Stenders je trgovina z naravno kozmetiko. Iskreno povedano, dokler ni eden od mojih prijateljev začel delati tam, sploh nisem slišala zanjo.
Če ste tudi vi med tistimi, ki še ne vedo, kaj vse lahko kupijo v Stendersu, vam bom danes predstavila nekaj njihovih izdelkov.
Stenders is a shop with natural cosmetics. Frankly, until one of my friends started working there, I haven't heard of it.
If you are also among those who do not know yet what can be purchased in Stenders, I will present some of their products.
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Stenders |
- Tekoče milo/liquid soap: 8,50 €, 250 ml
Nežni produkti za vsakodnevno umivanje. Milo se lahko uporablja za tuširanje, za kopel ali za umivanje rok. Vaša koža bo svilnato mehka, če jo boste po tuširanju namazali z jogurtom ali losjonom za telo Stenders.
Mila res božansko dišijo. Meni je najbolj všeč sivka.
Gentle products for daily cleaning. Soap can be used for the shower, bath or washing hands. Your skin will be silky soft, if you apply yogurt or lotion for the body by Stenders after a shower.
Soaps really smell divine. I mostly like the lavender one.
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Stenders - tekoče milo |
- Kremna mila/creamy soap: 4,50 €, 100 g
Njihova izbira mil je res ogromna. Pri nas smo do sedaj "preizkusili" dve različni mili in z obema smo bili zelo zadovoljni. Koža po uporabi res lepo diši in je svilnato mehka.
Their choice of soap is really huge. We have up to now "tested" two different soaps and with both we were very satisfied.
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Stenders - kremna mila |
- Masažne svečke/massage candles: 6,50 €
Jaz sem preizkusila masažno svečko Eros. Med samim gorenjem mi svečka ne oddaja nekega posebnega vonja, tako da je res super. Priložena so tudi navodila za uporabo.
Stenders masažne svečke so narejene iz sojinega voska, obogatene so z eteričnimi olji in vitaminom E. Bombažni stenj poskrbi za gorenje sveče brez saj! Sojin vosek je 100 % naravna in okolju prijazna sestavina, ki neguje in vlaži kožo.
I tried massage candle Eros. During burning candle does not emit an odor, so that is really great. They also attach the instructions for use.
Stenders massage candles are made from soy wax, enriched with essential oils and vitamin E. Cotton wick arrange for burning candles without soot! Soy wax is 100 % natural and environmentally friendly ingredients that nourishes and moisturises the skin.
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Stenders - masažne svečke |
Če izberete njihove izdelke za darilo, vam jih tudi zavijejo v čudovite darilne škatle. Izbirate lahko med različnimi velikostmi in oblikami škatel, izberete lahko pa tudi suho cvetje za dekoracijo darila.
If you choose their products for present, they also wrap them in beautiful gift boxes. You can choose between different sizes and shapes of boxes, you can as well choose dried flowers for decoration.
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Stenders - dekoracija |
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Stenders - darilna škatla |
Ker sem bila v trgovini ravno na valentinovo, pa sem naletela tudi na mila in kopalne kroglice v obliki srčkov. Ta rdeča na vrhu res božansko diši po jagodah!
Since I was in the shop just on Valentine's Day, I came across on soaps and bath beads in the form of hearts.
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Stenders - valentinovi srčki |
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Stenders - kopalni srčki |
Za več podrobnosti o izdelkih pa zavijte v eno izmed njihovih trgovin, kjer vam bodo prijazni prodajalci z veseljem povedali več.
For more details about the products go into one of their stores, where their friendly vendors will tell you more.
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Stenders |
Ali pa obiščite njihovo spletni stran: Stenders
Or visit their website Stenders.
P.S.: Posebna zahvala gre Mateju, ki mi je prijazno dovolil poslikati pol trgovine in mi je podrobno predstavil vse izdelke :) Pa še vse testerje sem preizkusila!
P.S.: Special thanks to Matej, who was kind enough to let me photo the products and intruduced me to their products. :) And I was able to try all the testers!
I'm guessing I cant find that here, but the things look really cute =)