četrtek, 26. junij 2014

Sončen dan v Velenju // A Sunny Day in Velenje

Med prejšnjim vikendom sem šla na kratek sprehod na grad. In bilo je tako lepo sončno, da sem morala malce pofotkati. 
I went for a short walk to the castle during the last weekend. And it was so beautifully sunny I had to take a few pictures. 

torek, 24. junij 2014

Novo // New In

Mogoče sem malo zapravljala. Malo. Ampak samo za stvari, ki so nujne! 
I was spending a bit of money. A little bit. But just for the things I need!

Nujno na primer potrebujem ti lepi obleki z Asosa! 
Like these gorgeous two dresses from Asos! 

nedelja, 22. junij 2014

Mini nakup na Madžarskem // Small haul from Hungary

Se še spomnite mojega izleta na Madžarsko, ane? ;) Tole je moj mini nakup, ki sem ga prinesla domov.
Remember my trip to Hungary, right? ;) This is the mini haul.

Takoj, ko sem utegnila, sem preizkusila lak za nohte. In je RES dober! Stane nekje okrog 1,50 €, vsebuje pa 8 ml. Steklenička mi je všeč - izgleda malce večja, konkretna (jaz kar naprej mečem stvari po tleh), lak pa žal nima imena. No, ima. Nr. 320. Tako je lep, da bi si zaslužil kakšen "Magenta Rhapsody", no! :)) 
The second I could I tried the nail polish. And it's REALLY good. It costs around 1,50 € for 8 ml. I like the bottle - it's a bit bigger, strong (I'm always clumsy and throw things on the floor), but the nail polish sadly doesn't have a name. Well, it does. Nr. 320. It's so pretty it should be "Magenta Rhapsody" or something, c'mon! :))

četrtek, 19. junij 2014

Izlet na Madžarsko // A Trip to Hungary

Na kosilo pa na Hrvaško. :) Če živiš v Lendavi (vsaj polovičko časa, no ;)), je super to, da si pet minut stran od Hrvaške ali Madžarske. In ko ti na sončno soboto šefica prepusti avto, lahko pobegneš na izlet v Lenti. :)
And to Croatia for lunch. :) If you live in Lendava (well, at least for half the time ;)), you are just 5 minutes away from Croatia and Hungary. And when your awesome boss leaves you the car on a sunny Saturday, you can jump on a trip to Lenti. :)

sreda, 18. junij 2014

NOTD: Last Exam Orange

Tako se torej počutiš, ko se ti odvali skala od srca? :) V ponedeljek sem imela zadnji izpit. Bil je eden težjih in vzela sem si leto za prvo prijavo. Ne me narobe razumeti, nisem se učila eno leto. Moja motivacija je bila približno na ničli in (ne da bi to načrtovala ali nameravala) vzela sem si eno leto "prosto". Ampak nisem lenarila! :P Nazaj je prišlo nekaj motivacije, pa še delala sem. ;)
So this is how it feels like when a rock falls off you chest? :) I had my last exam on Monday. It was one of the hardest and I took a year to take it. Don't get me wrong, I didn't study for a year. My motivation was close to a zero anyways and I (without even planning or intending that) took a year off. I wasn't too lazy in that year! :P I got some of my motivation back and worked at my student job. ;) 

Ampak bolj in bolj se je bližal ponedeljek, bolj sem bila nervozna! Pa nisem bila živčna razvalina pred drugimi izpiti. Tale pa … Uf. In zato sem se odločila nalakirati nohte na oranžno. Če ne bo pomagala oranžna, ne bo pomagalo nič.
But nearer and nearer to the Monday, more nervous I was! I really wasn't that nervous before exams. But this one … Huh. So I decided to paint my nails orange. If orange won't help me, nothing will.

P2 Electric + Essence Copper'ize Me

ponedeljek, 16. junij 2014

petek, 13. junij 2014

NOTD: BPS Purple Paris

Se še spomnite prve ocene Born Pretty Store water decals (vodnih nalepk, tak bo moj prevod! ;))? Dolžna sem še fotk drugih nalepk, ki sem jih prejela, tistih čudovitih z motivom Pariza.
Remember my first review of Born Pretty Store water decals? I owe you another review of the other decals I got, the gorgeous ones with Paris.

Z njimi sem imela na začetku kar malce problemov. Preprosto niso delovale, nimam pojma, zakaj. Vse sem počela tako kot je treba, ampak izgledalo je, kot da se niso dobro ločile od papirja in se jih ni dalo prepogibati, niti se niso prilepile. Ko sem jih porabila že pol, sem imela vsega dovolj in pozabila nanje za en mesec. 
I had quite some trouble with them first. They simply didn't work, I have no idea, why. I did everything as I should, but it looked like they didn't separate from the paper well so I couldn't put them on and they didn't bend. I threw away half of them because of that and they I had enough of everything and forgot about them for a month.

In po enem mesecu? Ne vem, kakšni škratje so bili na delu, ampak delovale so, kot morajo. :) In nastala je tale manikura:
And then? I don't know what kind of "magic" came upon them but everything went perfect, as it should. :) And I did this mani:

ponedeljek, 9. junij 2014

Makeup Revolution Week: everything in one place

Na koncu se spodobi malo pogledati nazaj, sploh če se je teden razvlekel v mesec, kajne? ;) Kaj vse sem vam torej pokazala v Makeup Revolution tednu? (Kliknite na fotke, da vas pripeljejo do objav.)
In the end it's only suitable to look back, especially if the "week" has gone into a "month", right? ;) So what did I show you in Makeup Revolution week? (Click on the photos to see posts.)

1. dan: Iconic 3 paletka
Day 1: Iconic 3 palette

nedelja, 8. junij 2014

Makeup Revolution Week. Day 6: Romantic Smoked

Ups. "En teden pavze" se je spremenil v en mesec. Ampak če sem začela, bolje, da končam pozno kot nikoli! :) Dolžna sem še tole objavo. Pa še presenečenje. ;) 
Ooops. "One week off" changed into a month. But if I started, it's better to finish late than never! :) I had to write another post. And I still haven't told you about the surprise … ;)

Makeup Revolution Romantic Smoked

Makeup Revolution Romantic Smoked

ponedeljek, 2. junij 2014

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