Živim v prijetni soseski v Pyrfordu, delu Surreya, jugozahodnega predmestja Londona. V okolici je ogromno zelenih površin in parkov. Surrey je poznan po bogatih soseskah, kot sta Weybridge in Cobham, ter po univerzi University of Surrey, ki je ena izmed 20 najbolj uspešnih univerz v Veliki Britaniji.
I live in a nice neighbourhood in Pyford, part of Surrey, south-west suburbs of London. There are many green parks nearby. Surrey is known for rich neighbourhoods like Weybridge and Cobham and for University of Surrey, that's one of the 20 most successful universities in the UK.
My new home |
The neighbourhood |
The neighbourhood |
Pretekli teden je minil predvsem v vzdušju praznovanja 5. novembra, imenovanega bonfire night, fireworks night ali Guy Fawkes night.
Last week was filled with celebration of 5th of November, known as bonfire night, fireworks night or Guy Fawkes night.
V soboto, 3. novembra, sem šla pogledat največji kres v Veliki
Britaniji v Brockham. Kljub mrazu se je v centru mesta zbrala velika množica
ljudi. Vzdušje je bilo super, vendar pa me je bolj kot sam kres navdušil zaključni 15-minutni ognjemet.
On the Saturday, 3rd November I went to see the biggest bonfire in the UK in Brockham. It was quite cold but that didn't stop people from coming - there were many. It was a great atmosphere but I was even more thrilled by the 15-minute fireworks in the end.