So ... I went out today. It was raining a bit.
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Velenje |
Potem je začelo deževati bolj in bolj. Na poti domov je naša reka Paka izgledala takole:
Then it started raining more. And on my way home our river Paka looked like this:
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Paka |
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Paka |
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Paka |
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Paka |
Po navadi je tako nizka:
It's usually this low:
Paka |
Izgledalo je, kot da dobivamo novo jezero. ;)
It looked like we were getting a new lake. ;)
It looked like we were getting a new lake. ;)
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Velenje |
Cesta je bila malo poplavljena:
And a road was a bit flooded:
Domov sem se vrnila čisto premočena, sploh nisem več gledala, kod hodim, ker je bilo tako ali tako vseeno. Nisem se preveč obremenjevala s tem, ker imam rada dež. Ampak ... Tile škornji so, ko so suhi, svetlo rjavi - zelo svetlo rjavi. Me zanima, ali se bodo sploh kdaj posušili. :D
I came home completely wet, I didn't even watch where I was going, it didn't matter much. I didn't mind though, I'm a rain person. But let me tell you ... These boots are light brown when they're dry - very light brown. I wonder if they'll ever dry. :D
Kakšno uro kasneje je celemu mestu zmanjkalo elektrike, kar se tu zgodi redko že po delih mesta. Bilo je nenavadno videti vse trgovine v temi in menda so vsi kupovali sendviče v bližnji trgovini (kjer je bilo prižganih par luči in blagajne so delale, ostalo pa ne, niti hladilniki), ker je bil ravno čas kosila, skuhati pa nismo mogli ničesar. Ata je šel ven takrat in posnel tole fotko:
An hour later the electricity went out in the whole town and that's very rare here (even in parts of our town). It was weird to see all the shops dark and apparently all the people went buying sandwiches in the nearby store (which had a few lights on and the cash machines were working but nothing else, not even refrigerators) because it was about the time for lunch and we couldn't cook anything. My dad went out during that time and took this photo:
Tole je na istem mestu, kjer sem naredila jaz prvi dve fotki, samo z druge strani. Še nikoli nisem videla Pake tako visoke in res se ne spomnim, da bi kdaj, odkar sem živa, poplavljala, čeprav je že zelo deževalo. Zalilo je tudi nekaj cest v Velenju, menda je bil ogrožen premogovnik in skoraj nismo mogli nikamor, ker so bile ceste več ali manj zaprte.
That's the same place where I was walking a few hours earlier and took the first two photos. I've never seen the river that high, I can't even remember if it flooded since I'm alive and we've had some heavy rain. We had some roads flooded in Velenje, apparently our coal mine was endangered and we couldn't get anywhere because the roads to the highway were more or less closed.
That's the same place where I was walking a few hours earlier and took the first two photos. I've never seen the river that high, I can't even remember if it flooded since I'm alive and we've had some heavy rain. We had some roads flooded in Velenje, apparently our coal mine was endangered and we couldn't get anywhere because the roads to the highway were more or less closed.
Ko smo dobili elektriko nazaj, smo gledali novice in videli, da pri nas še ni bilo hudo proti nekaterim ostalim (tudi bližnjim) mestom. V ostalih mestih je še huje, poplavljene so cele hiše, nekateri niso mogli domov. Ponekod so menda v nevarnosti še čez noč. Upam, da se dež kmalu konča, da ste vse na varnem in suhe in da se hitro vse postavi na svoje mesto!
Anyway, when we got the electricity back and started watching the news we saw that what was going on here was not much comparing to some other (even nearby) towns. Other towns in Slovenia were much worse, whole houses are flooded, they are cut from the rest of the country and some people couldn't even get home. They say some towns are still in danger over the night. So lets just hope the rain ends, people stay safe and lives get back to normal as soon as possible!
Anyway, when we got the electricity back and started watching the news we saw that what was going on here was not much comparing to some other (even nearby) towns. Other towns in Slovenia were much worse, whole houses are flooded, they are cut from the rest of the country and some people couldn't even get home. They say some towns are still in danger over the night. So lets just hope the rain ends, people stay safe and lives get back to normal as soon as possible!
Upam, da boste v redu in da še ne bo česa hujšega. *hug*
OdgovoriIzbrišiKatastrofa, kaj se v Sloveniji trenutno dogaja, Avstrijci ne bi smeli spustiti toliko vode naenkrat. Očitno jim je vseeno,če Slovenija zalije. Upajmo, da bo čim prej mimo in se ne bo komu kaj hudega zgodilo.
Hvala! * Mi mislim, da ne bomo imeli več težav, se je reka zvečer začela umikati. Samo s cestami ven je še problem.
OdgovoriIzbrišiRes je katastrofa, po mojem, da nihče ni toliko poplav pričakoval. Se pa strinjam, razumem, da vode ni šlo zadržati, ampak lahko bi jo vsaj malo bolj postopoma spuščali, ker tole je bilo pa res preveč ... didnt rain here today, I think...It was supposed to be cold, but that did not happen either...
OdgovoriIzbrišiI used to like the rain...then came my glasses =P
Glasses are annoying in rain, I agree! But they are even more annoying when you walk into a bakery in the winter! :D And then the lady asks: What do you want? And you have to tell her to wait till you'll see again. XD
IzbrišiIt was pretty bad here today. Our town did quite fine, some other are really badly flooded, people were evacuated, houses are flooded, some roads blocked or even ruined, some schools will stay closed tomorrow. They finally recovered from floodings a few years ago and now they have it again. :/
Groza kaj se je včeraj dogajalo. V Laškem je katastrofa, v Celju pa je še kar ok.
OdgovoriIzbrišiPa v Laškem so se ravno pobrali od prejšnjih poplav ...
Izbrišiprestrašno je kad se tako priroda okrene protiv čovjeka... no čini mi se da ni ne zaslužujemo bolje kako se odnosimo prema njoj... ali na kraju uvijek stradaju nevini:(
OdgovoriIzbrišinije bolje ni u hrvatskoj... mi na jugu smo sigurni, dok se more ne digne ;)
Ja, najhujše po navadi doleti tiste, ki jim je že tako najtežje!
IzbrišiSem slišala, da gre naprej na Hrvaško, upam, da se držite in bo vse ok!