menedžerjev in nas zagledal. Takoj je poklical Eda in potem sta se nam oba opravičevala, ker smo čakali na mrazu, iiii. Ed pa si je vzel čas za vsakega. Ampak svoje fotke z njim vam ne pokažem, po toliko urah sem res grozno zgledala (čeprav se Mateja K. s tem ne strinja).
... So we waited outside the venue after the concert - like crazy fans! There were around 20 or 30 of us waiting (in snow), freezing, Mateja K., she lives on the warmer side of Slovenia, nearly went mad. But it was a nice atmosphere. Even some guys waited outside, one had a guitar, sang a little, so we weren't bored. We met an awesome girl from Serbia, she drove even longer than we did to get to the concert - 15 hours on a bus in one direction! So the venue was cleaned up, security went home, Ed still didn't show up ... Until after an hour and a half or two one of his (probably) managers saw us. He called Ed right away and then they apologised because we were freezing, aw. Ed really took time for us. But I won't show you my picture with him, I'm too tired/crazy-eyed on it (even though Mateja K. doesn't agree with that).

Ed Sheeran
Kdaj gremo spet? Naslednjič bo tudi Mateja K. poznala vsa besedila pesmi! O, mimogrede. Ugotovila sem, kaj pozdravi angino, ki traja že cel mesec in noče iti stran: čim bolj glasno petje/dretje na koncertu! Kdo še potrebuje zdravila in zdravnike!
So when do we go again? Next time Mateja K. will know all the lyrics! Oh, and by the way. If you want a cure for long lasting angina you can't get rid of - just go to Ed's concert and sing and scream your lungs out! Who needs pills and doctors! 

4 komentarji:

  1. so thats why you girls went to Munich, to stalk Eddie Boy!

    I like his song with Taylor Swift, I dont think I know any of his other songs sadly =(


    1. Haha, you got us! :P
      Buy his album right now, he's awesome! :D

  2. Hello, I've nominated for an award. look at my blog. kisses



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