četrtek, 2. februar 2012

Spoznajte mojega novega prijatelja. :P Meet my new friend

Stari me je že preveč hecal, pa sem se ga znebila. Tu se pa ponosno nastavlja moj novi prijatelj.  
We didn't get along too well anymore with the old one, so I got rid of it. Here's my new friend in all his glory. 

Tako ponosna sem nanj zato, ker je to prvi čisto moj fotoaparat. Upam, da me bo ubogal, zaenkrat se še spoznavava. Mimogrede, kakšen predlog za ime?
I'm so proud of him, because it's a first camera that's just mine. I hope he'll behave, we're still getting to know each other. By the way, any name suggestions?

4 komentarji:

  1. I think it's a she actually...should call her Pixie, as in Pixels and stuff =D


    1. I've decided it's a he. XD Maybe it'll be less stubborn that way, haha. Great name choice! :D

  2. Odgovori
    1. Dobra ideja :D Ampak še vedno sploh nima imena hahah


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