ponedeljek, 26. november 2012

nedelja, 25. november 2012

Norosti mladosti.

Danes sem govorila s prijateljico in zašli sva na zanimivo temo. Pogovarjali sva se namreč o tem, kako smo včasih prišle v stik s fantom, ki nam je bil všeč. Govorim seveda o času pred facebookom.
Today I had a talk with my friend about a very interesting thing. We were talking how did we get in touch with a guy that we liked. Talking about times before facebook.


petek, 23. november 2012

Misli. Thoughts.

Nekje po novem letu 2012 sem nekako prišla do knjige Dobre Vile Maje: Čarobnost življenja. Če sedaj pomislim za nazaj, se res ne spomnim, kje in kako sem jo odkrila. Mi je pa vsekakor jasno, zakaj sem jo morala odkriti.


četrtek, 22. november 2012

Jesen // Autumn

Eni jesenski nohti.
Autumn nails.

Autumn nails

Autumn nails
NYX Sexy Plum, Essence Waking Up in Vegas, Essence Sweet Surprise (Essence plate).

ponedeljek, 19. november 2012

Pesmi. Songs.

Nekje aprila sva se s sestro odločili, da bova pričeli s tekom. No, ker je sestra nekako odstopila od te ideje, sama pa ne prenesem teka v tišini, sem si seveda naložila nekaj pesmi, da lažje pretečem pot.
Somewhere in the middle of April my sister and I decided to start jogging. Well, because my sister kind of resigned and I can't stand to run in silence I got some songs to run easier.

nedelja, 18. november 2012

Exclusively from England: Mmmm, kaj bo dobrega // Mmmm what's cooking

Angleži imajo res poseben smisel za hrano. Obožujejo namreč hrano, ki nima okusa (pa brez zamere, prosim :)).
English people really have a specific taste in food. They love the food with no flavour (and please don't resent me for saying that :)).

English breakfast (source)

Prvi teden sem veselo preizkušala vsako jed, ki sem jo dobila na krožnik. Tudi če stvar ni izgledala preveč dobro, sem bila pripravljena tvegati. Toda kmalu sem ugotovila, da ima ne glede na videz vsa hrana podoben okus.
First week I was happy to try every dish that came on my plate. Even when it didn't look too good I was willing to try it. But I soon discovered that no matter how it looks like, the food tastes the same.

Shepard pie (source)

petek, 16. november 2012

Hrvaška. Croatia

Pa še razglednice s Hrvaške. Večinoma le obala. =)
And some postcards from Croatia. Mostly just the seaside. =)


sreda, 14. november 2012

Levstikov pohod. Levstik hike.

V soboto, 10. 11. 2012, je potekal že 26. pohod iz Litije do Čateža.
On Saturday 10. 11. 2012 there was 26th hike from Litija to Čatež.

Levstikov pohod: Naj se odštevanje začne.

ponedeljek, 12. november 2012

Surprise! Kinder Surprise!

Taya je na twitterju objavila fotko luštnega pingvina, ki ga je dobila v ogromnem Kinder jajcu. In me je spomnila na moje škatle igračk iz Kinder jajc, nekatere so stare skoraj toliko kot jaz. Postala sem malce nostalgična in jih pregledala, nekaj sem jih tudi slikala - samo za vas.
So Taya put picture of that cute penguin she got in gigantic Kinder Surprise on twitter. And I remembered about my boxes of toys from Kinder Surprises, some almost as old as I am. So I turned a bit nostalgic and went through them and took pictures of some for you! 

Kider Surprise!

Ata jih je na srečo shranjeval, sicer bi tako ali tako vse zgubila ali polomila. Zdaj so pa lep spomin.
My dad thankfully saved them, otherwise I'd just loose or break them. They're a nice memory now.

Torej, če ste pripravljene na preveč fotk, hop naprej!
So if you're ready to see too many pictures, here we go!

nedelja, 11. november 2012

Exclusively from England: Remember remember the fifth of November

Živim v prijetni soseski v Pyrfordu, delu Surreya, jugozahodnega predmestja Londona. V okolici je ogromno zelenih površin in parkov. Surrey je poznan po bogatih soseskah, kot sta Weybridge in Cobham, ter po univerzi University of Surrey, ki je ena izmed 20 najbolj uspešnih univerz v Veliki Britaniji.
I live in a nice neighbourhood in Pyford, part of Surrey, south-west suburbs of London. There are many green parks nearby. Surrey is known for rich neighbourhoods like Weybridge and Cobham and for University of Surrey, that's one of the 20 most successful universities in the UK.

My new home

The neighbourhood

The neighbourhood

Pretekli teden je minil predvsem v vzdušju praznovanja 5. novembra, imenovanega bonfire night, fireworks night ali Guy Fawkes night.
Last week was filled with celebration of 5th of November, known as bonfire night, fireworks night or Guy Fawkes night.

V soboto, 3. novembra, sem šla pogledat največji kres v Veliki Britaniji v Brockham. Kljub mrazu se je v centru mesta zbrala velika množica ljudi. Vzdušje je bilo super, vendar pa me je bolj kot sam kres navdušil zaključni 15-minutni ognjemet. 
On the Saturday, 3rd November I went to see the biggest bonfire in the UK in Brockham. It was quite cold but that didn't stop people from coming - there were many. It was a great atmosphere but I was even more thrilled by the 15-minute fireworks in the end.

petek, 9. november 2012

Interview With Dawid Kubacki

Dawid je 22-letni smučarski skakalec. Rojen je bil 12. 3. 1990 v kraju Nowy Targ na Poljskem. 
Dawid is 22 years old ski jumper. He was born on 12. 3. 1990 in Nowy Targ in Poland.

Dawid Kubacki (Photo by Bilan Stoch)

četrtek, 8. november 2012

The BATTLE Challenge Part 1. Blue vs. green

The Battle Nail Polish Challenge
Začnimo z novim izzivom! Tale bo zabaven. Sestavljen je iz 20 bitk med laki in same se odločimo, ali želimo uporabiti le eno od barv ali obe. Kar mi je trenutno super, je to, da ni postavljenih datumov, ker bi se jih res težko držala. Ampak se bom potrudila, da na teden naredim vsaj eno bitko.
Let's start with the new challenge, shall we! :D It's a fun one. There are 20 battles between nail polishes and we decide weather to use one or both colours. What really suits me right now is that we don't have the dates set. We just to the challenge when we have time. But I hope I'll be able to do at least one battle a week.

Začnemo z bitkami med barvami in prva je med modro in zeleno. Katero bi ve izbrale? Jaz sem se odločila, da začnem z modro - Barry M Indigo in Essence Crazy Good Times Confetteria na prstancu. Se mi zdi, da je zelo lepo že tako:
So we start with the battles between colours and the first one is between blue and green. Which one would you choose? I decided to start with blue - Barry M Indigo and some Essence Crazy Good Times Confetteria on my ring finger nail. I think that's pretty enough on its own:

Barry M Indigo and Essence Crazy Good Times Confetteria

Vseeno pa sem želela dodati nekaj zelene. In nastalo je to:
But I wanted to add some green anyway. And here's what came out of it:

sreda, 7. november 2012


Zadnje čase veliko poslušam nov album Taylor Swift, Red. Tile dve sta mi sploh všeč:
I've been listening Taylor Swift's Red lately. I really really like these two songs:

In ko sem približno 100. poslušala pesem Red, sem še lakirala nohte, od tu inspiracija. 
And when I was listening to the song Red for about the 100th time I was painting my nails so this is where my inspiration came from. 

torek, 6. november 2012

Levstikova pot.

Lani sem bila z objavo datuma za Levstikov pohod - iz Litije do Čateža malce pozna. Letos mi je uspelo, da sem se na to spomnila bolj zgodaj. 


sobota, 3. november 2012

Slovenske blogerke (in blogerji)

V eni od prejšnjih objav sem omenila idejo, da bi se vsi slovenski blogerji in blogerke zbrali v skupini in se povezali med sabo. Še najbolje se mi je zdelo ustvariti blog, tako da - tu je: Slovenian bloggers. Da česa ne zapletem, raje skočite kar na blog in poglejte, kakšna je ideja, če imate svoje zamisli, pa na plan z njimi! In če vam ni odveč, vas prosim, da delite povezavo do bloga še z ostalimi, da se nas zbere čim več. Sicer pa sta ustvarjena še Facebook in Twitter profil.
I talked about an idea of all Slovenian bloggers getting together in one of my previous posts. Well, I created a blog for us to get together and link to each others in weekly blog posts. We will create one post with weekly links to all the blogs that will join and we will publish that on our own blogs. If everything goes right we'll start in about 10 days and till then you can check Slovenian bloggers blog and see who participates! And if you'd like to, please, share the blog. And feel free to like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Four Elements Challenge

Four Elements Challenge

Pa poglejmo še enkrat vse štiri naloge izziva. :)
Lets look at all four tasks from the challenge. :)

1. Fire

Fire nails

Fire eye make up

2. Water

Water nails

Water eye make up

3. Air

Air nails

Air eye make up

4. Earth

Earth nails

Earth eye make up

Kaj vam je najbolj všeč?
What do you like the most?

petek, 2. november 2012

Four Elements Challenge (Day 4) Earth

Four Elements Challenge

Končno! Slaba blogerka! Več kot teden dni sem prepozna z zadnjo nalogo Tayinega izziva. Ampak tu je, zemlja! 
Finally! Bad blogger! I'm more than a week late with the last task for Taya's Four Elements Challenge. But here it is now, earth! 

četrtek, 1. november 2012

Spomini. Memories.

Spomín: sposobnost človeka, da lahko predstave, misli, podatke v zavesti ohrani, obnovi.
Memory: something that is remembered.

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