torek, 31. januar 2012

Zate. For you.

Tvoj dotik je mehak kot svila
in tvoj poljub je poln nikotina.

Oprosti za vse, kar ti nisem dala
in hvala za vse, kar sva skupaj prestala.

Bili so dnevi polni radosti
in ure, polne nežnosti.

Bile so druge deklice,
a jaz bila sem tvoja le.

Čeprav sva sedaj se zelo oddaljila,
upanja v naju ne bom izgubila.

Ta zgodba se bo še kdaj ponovila,
ker veš, da večno bom tebe ljubila.


nedelja, 29. januar 2012

e.l.f. Beauty Clutch

Danes ne bom veliko napisala, bom pa zato pokazala več fotk moje e.l.f. Beauty Clutch paletke. Mimogrede, pri e.l.f.-u imajo danes do 11 zvečer spet ponudbo z zastonj poštnino in skrivnostnim darilcem. 
I won't write much today. I'll just show you swatches of my e.l.f. Beauty Clutch palette. By the way, at e.l.f. they once AGAIN have a special weekend offer with free delivery and a mystery gift. 

Pa gremo kar k fotkam. 
So, here are the pictures. Enjoy. 

e.l.f. Beauty Clutch

četrtek, 26. januar 2012

Kaneloni. Cannelloni.

Danes bom z vami delila recept za pripravo kanelonov. :)
Today I will share with you the recipe for cannelloni. :)

sreda, 25. januar 2012

Today's Nails

Moji nohti niso velikokrat modri, ampak tale lak je pa krasen! ;) 
Catrice Blues Brother Vol. II, Konad ploščica M 75 in Konad kamenček. 
My nails aren't blue often but this nail polish is just gorgeous! ;)
Catrice Blues Brother Vol. II, Konad M 75 and Konad rhinestone.

Catrice Blues Brother Vol. II

nedelja, 22. januar 2012

Ameriške palačinke. American pancakes.

Tokrat bom z vami delila recept za ameriške palačinke. Recept sem dobila na spletni strani: recepti, ko sem si zaželela malo spremembe od "naših" palačink.
This time I will share with you the recipe for American pancakes. I got the recipe here: recipes, when I wanted a little change from "our" pancakes.

petek, 20. januar 2012

Essence Crazy Good Times

Pri Essence so s Crazy Good Times kar malo pohiteli, glede na to da naj bi kolekcija prišla šele februarja. Znašla sem se pred polnim stojalom, še dobro, ker so le po trije laki vsake barve. :) 
Črn se mi ni zdel zelo zanimiv, zeleno-rumena barva pa mi ni všeč, zato so z mano odšli ostali štirje. 
Essence Crazy Good Times arrived kind of early, since they've said it'll be here in February. I've managed to find a full display, because there are only 3 nail polishes of each color. :)
I didn't find the black one interesting and I'm not really a fan of yellowish-green, I took home the other four.

Essence Crazy Good Times

četrtek, 19. januar 2012

Kitajska restavracija. Chinese restaurant.

Od vedno sem govorila, da mene pa tu ne bodo videli. Lansko študijsko leto je prijatelj Matej rabil okrog pol leta, da me je prepričal, da sem se odločila poskusiti. In ni mi žal. Sedaj vsakič z veseljem zavijem tja, ko sem v Kopru.  
I always talked that I will not be seen there. Last academic year, a friend Matej needed about half a year to convince me till I decided to try. And I do not regret it. Now I go there when I`m in Koper.


sreda, 18. januar 2012

e.l.f. Beauty on the Go palette Day to Night

V objavi o mojem drugem e.l.f. nakupu sem vam obljubila, da bom zapisala še kaj več o Beauty on the Go paletkah, ki sta bili dodani kot darilo. Izkoristila sem sončne dni, da vam lahko pokažem nekaj fotk. ;)
In the post about my second e.l.f. haul I've promised to tell you something more about Beauty on the Go palettes I've got as a mystery gift. Since we've had quite some sunny days I can show you pictures. ;)

V paketku torej dobite dve paletki - Day in Night, torej eno za dnevni in drugo za večerni makeup. Priložena pa je še škatlica za shranjevanje z ogledalom, a le za eno paletko, pri čemer lahko nastane težava zaradi shranjevanja. Zato imam eno zaprto v škatlico (mimogrede - ne zapirajte je povsem, ker jo je nemogoče odpreti brez škarij ali česa podobnega), drugo pa dam pod njo in ju shranim v predal.  
You get two palettes - Day and Night - one for daily and one for evening makeup. You also get an empty compact with a mirror, but just for one palette. So you have a problem there with how to store them. I close one in the compact (but be careful - don't close it completely, since it's really hard to open it, I have to help myself with scissors), and put the other under it and store them both in a drawer. 

Fotke paletk na soncu in v senci:
Pictures of the palettes on the sun and in the shadow:

Empty compact

ponedeljek, 16. januar 2012

Essence Crazy Good Times TE

Februarja prihaja nova Essence trend edition kolekcija Crazy Good times, ki mi je po Re-Mix Your Style prva takoj padla v oči (predvsem zaradi lakcev ;) ). 
New Essence trend edition Crazy Good Times is coming in February and it's the first one, after Re-Mix Your Style, that immediately caught my eye - especially because of nail polish colors. ;)

Essence Crazy Good Times display

nedelja, 15. januar 2012

Enya - Only time

V 2. letniku faksa so nas naučili, kako uporabljati movie maker. Vse od takrat z užitkom od časa do časa ustvarim kakšen filmček. Nič posebnega in ekstravagantnega, večinoma o meni ljubih skakalcih in igralcih.
In the second year of college they have taught us how to use movie maker. Ever since then, with pleasure from time to time I create some movies. Nothing special and extravagant, mostly about my dear jumpers and actors.

sobota, 14. januar 2012

Barry M Foils

Pred kratkim sem kupila Barry M Foil laka, zato sem ju morala čim prej sprobati. ;) Spodobi se, da tudi vam pokažem, kako zgledata. Zdaj sem odkrila, da imajo pri Barry M še lila foil, ki po fotkah tudi izgleda super!
I've recently bought Barry M Foils and had to try them right away. ;) It's only appropriate to show you the pictures too, of coure. I've now discovered Barry M has Lilac Foil too, so that one must be just as awesome.

Laka se lepo mažeta, brez kakih problemov, sprva so sicer vidne proge, ki pa ob sušenju vedno bolj izginjajo. Sušita se dokaj hitro, ena plast pa je dovolj za res popolno prekrivnost. Tudi sama sem uporabila le eno. 
Nail polishes are easy to apply, there are some streaks at first, but almost disappear as the polish dries. They both dry quite fast and what's best - you only need one layer for full opacity. I've used only one too.

Zlati foil:
Gold Foil:
Barry M Gold Foil

Zakaj? Why?

Pred kratkim sem ponovno odkrila "zbirko" mojih pesmi, ki sem jih pisala, ko sem bila še v srednji šoli. Ko sem to omenila nekaterim prijateljem, so me prosili, če bi lahko prebrali katero izmed njih.
I've recently re-discovered a "collection" of my songs that I wrote when I was still in high school. When I mentioned this to some friends, they asked me if they could read one of them.


petek, 13. januar 2012

The Versatile blogger award

Mateja s Purple Glitters bloga, Taya in Sana so naju nominirale za Versatile blogger award. Če še ne poznate njihovih blogov, hitro odklikajte nanje. ;)
Mateja from Purple Glitters blog, Taya and Sana nominated us for Versatile blogger award. If you haven't read their blogs yet, click on the links immediately. ;)

Taka so pravila:
1. Zahvali se osebi, ki te je nominirala.
2. Zapiši 7 zanimivih dejstev o sebi.
3. Nominiraj 15 blogerjev.

These are the rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you.
2. State 7 interesting facts about yourself.
3. Nominate 15 of your favorite bloggers.

Misija Evrovizija

V nedeljo se je zaključila oddaja Misija Evrovizija, kjer smo izbirali našega predstavnika na naslednjem Evrosongu.
On Sunday Mission Eurovision ended, where we chose our representative for the next Eurosong.


četrtek, 12. januar 2012

NYX Algae

Moja drogerija ima super znižanje na vse izdelke za manikuro, kar je pomenilo, da se nisem mogla upreti naročilu. NYX lakci so res super, poleg tega pa sta znižana še Barry M Foil laka, v mojem paketku pa je pristalo še nekaj pilic in ostalih drobnarij. Pa še darilce sem dobila, luštne nalepke s snežinkami, kot naročeno glede na to, kako pogrešam sneg. 
Moja drogerija has a great discount on everything for manicures, which of course meant I couldn't resist but order something. I really like NYX nail polish and both Barry M Foils were much cheaper plus I ordered some nail files. And I've got a gift - cute stickers with snowflakes, which is great since there's no snow so I'll be able to at least have it on my nails.

Najprej sem sprobala NYX Algae, lak modro-zelene barve, ki mi je manjkala v zbirki. 
Here's my new NYX Algae, nice blueish-green colour I didn't have in my collection. 

NYX Algae

torek, 10. januar 2012

Someday's Nails ;)

Tole se je valjalo na računalniku že nekaj časa, pa sta mi fotki zmeraj ušli pred objavo. Moji nohtki že nekaj tednov nazaj. Uporabila sem Essence Chirp Chirp, se malo trudila z gobico in Depend 190, na koncu pa dodala še Essence Waking Up in Vegas.
These pictures were waiting on my computer quite a few weeks to show them. I've used Essence Chirp Chirp, tried to do something with a sponge and Depend 190 and ended with Essence Waking Up in Vegas.

Essence Natventurista Chirp Chirp

ponedeljek, 9. januar 2012

Konec novoletne turneje. The end of 4 hills.

Za nami je 60. novoletna turneja.
The 60. 4 hills is over.

Prva tekma je potekala 30. 12. v Oberstdorfu. Vrh so zasedli trije Avstrijci:
First competition was in Oberstdorf. At top 3, there were 3 Austrians:
3. mesto: Thomas Morgenstern
2. mesto: Andreas Kofler
1. mesto: Gregor Schlierenzauer

nedelja, 8. januar 2012

e.l.f. Part 2 ;)

Pisala sem že o mojem prvem elf nakupu, zdaj se pa že spodobi, da napišem še kaj o drugem, preden spet kaj naročim ... ;) Jutri namreč menda dobijo nove zaloge. ;)
I've written before about my first e.l.f. haul. Well, it's time to show you the second one, before I order something new again ... ;) They are going to restock (probably) tomorrow ... ;)

Second e.l.f. haul
Tokrat sem ulovila njihove popuste ob 12 dneh božiča in izkoristila zastonj poštnino ter dodano skrivnostno darilce. 
This time I bought things during their 12 days of Christmas and got free postage and free mystery bag.

petek, 6. januar 2012

Essence Circus Circus

Nova Essence Circus Circus trend kolekcija je le prišla tudi v DM in Beauty World. Mene je pritegnil le parfumček, ker je ugoden, lepo diši (na začetku me spomni na maline), predvsem pa me je pritegnila steklenička, ker takšne še nikoli nisem imela. Sicer sta mi všeč tudi glosa za ustnice in roza lak, ampak sem se jim uspešno uprla. 
Essence Circus Circus TE finally came to our drugstores. I've only bought the perfume, because it doesn't cost much, it smells nice (kind of reminds me of raspberries at the beginning), but I was mostly drawn by it because of the bottle, as I've never had one like it before. I also liked lip glosses and pink nail polish, but I've resisted them successfully! 

Zelo slaba sem pri opisovanju vonjev, zato bo bolje, da greste parfum povonjat same (na stojalu so testerji), lahko pa vam pokažem embalažo in krasno stekleničko. Je pa vonj dokaj sladek, nekoliko saden, ampak ne preveč vsiljiv.
I'm not really good with describing scents so it'd be best if you have a chance to try it yourself, but I can show you the packaging and the bottle. But the scent is quite sweet, somewhat fruity, but not too intrusive.

Essence Circus Circus

torek, 3. januar 2012

Organized ;)

Včeraj sem se ob branju objave na blogu TehTeh spomnila, da si letos še nisem kupila rokovnika! Zato sem šla takoj popoldne v akcijo za kakšnim mini luštnim rokovnikom. In našla sem najboljši, najbolj lušten in najbolj roza rokovnik, kar ste jih kdaj videli! :D Pa še ravno prav majhen je, teden pa je na dveh straneh, kar je zame idealno. In kako zgleda? 
While I was reading TehTeh's blog post yesterday I remembered I haven't bought a notebook yet! So I went to the store today to find a cute mini notebook. And I've found the best, the cutest and the pinkest notebook you have ever seen! :D And it's just the right size plus a week is spread on two pages, which is ideal to me. So how does it look like?

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