Če niste ljubitelj smučarskih skokov, smučarskih skakalcev, Norvežanov ali Toma Hildeja ... je sedaj pravi čas, da prenehate z branjem. :))
If you're not a fan of ski jumping, ski jumpers, Norwegians or Tom Hilde ... now is the time to stop reading. :))
Tokrat sem se odločila, da blog namenim Norveškemu skakalcu Tomu Hildeju, ki je mimogrede tudi moj najljubši skakalec.
This time I decided to blog about the Norwegian jumper Tom Hilde, who is incidentally also my favorite jumper.
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Njegov podpis na moji roki. His signature on my hand. |
Tom Hilde je rojen 22. septembra 1987 v Bærum-u. Lansko sezono je bil najuspešnejši med Norvežani.
Tom Hilde was born 22 September 1987 in Baerum-u. Last season he was the most successful Norwegian.
Letos mu sreča ni bila tako naklonjena, saj je na tekmi v Oberstdorfu grdo padel. Na srečo ni utrpel nobenih hujših poškodb in zelo dobro okreva. Kmalu bo lahko začel s skakanjem, vendar je letošnja sezona zanj, žal, že končana.
This year, his luck was not as favorable because of the race in Oberstdorf where he fell. Fortunately he did not suffer any serious injuries and is recovering very well. Soon he will be ready to jump, but unfortunately for him this season have been completed.
Tako ima sedaj več prostega časa, ki ga posveča učenju. Ravno danes se je pohvalim z odlično opravljenim izpitom.
Now he has more free time for studying. Just today he told us he passed an exam.
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Na podelitvi štartnih številk se je izkazal tudi z igranjem na bobne. At an award bib he has also proven by playing the drums. |
V prostem času zelo uživa tudi v igranju golfa.
In his spare time he enjoys playing golf.
Spremljate ga lahko na njegovi spletni strani:
You can follow him on his website:
na FB-ju ima svoj fan page:
on FB he have a fan page:
na twitterju:
on twitter:
ter na youtubu:
and also on youtube:
Vse fotografije so bile posnete v Planici.
All the photos were taken in Planica.
Lep par ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! :)
IzbrišiJst tudi tko mislim :))