nedelja, 12. februar 2012

Valentinovo. Valentine's Day

Če ste se v zadnjem tednu odpravili v bližnje nakupovalne centre, ste verjetno lahko opazili gore in gore takšnih in drugačnih srčkov.
If you went to the nearby shopping centers in the last week, you were probably able to see a lot of hearts.

Če je med vami slučajno kdo, ki se še vedno sprašuje zakaj ... Zato, ker je pred vrati valentinovo. 
If there's someone who is still asking why ... Because Valentine's Day is around the corner

Dan, ko naj bi se spomnili na svoje najdražje in jim povedali, da jih imamo radi. 
Day when we should remember of our loved ones and tell them that we love them. 

(Upam, da za to dejanje ne potrebujete posebnega "praznika" in jim to poveste tudi na čisto "navaden" dan v letu.)
(I hope that this act does not need a special "holiday" and you tell them to do so at quite a "normal" day of the year.)

In ker so srčki vsepovsod sem se odločila, da vam jih še jaz nekaj nasujem. ;)
And because there are hearts everywhere I decided to show you some of those myself. ;)

Vendar v obliki prekrasnih verižic. 
However, in the form of beautiful necklaces

Drage dame ... katera vam je najljubša in bi si jo želele okrog svojega vratu? 
Ladies ... which is your favorite and would you want it around your neck

Naj bo vsak dan valentinovo! =)
Make every day Valentine's Day! =)

6 komentarjev:

  1. I hate Valentine's (bad memories), but I love all the hearts stuff...

    My favorites are the last one and the dark one =)


  2. Prva in četrta sta mi najlepši :)


Hvala za komentar! Z veseljem ga bova prebrali. :)

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