Prejšnji teden sem padla v božično vzdušje, pa sploh ne vem, zakaj! No, Munchen je bil okrašen, snežilo je, imela sem se res super, ko sem prišla nazaj domov, je bilo še tu vse okrašeno, sneg, jutri bo menda spet sneg, jaz sem presrečna! In evo, popoln čas, da začnemo z božičnim izzivom! Sam s Polish Art se je domislila super izziva, s prvimi nohti sicer zamujam, ampak vse naslednje manikure bodo ob ponedeljkih, ena ekstra pa še na božič.
I totally got into Christmas mood last week, don't even know why! Well, Munich was already decorated, there was snow, I've had the best time ever and when I got back home my town was decorated too and we got snow and apparently it's going to snow tomorrow, so life's great! And it's perfect time to start the Christmas challenge! Sam from Polished Art created one. I'm late with the first mani, but from now on I'll post every Monday and the last one comes on Christmas.
Takole bo izziv zgledal:
These are the challenge's tasks:
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Christmas Challenge |
Za prvo nalogo sem naredila tole:
So we start with Rocking around the Christmas tree and this is what I came up with!
Rocking Around the Christmas Tree nails |
Rocking Around the Christmas Tree nails |
Nekaj pik se je, seveda, razmazalo, ampak mi je všeč. Zelen lak je v resnici še bolj živ, uporabila pa sem moje nove p2 lake Artful, Can't Get Enough, Electric in Boat Trip in črn (z bleščicami) Essence nail art lak.
Some dots smudged, of course, but I quite like it, it's a fun mani and the green polish is actually pretty brighter in reality. I used my new p2 polishes: Artful, Can't Get Enough, Electric and Boat Trip and black (with glitters) Essence nail art polish.
Kako se vam zdi? Komaj čakam, da se izziv nadaljuje in ne skrbite, tudi na Battle Challenge nisem pozabila!
So what do you think? I can't wait to do the next mani and don't worry, I didn't forget the Battle Challenge, I'll continue it next week!
Zelo lepo. :) Jaz se na koncu nisem pridružila nobenemu izzivu, ampak nič zato, božične manikure bod vseeno padale. :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuper, samo da ne bomo prikrajšani, se že veselim, da vse vidim! :D
Izbrišiso cuuuuute =)
baš je slatka manikura, ta zelena je zbilja predivna :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! Zelena je res super, pa sploh vsi p2 laki! :)
IzbrišiThank you! :)