Angleži imajo res poseben smisel za hrano. Obožujejo namreč
hrano, ki nima okusa (pa brez zamere, prosim :)).
English people really have a specific taste in food. They love the food with no flavour (and please don't resent me for saying that :)).
English people really have a specific taste in food. They love the food with no flavour (and please don't resent me for saying that :)).
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English breakfast (source) |
Prvi teden sem veselo preizkušala vsako jed, ki sem jo
dobila na krožnik. Tudi če stvar ni izgledala preveč dobro, sem bila
pripravljena tvegati. Toda kmalu sem ugotovila, da ima ne glede na videz vsa
hrana podoben okus.
First week I was happy to try every dish that came on my plate. Even when it didn't look too good I was willing to try it. But I soon discovered that no matter how it looks like, the food tastes the same.
First week I was happy to try every dish that came on my plate. Even when it didn't look too good I was willing to try it. But I soon discovered that no matter how it looks like, the food tastes the same.
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Shepard pie (source) |
Največji problem je v tem, da ne uporabljajo nobenih začimb. Sol je edini dodatek k jedem in še to dodajo, ko je jed že servirana. Morali bi videti izraze na obrazih, ko sem solila vodo, v kateri naj bi kuhala krompir!
Starejši gospod mi je pojasnil, da je Slovenija pod velikim
vplivom Francije in Italije, kar pomeni, da pretirano uporabljamo začimbe. V Angliji
se ne dajo in še vedno prisegajo na originalne recepte.
The biggest problem is they don't use spices. They only add some salt when the dish is ready. You should have seen their faces when I was putting salt in water in which I cooked potatoes!
An older man explained to me that Slovenia is under the influence of France and Italy which means that we use too many spices. In England they don't do that and they still use the original recipes.
The biggest problem is they don't use spices. They only add some salt when the dish is ready. You should have seen their faces when I was putting salt in water in which I cooked potatoes!
An older man explained to me that Slovenia is under the influence of France and Italy which means that we use too many spices. In England they don't do that and they still use the original recipes.
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English food (source) |
Po nekaj mesecih klobasic, riža, testenin, piščanca, ribjih
palčk, ocvrtega krompirja ter še posebej priljubljene gravy omake, se neizmerno
veselim kosila z govejo juho, praženim krompirjem in zrezkom v smetanovi omaki!
After months of sausages, rice, pasta, chicken, fish sticks, fried potatoes, and especially the popular gravy sauce I'm really looking forward to having beef soup, roasted potato and a steak in sour cream sauce for lunch!
After months of sausages, rice, pasta, chicken, fish sticks, fried potatoes, and especially the popular gravy sauce I'm really looking forward to having beef soup, roasted potato and a steak in sour cream sauce for lunch!
Človek kar lačen rata. :P
OdgovoriIzbrišiZanimivo, da ne uporabljajo začimb. Jaz si ne predstavljam hrane brez začimb, tole je ravno pika na i. Štruklji izgledajo slastni.
Tega pa nisem vedela :) Si mi kar lušte naredila z muffini :P
OdgovoriIzbrišiI only spent one month in England, and I lost 4 kg! I really don't fancy most of their dishes. But as they say, there no rules for tastes and colours.
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhere on earth did you go to eat? That isn't traditional English food at all. It looks like something you bought from Iceland frozen food shop.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI'm sorry but i am offended. Home cooked English recipes are not tasteless.
Haha I think you had a particularly bad experience of English food. Whilst I entirely agree that the world would be a better place without shepherd's pie, most British food is very flavoursome. I guess it differs in that traditionally we use a lot more herbs maybe, rather than spices. And people certainly do add salt to their food while it's cooking, far too much!