Lets do a tag, shall we! I saw this a while ago on many blogs and decided to do it too. I'm really lazy lately so it's only in English, oops!
1: What are you wearing?
2: Ever been in love?
3: Ever had a terrible breakup?
Not really.
4: How tall are you?
Around 164 cm.
5: How much do you weigh?
I honestly don't know. I only weight myself twice a year. Usually after a really bad flu or something when I'm nearer to my ideal weight. Any other day I just don't put myself through that horror.
6: Any tattoos?
7: Any piercings?
No. I did pierce my ears at the end of elementary school but I had an allergic reaction so I never tried again.
8: OTP (One True Pairing: what's your favorite fictional couple)?
Easy. Rory and Jess from Gilmore Girls. Dean was just annoying after a few episodes and Logan was a spoiled brat. Yes, I watched Gilmore Gils lately. ;)
9: Favorite show?
Lately it's Psych, The Walking Dead and Once Upon a Time. And True Detective has potential (only watched 1 episode so far) if I'll be able to get through Matthew McConaughey's annoying pronunciation of "s". Thank god for Woody.
10: Favorite bands?
Hamo & Tribute2Love. And Hanson - I have an eternal undestroyable love for Hanson.
11: Something you miss?
That Desigual dress from the shopping window that should be mine.
12: Favorite song?
Right now?
13: How old are you?
14: Zodiac sign?
15: Quality you look for in a partner?
Humour. That's the first thing.
16: Favorite Quote?
14: Zodiac sign?
15: Quality you look for in a partner?
Humour. That's the first thing.
16: Favorite Quote?
Be OK with what you ultimately can't do, because there is so much you CAN do. By Sam Berns.
17: Favorite actor?
Ah, Leo!
18: Favorite color?
19: Loud music or soft?
Loud when I listen to it on my iPod. That's not smart, I know.
20: Where do you go when you're sad?
In front of a TV. Or in the bathroom. There's something peaceful with the bathrooms. Seriously, put some music on, sit on the floor of the bathroom and everything will disappear.
21: How long does it take you to shower?
It depends on how much time I have.
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
If someone else makes me coffee, I can get ready in half an hour. Otherwise add another 30 minutes.
23: Ever been in a physical fight?
No. Oh, wait! Does slapping a friend in elementary school count? It was epic. We laugh at it now. :D
24: Turn on?
Making me laugh.
25: Turn off?
Boringness of smartasses.
26: The reason I joined Youtube?
Didn't. Only have an account to add videos I want to watch later to playlists. But we created the blog for fun.
27: Fears?
28: Last thing that made you cry?
Psych series finale. I cried like a baby.
29: Last time you said you loved someone?
We really don't say that enough, do we? I don't know, a few days ago?
30: Meaning behind your YouTube/blogging name?
It's the first boring name that came to our minds.
31: Last book you read?
Psi brezčasja by Zoran Benčič.
32: The book you’re currently reading?
Someday Someday Maybe by Lauren Graham. Although I should be reading the books for my masters but they have more fun in the library.
33: Last show you watched?
Heroes. I realised I never saw more than a few episodes so I'm watching it now though I'm afraid everything after 1st season sucks. But there's always Peter Petrelli (they didn't kill him of, did they?).
34: Last person you talked to?
My mom.
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
Best friend.
36: Favorite food?
37: Place you want to visit?
London. Gosh, I really need to get there soon.
38: Last place you were?
Munich, because places in Slovenia probably don't count? :)
39: Do you have a crush?
Who doesn't!
40: Last time you kissed someone?
Omg, memory loss. It was probably a few days ago.
41: Last time you were insulted?
Memory loss again!
42: Favorite flavor of sweet?
Pizza. No, really. Chocolate. Or something lemony.
43: What instruments do you play?
Ha. None.
44: Favorite piece of jewellery?
I don't really wear much jewellery. But I ordered some rings from Born Pretty Store I really like.
45: Last sport you played?
You mean, like, on a computer, right? Oh wait, now I see why I don't want to weigh myself!
46: Last song you sang?
47: Favorite chat up line?
48: Have you ever used it?
Nah. Only Joey can pull that one off.
49: Last time you hung out with anyone?
Last weekend when Mateja and I went to Planica.
50: Who should answer these questions next?
Anyone! :)
haha love this TAG!
OdgovoriIzbrišiwait... 30 mins to make coffee????
Girl, if you could see me before coffee you'd know everything is possible! I usually leave the water on the switched off stove and wonder what's it taking that long. Plus, I like cold coffee. :D
IzbrišiTa tag je pri meni ze nekaj casa na to do listi. Morm ga ze narest :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiDrgac sm se pa kr malo nasmejala :)
Naredi! :D Me veseli, da si se smejala. :P
IzbrišiAh zdaj si me spomnala kak sta mi bla Rory and Logan fajna :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiNeee, to je prvoaprilska, ane? :P :D
IzbrišiJa js se tudi na youtubu navdušujem nad tem tagom! :D, ampak sem zadnjič prišla do ugotovitve, da je podoben 50 random facts about me in potem moram malo počakat z njim, da se vsaj kaj spremeni ;))
OdgovoriIzbrišiGa bom pa z veseljem prebrala v prihodnosti! :))