Nekje po novem letu 2012 sem nekako prišla do knjige Dobre Vile Maje: Čarobnost življenja. Če sedaj pomislim za nazaj, se res ne spomnim, kje in kako sem jo odkrila. Mi je pa vsekakor jasno, zakaj sem jo morala odkriti.
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Sometime after the new year 2012 I found a book by "Good Fairy Maja: The magic of life". If I think about it now I have no idea how I found it. But now I know why I had to.
Sledila ji je še njena naslednja knjiga Iz uma v srce. Obe knjigi sem tudi kupila in ju že nekajkrat prebrala.
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After the first book there was also the second one "From the mind to the heart". I bought both books and read them a few times.
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V njih sem našla "pomoč" in nasvete, kako spremeniti in izboljšati svoje življenje.
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In them I found "help" and some advice on how to change and improve my life.
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Ker pa ne morem ravno vsak dan prebirati knjige, si večkrat do boljšega počutja in pozitvne energije pomagam tudi s pozitivnimi in spodbudnimi mislimi, ki jih najdem na internetu.
But because I can`t read a book every day I usually help myself to get in a better mood with some positive thoughts that we can find on the internet.
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In tako sem se odločila, da bom danes nekaj teh delila z vami.
And so I decided to share my favourites with you.
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We do not own any of the pictures in this blog post.
Aww. Super lep post! Tole knjigo bi tudi jaz prebrala :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiX Deja
Hvala :-)Knjigici sta pa res super in mislim, da se ju da dobit tudi v knjižnici :-)
Izbrišithats a lot of thought...very true, but hard to put to use sometimes!´
You know what they say in that book? It`s only hard because you think it`s hard :-P hehe :-)