... se začne Black & White Nail Challenge! Ko nama je Mateja (organizatorka poleg Dolores) pisala o izzivu, nisva niti razmišljali, ampak se takoj pridružili - Mateje se pač ne zavrne. ;) Ker druga obnavlja svoje nohte, bom objavljala le jaz, končno bom malo razmigala možgane in uporabila domišljijo. Bomo videli, kaj se da storiti z dvema barvama.
... Black & White Nail Challenge starts! When Mateja (who organized it with Dolores) wrote us to join we didn't even think to say no - well, you can't reject another Mateja! ;) One of us is trying to get her nails better, so only I will post the manicures. I'll finally think a bit more and use my imagination. We'll see what I can do with only two colours.
sreda, 29. februar 2012
Kalle Keituri
Ful sem ponosna nase! :))
I'm so proud of myself! :))
Ja, saj vem, čuden začetek bloga, ampak bom vse razložila.
I know. It's a strange beginning, but I will explain everything.
I'm so proud of myself! :))
Ja, saj vem, čuden začetek bloga, ampak bom vse razložila.
I know. It's a strange beginning, but I will explain everything.
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Kalle Keituri - Photo by Timo Lindholm (source) |
ponedeljek, 27. februar 2012
Novosti. What's New
Odločili sva se malo spremeniti blog, dodati nekaj zavihkov in se odločili pridružiti nekaterim družabnim omrežjem, pa da bo vse na enem mestu, o tem piševa tu.
We've decited to change the blog a bit, add some pages and get on some social networks. This post is here just to put everything in one place.
Oscar gowns
Vsi vemo, da so bili ponoči oskarji in vsi vemo, kdo so zmagovalci. Zato ne bom nič nakladala, rada bi vam le pokazala, katere obleke so mi bile najbolj všeč.
We all know the Oscars were on last night and we all know who won. So I won't talk much, I'd just like to show you which dresses I liked most.
We all know the Oscars were on last night and we all know who won. So I won't talk much, I'd just like to show you which dresses I liked most.
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Natalie Portman |
nedelja, 26. februar 2012
Vikersund - Sunday
In svetovno prvenstvo v poletih je končano! Za našo ekipo se je vse skupaj krasno izteklo. ;) Kako je potekala tekma?
And the world championship in ski flying is over! It was great for our team. ;) How was the competition?
Danes so bile razmere končno stabilne in dokaj pravične za vse - vsaj ni bilo takšnega čakanja in prekinjanja kot v prejšnjih dneh. Prvi trije naši (Damjan, Tepeš in Šinkovec) so vsi skočili pravzaprav kar dobro. Kranjec je seveda razred zase - 235,5 m. Vse to nam je prineslo po prvi seriji 3. mesto. Izpadli so Rusi in Kazahstan, prva je bila Avstrija, sledila ji je Nemčija, za nami pa so pristali Norvežani. Razlike pa niso bile takšne, da bi bilo že odločeno - vse možnosti so ostale še odprte.
Today, conditions were finally stable and quite fair for everyone - at least we didn't have to wait too long and there were no interruptions. First three of our team (Damjan, Tepeš and Šinkovec) were all actually good. Kranjec, of course, was great again - 235,5 m. So we were 3rd after first round. Russia and Kazakhstan were out, Austria was first, second was Germany and Norway 4th. But everything was still open.
And the world championship in ski flying is over! It was great for our team. ;) How was the competition?
Danes so bile razmere končno stabilne in dokaj pravične za vse - vsaj ni bilo takšnega čakanja in prekinjanja kot v prejšnjih dneh. Prvi trije naši (Damjan, Tepeš in Šinkovec) so vsi skočili pravzaprav kar dobro. Kranjec je seveda razred zase - 235,5 m. Vse to nam je prineslo po prvi seriji 3. mesto. Izpadli so Rusi in Kazahstan, prva je bila Avstrija, sledila ji je Nemčija, za nami pa so pristali Norvežani. Razlike pa niso bile takšne, da bi bilo že odločeno - vse možnosti so ostale še odprte.
Today, conditions were finally stable and quite fair for everyone - at least we didn't have to wait too long and there were no interruptions. First three of our team (Damjan, Tepeš and Šinkovec) were all actually good. Kranjec, of course, was great again - 235,5 m. So we were 3rd after first round. Russia and Kazakhstan were out, Austria was first, second was Germany and Norway 4th. But everything was still open.
sobota, 25. februar 2012
Vikersund - Saturday
Pa smo ga dobili. Novega svetovnega prvaka v poletih namreč. To je postal slovenski letalec Robert Kranjec!
And we got him! A new ski flying champion. It`s Slovenian Robert Kranjec!
And we got him! A new ski flying champion. It`s Slovenian Robert Kranjec!
petek, 24. februar 2012
Vikersund - Friday
Pa je za nami prva tekma v okviru svetovnega prvenstva v poletih v norveškem Vikersundu.
First competition in ski flying championship in Norway Vikersund is over.
First competition in ski flying championship in Norway Vikersund is over.
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Source |
četrtek, 23. februar 2012
Stenders - part 1 :)
Stenders je trgovina z naravno kozmetiko. Iskreno povedano, dokler ni eden od mojih prijateljev začel delati tam, sploh nisem slišala zanjo.
Če ste tudi vi med tistimi, ki še ne vedo, kaj vse lahko kupijo v Stendersu, vam bom danes predstavila nekaj njihovih izdelkov.
Stenders is a shop with natural cosmetics. Frankly, until one of my friends started working there, I haven't heard of it.
If you are also among those who do not know yet what can be purchased in Stenders, I will present some of their products.
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Stenders |
sreda, 22. februar 2012
Spet modra. Blue again!
Ne vem, kaj mi je zadnje čase. Včasih sploh nisem uporabljala modrih lakcev, zdaj jih pa kar naprej. Tokrat Essence Confetteria, ki ste ga sicer lahko videli že v tej objavi, ampak so tokrat fotke dosti lepše uspele.
I don't know what's going on with me lately. I usually didn't use blue nail polish and now it's more or less all that's on my nails. This time Essence Confetteria. You were able to see it here before, but this time pictures are more beautiful.
I don't know what's going on with me lately. I usually didn't use blue nail polish and now it's more or less all that's on my nails. This time Essence Confetteria. You were able to see it here before, but this time pictures are more beautiful.
Essence Confetteria |
torek, 21. februar 2012
e.l.f. lakca/e.l.f. nail polishes
Kot obljubljeno, naj vam še pokažem fotke manikure, ki sem jo ustvarila z e.l.f. lakcema iz vrečke presenečenja. Nad Metal Madnessom ne bi mogla biti bolj navdušena! Res je lep že v senci, ampak ko nanj posije sonce in se pokažejo mini bleščice vseh možnih barv ... ahhhh poglejte si sami. Pa da ne bo pomote - Purple Pleaser je enako čudovit. Eden od tistih popolnih odtenkov vijolične. Pa še super izgledata super!
As promised, let me show you some pictures of my e.l.f. mystery bag nail polishes. I simply adore Metal Madness! It's gorgeous in the shadow, but once the sun shines on it and it shows all the mini glitters in different colours, it's just ahhhh! Look at it yourselves. And Purple Pleaser is just as amazing. One of those perfect purple shades. They look great together too!
As promised, let me show you some pictures of my e.l.f. mystery bag nail polishes. I simply adore Metal Madness! It's gorgeous in the shadow, but once the sun shines on it and it shows all the mini glitters in different colours, it's just ahhhh! Look at it yourselves. And Purple Pleaser is just as amazing. One of those perfect purple shades. They look great together too!
e.l.f. Metal Madness and Purple Pleaser |
e.l.f. Metal Madness and Purple Pleaser |
Da je vse dovolj bleščeče, pa sem dodala še Essence It's Purplicious.
And to make it all glittery, I've added some Essence It's Purplicious.
ponedeljek, 20. februar 2012
e.l.f. (some of) Part 3 =)
Jupiiii, moj 3. e.l.f. nakup! Ne morem vam pokazati vsega, ker bo en delček za darilo, prejemnica pa mogoče tole bere ... Zdaj pa bolje, da utihnem, da ne povem preveč.
Wooohooo, my 3rd e.l.f. haul! I can't show you the whole haul, because part of it will be a gift, and the person it is for might be reading this ... And now I have to shut up before I tell you too much.
Tole pa sem kupila zase, pri e.l.f.-u pa so spet imeli akcijo z zastonj poštnino in priloženim darilcem! Če pa oni niso najboljši.
So, that's what I bought for myself and of course, they had free shipping & mystery code again! Aren't they the best?
e.l.f. haul |
Najprej ... Brush Shampoo in Daily Brush Cleaner.
First ... Brush Shampoo and Daily Brush Cleaner.
nedelja, 19. februar 2012
Blue Blue Blue ;)
Kakšen teden ali dva nazaj sem se odločila malo pretiravati pri nohtih, ker mi je bilo pač dolgčas.
Uporabila sem Essence Street Styler, Essence Confetteria in Depend nalepko.
A week or two ago I've decited to go over the top, because I was just bored.
I've used Essence Street Styler, Essence Confetteria and Depend sticker.
Uporabila sem Essence Street Styler, Essence Confetteria in Depend nalepko.
A week or two ago I've decited to go over the top, because I was just bored.
I've used Essence Street Styler, Essence Confetteria and Depend sticker.
Essence Street Styler |
sobota, 18. februar 2012
Pike. Polka dots
Barry M foila sta lepa že vsak zase, če ju združiš, dobiš pa tole.
Barry M foils are nice each on its own, but if you put them together, you get this.
Barry M foils are nice each on its own, but if you put them together, you get this.
Barry M Foils & Konad M79 |
petek, 17. februar 2012
Awards =)
Tole sva dobili že pred časom, ampak nama faks, izpiti in delo niso pustili dovolj časa, da bi napisali objavo, ups. Zato malo pozno, pa vendar ... ;)
We've got those a while ago, but exams and work just didn't let us write something! So a little late but anyways ... ;)
Krasna TehTeh nama je podelila kar 3 nagrade, hvala, najboljša si! ;)
Always nice TehTeh gave us 3 awards, thank you so much, you are the best! ;)
We've got those a while ago, but exams and work just didn't let us write something! So a little late but anyways ... ;)
Krasna TehTeh nama je podelila kar 3 nagrade, hvala, najboljša si! ;)
Always nice TehTeh gave us 3 awards, thank you so much, you are the best! ;)
nedelja, 12. februar 2012
Valentinovo. Valentine's Day
Če ste se v zadnjem tednu odpravili v bližnje nakupovalne centre, ste verjetno lahko opazili gore in gore takšnih in drugačnih srčkov.
If you went to the nearby shopping centers in the last week, you were probably able to see a lot of hearts.
Če je med vami slučajno kdo, ki se še vedno sprašuje zakaj ... Zato, ker je pred vrati valentinovo.
If there's someone who is still asking why ... Because Valentine's Day is around the corner.
If you went to the nearby shopping centers in the last week, you were probably able to see a lot of hearts.
Če je med vami slučajno kdo, ki se še vedno sprašuje zakaj ... Zato, ker je pred vrati valentinovo.
If there's someone who is still asking why ... Because Valentine's Day is around the corner.
petek, 10. februar 2012
Today's Nails =)
Včeraj sem prvič poskusila, kako mi uspe časopisni nail art. Stvar sicer ni izpadla čisto tako, kot sem si zamislila, ampak za prvič sem čisto zadovoljna. Mimogrede, voda ni imela pri meni nobenega učinka, zato sem se morala obrniti na alkohol. Ali pa je kriv Žurnal, ne vem.
Yesterday I've tried newspaper nail art for the first time. It didn't come out exactly how I wanted it, but it's ok anyway. By the way, water didn't work for me, so I had to use alcohol. Or maybe the newspaper wasn't ok, I don't know.
Za osnovo sem uporabila krasen Essence Skyscraper:
My base nail polish is the beautiful Essence Skyscraper:
Yesterday I've tried newspaper nail art for the first time. It didn't come out exactly how I wanted it, but it's ok anyway. By the way, water didn't work for me, so I had to use alcohol. Or maybe the newspaper wasn't ok, I don't know.
Za osnovo sem uporabila krasen Essence Skyscraper:
My base nail polish is the beautiful Essence Skyscraper:
petek, 3. februar 2012
Tom Hilde
Če niste ljubitelj smučarskih skokov, smučarskih skakalcev, Norvežanov ali Toma Hildeja ... je sedaj pravi čas, da prenehate z branjem. :))
If you're not a fan of ski jumping, ski jumpers, Norwegians or Tom Hilde ... now is the time to stop reading. :))
četrtek, 2. februar 2012
Spoznajte mojega novega prijatelja. :P Meet my new friend
Stari me je že preveč hecal, pa sem se ga znebila. Tu se pa ponosno nastavlja moj novi prijatelj.
We didn't get along too well anymore with the old one, so I got rid of it. Here's my new friend in all his glory.
We didn't get along too well anymore with the old one, so I got rid of it. Here's my new friend in all his glory.
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