Remember my trip to Hungary, right? ;) This is the mini haul.
Takoj, ko sem utegnila, sem preizkusila lak za nohte. In je RES dober! Stane nekje okrog 1,50 €, vsebuje pa 8 ml. Steklenička mi je všeč - izgleda malce večja, konkretna (jaz kar naprej mečem stvari po tleh), lak pa žal nima imena. No, ima. Nr. 320. Tako je lep, da bi si zaslužil kakšen "Magenta Rhapsody", no! :))
The second I could I tried the nail polish. And it's REALLY good. It costs around 1,50 € for 8 ml. I like the bottle - it's a bit bigger, strong (I'm always clumsy and throw things on the floor), but the nail polish sadly doesn't have a name. Well, it does. Nr. 320. It's so pretty it should be "Magenta Rhapsody" or something, c'mon! :))
Lovely Gloss Like Gel nail polish nr. 320 |
Čopič je malenkost sploščen in ravno prirezan, odličen za nanos na malce širše nohte. Nanaša se res lepo, v tankih plasteh, in suši hitreje kot povprečni lak.
The brush is a bit flat and cut straight, great to apply polish to more wide nails. It applies really well, in thin layers and it dries faster than an average nail polish.
Lovely Gloss Like Gel nail polish nr. 320 |
Ima malce vijola podtona, ki na fotkah ni tako viden, in pa cel kup drobnih roza bleščic, ki se sicer zlaaahka odstranijo! Glede na ceno nisem pričakovala, da mi bo zdržal več kot 2 dneva, kar je nekako povprečje pri meni. Rekord držijo Barry M laki - 4 dni. In tale ga je dosegel. :) Šele 4. dan se je začel malenkost krušiti na konicah. Pa sem vmes ogromno tipkala in razpakirala ogromno pošiljko, kar je vedno usodno za moje nohte - ampak ne za tale lak, zdržal je še 2 dneva po tem!
It has a bit of violet undertone that's not really visible on the pics, and tons of tiny pinky glitter that are so easy to remove! Considering the price I didn't expect it to last longer than 2 days, which is about average with me. Barry M nail polishes hold the record - 4 days. And this one reached it. :) It started to slowly chip on the ends on the 4th day. And I was typing a lot and unpacked a huge shipment, which always ruins my mani - but this one lasted for 2 days after that!
Lovely Gloss Like Gel nail polish nr. 320 |
Komaj čakam, da grem spet na izlet in si naredim še malo zaloge odtenkov. Kot da jo potrebujem, no … ;)
I can't wait for another trip and stock up on more shades. Like I need to … ;)
Potem pa še maskari! :) Eszter mi je priporočala tisto v rumeni embalaži - Pump Up. Ker sem videla, da ima velika večina njihovih maskar plastične ščetine, ki meni najbolj ustrezajo, pa sem vzela še maskaro za volumen v oranžni embalaži.
And the mascaras! :) Eszter suggested the one in the yellow package - Pump Up. When I saw that majority of their mascaras have plastic brushes which really suit me, I also took the one for volume in orange.
Lovely Volume Booster maskara naj bi vsebovala d-panthenol silk in kolagen - za tiste, ki prepoznate vse sestavine. :) In je, preprosto, maskara za volumen. Embalaža mi je všeč (oranžna, d!), na krtački ne ostane preveč maskare oz. ni tistega groznega rezultata, ko se izveče krtačko in se ščetin skoraj da ne vidi zaradi preveč produkta. ;) Tale je lepo varčna.
Lovely Volume Booster mascara contains d-panthenol silk and collagen - for those of you that understand all the ingredients. :) And it's, simply, a mascara for volume. I like the packaging (orange, duh!), and I really like how there's not too much product left on the brush once you get it out. You know the horrible view when you get mascara wand out and you can barely see the bristles of the brush, that's how much product's on? Well, not with this one. ;) It's really economical.
Lovely Volume Booster mascara |
Ščetine so plastične (silikonske?), kar je zame popolno. Samo takšne mi namreč ustvarijo najlepši efekt in ne zlepijo trepalnic v 3 šope, ki jih moram razčesati. Baje so te krtačke najboljše za malce daljše trepalnice.
The brush is plactic (silicone?) which is perfect for me. Only this types of mascaras make my lasher look great, not glued together in 3 clumps that I have to carefully comb through. Apparently this types are the best for longer lashes.
Lovely Volume Booster mascara brush |
In pa, seveda, Lovely Curling Pump Up maskara, ki naj bi privihala trepalnice. Moje so na srečo že naravne lepo privihane, tako da niti ne uporabljam vihalca. Mi je bila pa že po fotki res všeč, ker me krtačka spomni na Revlonovo maskaro, ki sem jo oboževala. Embalaže imajo pa za vsako vrsto maskare druge barve, tako da se res ne more kupiti napačne. :) Tudi tale je enako lepo varčna, se pa še nekoliko bolje zapira - na koncu se zaskoči, tako da se res ve, da je dobro zaprta, česar pri maskari za volumen ni.
And, of course, Lovely Curling Pump Up mascara that curls the lashes. Mine are pretty nicely curled naturally, I don't even use a curler. But I really loved the brush right after I saw the pic, it reminds me of a Revlon mascara I really really loved. Oh, Lovely has the mascaras in different colours of packaging, so you can't buy the wrong one by mistake. :) This is just as economical as the one for volume and it's even better at the closing - it snaps in the end so you're sure you closed it enough, the volume one doesn't have that.
Lovely Curling Pump Up mascara |
Krtačka je malce ukrivljena na eni strani, tam so tudi ščetine pikico daljše, na drugi strani pa naravnost in krajše. Sama sem najprej uporabila ukrivljeno stran in potem takoj še ravno, da sem trepalnice z njo še malce razčesala.
The brush is a bit bent on one side, that side has a teeny tiny bit longer bristles and the other side is straight and with a bit shorter bristles. I used the curved side first and then the other one right after that to comb throught the lashes a bit more.
Kako pa izgledata na trepalnicah? Tole so moje trepalnice "au naturel". Slikano zjutraj, ko bi morala še spati. :P
How do they look like on the lashes? These are my lashes "au naturel". Pic taken in the morning when I was supposed to still sleep. :P
Nothing on my lashes |
Prvi dan sem preizkusila maskaro za volumen (oranžna). Nanaša se dokaj lepo, poudari naravne trepalnice, jih ne zlepi in ne dela grudic. Ni pa nekega "waw" efekta noro črnih trepalnic. Super za čez dan. Malenkost pandasta sem bila po par uricah, ampak je bil eden bolj vročih dni in nisem uporabila pudra v prahu, da sem res preizkusila maskaro. Moram pa omeniti, da sem zadnji mesec črna po vseh maskarah, ampak vedno se mi le na spodnjem zunanjem delu naredi manjši črn krogec.
I tried the volume (orange) mascara on the first day. It applies pretty well, it emphasises natural lashes, doesn't glue them together or clump. There's no "wow" effect of the deeply black lashes though. Great for everyday. There was a little bit panda effect under my eyes after a few hours but it was one of the hottest days and I didn't use finishing powder to really try it. Although I have to say I get a little black circle in the outer part after all mascaras in the last month.
Lovely Volume Booster mascara |
Pa še maskara za privihanje (rumena). Opazite razliko? Ni naključna, tudi po več uporabah je bila enaka razlika. :) Tale še lepše uredi trepalnice, tudi tisti šop na zunanjem delu, ki se mi "skuštra" v vse možne smeri, lepše razčeše. :) Nanaša se krasno - z obeh strani, trepalnic ne zlepi, ne dela grudic in naredi efekt, ki je meni res všeč. Malenkost črna sem bila pod očmi, spet na istem mestu, ampak manj kot pri zgornji.
And the curling mascara (yellow). See the difference? It's not a coincidence, the effect is the same with both every time. :) I find this one makes the lashes even prettier, even the messy part of the lashes in my outer corner. :) It applies beautifully - on both sides, it doesn't glue the lashes together or clump them and it makes the effect I really like. I was a bit black under the eyes, on the same spot, but less than with the volume mascara.
Lovely Curling Pump Up mascara |
Če se boste potepale po Madžarski in iskale ugodno maskaro za čez dan, vsekakor priporočam Curling Pump Up! In obvezno mora v košarico pasti vsaj en lak za nohte!
If you'll be in Hungary anytime soon and search for a cheap mascara to use during the day, I highly recommend Curling Pump Up! And you have to put at least one nail polish in you shopping basket!
Mimogrede, je katera zasledila Lovely mogoče v Tuš drogerijah? V Velenju nimamo Tuševih drogerij, v Lendavi tudi ne, vem pa, da so Miss Sporty nadomestili z drugo ugodno znamko in me res muči, če je mogoče tale. :)
awesome! I'm kinda jealous even =P
When you come for a visit one day we'll take you to Hungary! :D
IzbrišiMaskari izgleda dajeta zelo lep učinek na trepalnicah:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiRes - sploh tale rumena. Se ne rabim nič kaj posebej mučit z nanosom niti razčesat trepalnic, pa je super. :) Ker po navadi se mi kar precej lepijo trepalnice. :)
IzbrišiLuštno! je bilo fajn na Madžarskem? :)
Superca! Naslednjič grem ob malo manj vročem dnevu pa bo še lepše. :D