The 60. 4 hills is over.
Prva tekma je potekala 30. 12. v Oberstdorfu. Vrh so zasedli trije Avstrijci:
First competition was in Oberstdorf. At top 3, there were 3 Austrians:
3. mesto: Thomas Morgenstern
2. mesto: Andreas Kofler
1. mesto: Gregor Schlierenzauer
Na tekmi je hudo padel Norvežan Tom Hilde in pristal v bolnišnici s počenim hrbtnim vretencem. Na srečo je z njim vse v redu, vendar še nekaj časa ne bo mogel tekmovati.
The race was seriously declined by Norwegian Tom Hilde who ended up in hospital with a broken spinal vertebrae. Fortunately he is all right, but some time will pass till he will be able to compete.
Uvrstitve naših tekmovalcev:
9. mesto: Robert Kranjec
17. mesto: Jure Šinkovec
24. mesto: Jernej Damjan
31. mesto: Peter Prevc
32. mesto: Mitja Mežnar
Druga tekma je potekala 1. 1. 2012 v Garmisch-Partenkirchnu. V Avstrijsko vodstvo se je s tretjim mestom vmešal Japonec Daiki Ito, drugi je bil Andreas Kofler, zmagal pa je ponovno Gregor Schlierenzauer.
The second race was held on 1st of January 2012 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. The Austrian leadership was interfered with the third-place Japan's Daiki Ito, the second was Andreas Kofler, again won Gregor Schlierenzauer.
Tokrat je bil najboljši Slovenec Jure Šinkovec na 14. mestu, sledita mu Robert Kranjec na 18. mestu in Peter Prevc na 19. mestu. Jurij Tepeš je zasedel 22. mesto, Jernej Damjan 34., Mitja Mežnar pa 42.
Tretja tekma je potekala v Innsbrucku 4. 1. Vrh so ponovno zasedli dva Avstrijca in en en Japonec. (3. mesto: Taku Takeuchi, 2. mesto: Gregor Schlierenzauer in 1. mesto: Andreas Kofler).
The third race was held in Innsbruck 4. 1. Top was re-occupied by two Austrians and a Japanese one. (3rd place: Taku Takeuchi, 2nd place: Gregor Schlierenzauer and the first place: Andreas Kofler).
Poglejmo še slovenske uvrstitve:
Tokrat gre najboljša uvrstitev Petru Prevcu na 11. mestu. Sledi mu Jernej Damjan na 22. mestu, Robert Kranjec na 28. mestu, Jurij Tepeš na 47. in Mitja Mežnar na 49. mestu.
Zadnja tekma, ki je organizatorjem povzročala največ težav, je potekala 6. 1. v Bischofshofenu. Tokrat se je med Avstrijsko vodstvo vmešal Norvežan Anders Bardal, ki je na koncu zasedel drugo mesto. Tretji je bil Gregor Schlierenzauer, zmaga pa je šla v roke Thomasu Morgensternu.
Tekma je bila odločena le z eno serijo, saj so imeli preveč težav z vremenom, da bi lahko varno izpeljali obe seriji.
Last game, which was causing most problems for the organizers, was held on 6.1. in Bischofshofen. This time, the Austrian leadership was intervened by Norwegian Anders Bardal, who eventually took second place. The third was Gregor Schlierenzauer, victory has gone into the hands of Thomas Morgenstern.
The match was determined by only one series, because they had too many problems with the weather to safely carry out two series.
Tokrat je bil najboljši Slovenec Robert Kranjec, ki je pristal na odličnem 4. mestu. Jurij Tepeš je bil 19., le mesto za njim je pristal Peter Prevc. Jure Šinkovec je bil 25., Mitja Mežnar 35. in Jernej Damjan 39.
Skupna zmaga 60. novoletne turneje je šla v roke Gregorju Schlierenzauerju. Drugo mesto je pripadlo Thomasu Morgensternu in tretje Andreasu Koflerju.
Total win of 60th 4 hill has gone into the hands of Gregor Schlierenzauer. Thomas Morgenstern fell to second place and the third was Andreas Kofler.
We do not own any of the pictures in this blog post. The owner of the pictures is
man, it was a shame Schleri failed in Innsbruck...I would have loved him to have won all 4 and the big prize and stuff...
OdgovoriIzbrišiU need to cut the "jus" in the name in english...what does that mean anyway?
Done, hope I've noticed them all. :D Thanks :D It's from Slovene noun declension. Probably a name copy-paste mistake. :$