And the world championship in ski flying is over! It was great for our team. ;) How was the competition?
Danes so bile razmere končno stabilne in dokaj pravične za vse - vsaj ni bilo takšnega čakanja in prekinjanja kot v prejšnjih dneh. Prvi trije naši (Damjan, Tepeš in Šinkovec) so vsi skočili pravzaprav kar dobro. Kranjec je seveda razred zase - 235,5 m. Vse to nam je prineslo po prvi seriji 3. mesto. Izpadli so Rusi in Kazahstan, prva je bila Avstrija, sledila ji je Nemčija, za nami pa so pristali Norvežani. Razlike pa niso bile takšne, da bi bilo že odločeno - vse možnosti so ostale še odprte.
Today, conditions were finally stable and quite fair for everyone - at least we didn't have to wait too long and there were no interruptions. First three of our team (Damjan, Tepeš and Šinkovec) were all actually good. Kranjec, of course, was great again - 235,5 m. So we were 3rd after first round. Russia and Kazakhstan were out, Austria was first, second was Germany and Norway 4th. But everything was still open.
V drugi seriji pa smo lahko lažje zadihali po Romørenovem skoku (172,5 m). Po drugi strani pa je bil Damjan pred njim super z 211 m, Tepeš (217 m) in Šinkovec (208 m) pa prav tako. Na koncu je Kranjec skočil dovolj dobro, da nas je usidral na 3. mesto in ni bila le ekipa srečna, ampak tudi mi! :D Vrstni red prvih štirih se tako po prvi seriji ni spremenil, Japonci so bili 5., sledili pa so jim Čehi, Poljaki in Finci.
In second series we were breathing easier, after first Norway jump - Romøren sadly (or luckily ;)) didn't jump well, only 172, 5 m. On the other hand, Damjan before him was good - 211 m. And the same were Tepeš and Šinkovec. At the end Kranjec jumped well enough for us to stay at 3rd place and boy, they were happy as well as we! :D Top four didn't change since first series, Japan was 5th, then Czech Republic, Poland and Finland.
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They didn't forget to dedicate success to Peter Prevc ;) |
Super vikend za naše fante! :D Pa ne samo to - tudi dekleta so bila uspešna na mladinskem svetovnem prvenstvu, saj so zasedla 3. mesto! :)
Great weekend for our boys! :D And not just that - girls were very successful at junior world ski championship. :)
We do not own any of the pictures in this blog post. Pictures are from
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