Ups. "En teden pavze" se je spremenil v en mesec. Ampak če sem začela, bolje, da končam pozno kot nikoli! :) Dolžna sem še tole objavo. Pa še presenečenje. ;)
Ooops. "One week off" changed into a month. But if I started, it's better to finish late than never! :) I had to write another post. And I still haven't told you about the surprise … ;)
Res bi bilo škoda, da bi zanemarila Makeup Revolution Romantic Smoked paletko. Takoj, ko sem jo zagledala, mi je bila namreč najbolj všeč od vseh. In ni me razočarala.
It would be a shame to let Makeup Revolution Romantic Smoked palette go by. The moment I saw it it was my favourite. And I wasn't disappointed!
It would be a shame to let Makeup Revolution Romantic Smoked palette go by. The moment I saw it it was my favourite. And I wasn't disappointed!
Makeup Revolution Romantic Smoked |
Makeup Revolution Romantic Smoked |
Makeup Revolution Romantic Smoked |
Makeup Revolution Romantic Smoked |
Makeup Revolution Romantic Smoked |
Vsebuje 12 odtenkov - polovička je šimrastih, polovička mat. Vse so lepo pigmentirane, usipajo pa se še manj kot pri Iconic 3. Obstojne so prav tako - vedno uporabim Urban Decay primer, če ne o obstojnosti itak nikoli ne morem govoriti. :) Ampak kaj bi samo pisala - fotke povedo več, paletka je res čudoviiita!
It contains 12 shadows - half of them are shimmery, half matte. All of them nicely pigmented and there's even less fallout than with Iconic 3. They are just as long lasting - I always use Urban Decay primer to even talk about that. :) But why only write - photos tell more, the palette is really lovely!
It contains 12 shadows - half of them are shimmery, half matte. All of them nicely pigmented and there's even less fallout than with Iconic 3. They are just as long lasting - I always use Urban Decay primer to even talk about that. :) But why only write - photos tell more, the palette is really lovely!
Makeup Revolution Romantic Smoked |
Makeup Revolution Romantic Smoked |
Poleg sem uporabila Makeup Revolution Volume maskaro. Ta je marsikoga razočarala, zame pa niti ni tako napačna. Res je sicer, da ne doda kaj ekstra volumna, mi je pa všeč to, da krtačka res lepo razčeše moje trepalnice in se maskara se spaca in ne povzroča grudic. Če nanesem dve plasti, so trepalnice ravno prav obarvane za vsak dan.
I used Makeup Revolution Volume mascara with it. From what I've read, many don't like their mascaras, but I don't find this one so bad. It doesn't add glamorous volume, but I really like how nicely it combs through my lashes, it doesn't glue them together or clump. If I apply two layers, my lashes are just perfect for a usual day.
I used Makeup Revolution Volume mascara with it. From what I've read, many don't like their mascaras, but I don't find this one so bad. It doesn't add glamorous volume, but I really like how nicely it combs through my lashes, it doesn't glue them together or clump. If I apply two layers, my lashes are just perfect for a usual day.
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Makeup Revolution Volume mascara |
Paletka je na voljo za 5,95 € na Lič Makeup Revolution "tedna" pa še ni konec … ;)
The palette is available on Makeup Revolution store and on Pink Panda in Hungary and Croatia. And Makeup Revolution "week" isn't over yet … ;)
The palette is available on Makeup Revolution store and on Pink Panda in Hungary and Croatia. And Makeup Revolution "week" isn't over yet … ;)
Kaj vse smo videle do zdaj?
What have we seen so far?
I think I'd still prefer the Iconic 3 palette (still kinda crossing my fingers that it'll show up magically on my doorstep one day =P)
I think this one suits my eyes a bit better, but they're both gorgeous! :D Haha, early summery Santa :D
Izbrišiwau, ta paletka pa je čudovita<3 same lepe, naravnejše barve. :))
OdgovoriIzbrišimorda pa jo kupim, je res poceni.
Res so krasni odtenki, sami uporabni. :)
IzbrišiThat looks awesome!
Thanks ;)