četrtek, 30. oktober 2014

Reklame // Commercials

Vedno ko gledam po televiziji kakšno oddajo, film ali nadaljevanko imam občutek, da so vsakih 5 minut reklame, ki kar trajajo in trajajo. Tako sem se odločila, da naredim manjšo raziskavo in preverim, ali nas občutek vara.
Every time I watch some show, movie or series I have a felling that there are always commercials and that they just last and last. So I decided to do a little research to see if that`s correct. 

Tako sem v nedeljo spremljala oddajo Slovenija ima talent, v ponedeljek oddajo Gostilna išče šefa in nato še serijo Gasilci v Chicagu. Med ogledom sem štopala in si zabeležila dolžino oddaje in serije, ter dolžino samih oglasov.
So on Sunday I was watching Slovenia got talent, on Monday Restaurat is looking for a boss and then Chicago fire. I`ve had timed the lenght of the commercials and the shows.

Pa da vidimo, ali res pretiravajo z oglasi, ali ne. 
So let`s see what I find out.

SLOVENIJA IMA TALENT // Slovenia's Got Talent
19. 10. 2014: Začetek // Start: 20:01   Konec // End: 21:42      Dolžina // Length: 101 min 

Oddaja:77%, reklame: 23%. Show: 77%, commercials: 23%.

ponedeljek, 27. oktober 2014

Sleek Rio Rio

Ne morem začeti drugače kot: imam najboljšo šefico in šefa na svetu! Naj vam povem zgodbico. Tole paletko sem videla na Sleek Facebook profilu in se takoj zaljubila vanjo. Delila sem fotko. In čez par dni vprašala šefico, če bo na voljo pri nas. Ampak je bila ena od tistih super ekskluzivnih Superdrug palet, kar vsi izven Velike Britanije tako sovražimo. Ane?! In sem si rekla: okej. Septembra grem v London, mogoče me bo počakala (lol. Ni me. Še Arabian Nights so bile povsod razprodane).
There's no other way to start this post than by saying: I have the best bosses in the whole wide world! Let me tell you a little story. I saw this palette on Sleek's Facebook page and fell in love with it in a second. I shared the photo. And then a few days later I asked my boss if we'll get it. But it was one of those super exclusive Superdrug palettes that everybody outside of UK hate. Right?! So I was like: oh okay. I'll go to London in September, maybe it'll wait for me (lol. It didn't. Even Arabian Nights was sold out everywhere).

nedelja, 26. oktober 2014

NOTD: Barry M Silk Meadow

Eden mojih najljubših letošnje poletje - pa še za pozimi bo! :P Res luštne mintaste barve, finiš pa je super! Je skoraj mat in ima "zamrznjen" svilen šimer. Ima ga popolnoma opiše!
One of my favourite polishes this autumn - and it'll stay favourite in the summer! :P It's a really lovely minty shade and I adore the effect! It's almost matte and has that frosty silky shimmer. The name is just perfect! 

četrtek, 23. oktober 2014

Gelish nohti // Gelish nails

Sestra si je letos kupila UV lučko in gelish lake. Seveda sem kot vedno bila jaz njen poskusni zajček. ;-)
This year my sister bought UV lamp and gelish nail polishes. As usually I was her guinea pig. ;-)

Nastala je tale umetnina. :-)
And this is what happened. :-) 

sreda, 22. oktober 2014

Vse najboljše za naju! // Happy Birthday to us!

JA! Najina obletnica je! Stari sva tri leta! Jupiiii! :D In imava presenečenje! Tri presenečenja!
YES! It's our blogoversary! We're three years old! Woooo! :D And we have a surprise! Three of them! 

Res je lahko pasti v bloganje. V treh letih sva včasih blogali vsak dan, pa potem kakšen mesec komaj kaj, zdaj nama je pa končno uspelo ujeti urnik! Saj sva potrebovali le tri leta. Ne obljubljava, da se ga bova držali, se bova pa potrudili! :)
It's really easy to fall into the blogging world. In these three years we sometimes blogged everyday, then came a month when we barely blogged and now we finally have sort of a schedule! It only took us three years. We can't promise we'll stick to it but we'll try! :) 

Kaj se je dogajalo v zadnjem letu? :)
Skupaj sva šli v Planico, kuhali in pekli sva, blebetali in hribarili.
Tudi lepe nohte sva imeli! Samo poglejte te Minnie miška nohte in srčkaste nohte
Ocenili sva cel kup izdelkov - všeč vam je bila ocena Afroditinih izdelkov in primerjava mat lip glossov
In začeli sva objavljati na Instagramu!
What was going on in the last year? :) 
We went to Planica together, we cooked and baked, we babbled and we hiked
We had pretty nails! Just look at the Minnie Mouse and hearts manis
And we reviewed a bunch of products - you really liked the Afrodita skincare review and comparison of matte lip glosses
And we started posting on Instagram

Kaj pa naju čaka v naslednjem letu? Kdo bi vedel! Če imate kaj idej, kaj bi rade videle, pa le povejte! :) Najprej pa - začnimo novo leto z nagradno igro! Oooo imava presenečenj do konca tedna. ;)
What's waiting for you in the next year? Who knows! But if you have some ideas, we'll be happy to hear them! :) But first - let's start a new year with a giveaway! Oooh we have some surprises prepared by the end of the week. ;) 

Ker sva stari tri leta, morajo biti tri nagradne igre! Normalno! Prva se začne tu. :) Nagrada je ekstra luštna Sleek paleta Garden of Eden z Ličila.si, ki sva jo ocenili TUKAJ
Since we're three years old, there should be three giveaways! Duh! The first one starts here. :) And the prize is this extra lovely Sleek Garden of Eden palette from Ličila.si that we reviewed HERE

Nujno morate pustiti le email in nama slediti na Bloglovin' - vse ostalo je prostovoljno, ampak poveča možnosti za zmago. ;) Nagradna igra je odprta za vse.
You only have to leave us your e-mail and follow us on Bloglovin' - everything else isn't mandatory, but it'll increase your chances of winning! ;) Giveaway is open internationally.

Pa ne pozabite jutri pogledat na najin Facebook profil za posebno nagrado tam in v petek na najin Instagram za še eno posebno nagrado. ;) Vse tri nagradne igre se bodo končale 31. 10. :) 
And don't forget to check our Facebook page tomorrow to see a special giveaway there and check our Instagram account on Friday to see another giveaway! ;) All three giveaways end on 31. 10. :)

ponedeljek, 20. oktober 2014

Vegi tortilje alla Mateja D. // Veggie tortillas alla Mateja D.

Moja sposobnost kuhanja se je s testenin na 100 načinov (ki so v bistvu vsi z enakimi sestavinami), lazanje in riža razširila na še dve jedi! Bravo jaz! :) Ko se študentska leta zaključujejo (iiin jih je že konec) in vidiš, da se res ne izplača ves čas jesti zunaj, hkrati pa se naveličaš ogromnih porcij in vedno iste hrane v določenih restavracijah, ti mogoče celo pade na pamet kaj novega. In hitrega. Ker se mi res ne da veliko časa preživljat v kuhinji. Mehiška vedno paše, zato so nastale te tortilje. Super bo, če ne boste s sirom pretiravale tako kot jaz … :P 
My cooking abilities went from pasta, lasagne and rice to two more dishes! Go me! :) When you stop being a student and you see that it's really not worth eating out, you get bored of too big portions and the same food all the time in a few restaurants, you maybe try to make something new. And fast. Because I really don't like to spend my time in the kitchen. Mexican is always a great idea and I decided to make tortillas. It'd be awesome if you won't add too much cheese, like I did … :P

Kaj potrebujete? 
- Karkoli, kar od zelenjave najdete v hladilniku, je mogoče v njem že skoraj en dan predolgo in bi pogojno pasalo skupaj. Jaz sem tokrat uporabila šampinjone, kumaro, papriko, paradižnik in fižol. Dodala sem še rukolo, ki je super tudi popečena skupaj z ostalimi sestavinami.
- Salso: rdečo in sirovo.
- Sir. 
- Tortilje, valda.
What do you need?
- Any vegetables you find in the fridge that are maybe there almost a day too long and would possibly be good together. I used mushrooms, cucumber, pepper, tomato and beans. I also added rucola, which is even better if you stir-fry it with the other vegetables. 
- Salsa: red and cheese.
- Cheese.
- Tortillas, of course.

sobota, 18. oktober 2014

Instagrammin' #1

Na Instagramu sva! No, ena od naju, ampak glede na to, kako me je zasvojilo, je ena čisto dovolj. :P Lahko nama sledite na @mustvarjata in pustite svoje ime v komentarju, da nisva slučajno koga zgrešili! :) 
We're on Instagram! Well, one of us is and if I think about how it got me addicted, one of us is more than enough. :P You're more than welcome to follow us @mustvarjata and feel free to leave your username in the comments to make sure I didn't miss you there! :) 

Kaj sem objavila do zdaj?
What have I posted by now?

Hrano, seveda! 
Rumove kroglice, ki sem jih kradla mami. - Noro dobra ajdova skutna pita z Oopsi.si. - Tu pa tam sem zdrava in si privoščim kak smuti. - Tale čokoladica je iz čokoladnice Dobnik in je odlična! - (Brezalkoholni) koktejl iz Opera bara. - Moja rojstnodnevna torta po receptu Nothing Fancy Really. - Včasih tudi sama kaj skuham. - Najboljša stran Lendave je to, da je takoj za mejo v Murskem Središču picerija Vuri. - Tole je bila pa enkrat večerja. 
Food, of course! 
Rum balls I was stealing from my mom. - Awesomely good buckwheat pie from Oopsi.si. - I'm actually healthy here and there and I drink a smoothie. - This is the awesomest chocolate ever! - (Alcohol-free) cocktail from Opera bar. - My birthday cake made by recipe from Nothing Fancy Really. - I even cook sometimes. - The best thing about occasionally living in Lendava is the fact that right by the border with Croatia there's an awesome pizza place Vuri. - And this was a dinner one evening.

Mat lip glossi, o katerih lahko objavo preberete TU. - Moj rojstnodnevni makeup. - Najljubša Sleek Garden of Eden.
Matte lip glosses, you can read more about them HERE. - My birthday makeup. - Favourite Sleek Garden of Eden.

ponedeljek, 13. oktober 2014

Ocena Sigma rokavice za čiščenje čopičev // 2X Sigma Brush Cleaning Glove review

2X Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove in the box

Še pred dvema mesecema sem si želela, da bi bila bogata in bi najela asistenta, ki bi opral vse moje čopiče. Res imam preveč čopičev. Če me kdo vpraša, bom to še vedno zanikala, ampak jih je preveč. In nimam dovolj motivacije, da bi jih umivala. Potem sem pa naletela na mini Sigma rokavičko za čiščenje čopičev. In joooj mi je bila všeč! Tako zelo, da sem kupila svoj prvi Sigma izdelek - 2x Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove rokavico za čiščenje čopičev. Do zdaj sem jo uporabila že nekajkrat in lahko končno napišem oceno. Beri dalje. 
Two months ago I wished I was rich so I could hire an assistant to wash all my brushes. I honestly have too many brushes. If anyone asks if I said that I'll still deny it. But I have. And I don't have enough motivation to wash them. But then I stumbled upon a mini Sigma Brush Cleaning Glove. Oooh I loved it! I loved it so much I invested into my own first Sigma product ever - their 2x Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove. I tried it for a few times now so I can tell you what I think and if it's worth buying it. Just read on.

sreda, 8. oktober 2014

Primerjava mat lip glossov // Comparison of matte lip glosses

Za tako objavo sem dobila prošnjo že par mesecev nazaj! Ampak zdaj imam še več mat lip glossov in bo še boljša. :P Se vidi, da imam rada mat lip glosse? ;) Navadnih lip glossov v bistvu niti ne nosim, ker res ne maram, kako se mi lasje lepijo nanje. Pa še preveč bleščeči in prosojni se mi zdijo zame. Bolj so lip glossi mat, bolj sem srečna! V tokratni objavi je pet različnih znamk mat lip glossov, ki jih imam v zbirki. Ne bi rekla, da so vsi mat lip glossi. Zame so to samo tekoči lip glossi, ki se posušijo v mat. Ostali so zame bolj stopljene šminke, oziroma, kot so jim pravili pri Essence, "kreme za ustnice". Se mi zdi kar razlika med njimi.
I've been asked to do this post a long time ago! But now I have even more matte lip glosses so it'll be even better. :P Can you guess I really like matte lip glosses? ;) I don't wear or own lots of regular lip glosses. I hate how my hair stick to them. And I feel they're too shiny and sheer for me. Just give me matte lip glosses and I'm happy! The more matte and dry the better! So here are five different brands I own. I wouldn't say they're all matte lip glosses. To me those are only liquid lip glosses that dry matte. And the others are more melted lipsticks to me - or, as Essence called them, lip creams. There's quite a bit of a difference between them.

Matte lip glosses from my collection

Evo jih, zvezde tokratne objave:
So here they are, the stars of today's post: 
Lime Crime Velvetine in Red Velvet.
Rimmel London Apocalips in Orange-ology.
Sleek Matte Me in Fandango Purple.
Essence Stay Matt in Smooth Berry.
Makeup Revolution Salvation Velvet Laquer in Keep Flying for You.

nedelja, 5. oktober 2014


No, za tiste ki mogoče ne veste, Triglav je najvišji vrh v Sloveniji - 2864m. Na vrhu stoji Aljažev stolp.
For those who don`t know, Triglav is the highest mountain in Slovenija - 2864m. At the top of it there is Aljaz tower. 

Just a few more steps ...
Ampak ni edini v Sloveniji! Na Primorskem imamo tudi enega! In tja sem se odpravila danes po kosilu skupaj z mamo in sestro.
But it`s not the only one in Slovenija! Near to my place there is another one! I went there today with my mum any my sister.

At the top of Kjecl.

petek, 3. oktober 2014

NOTD: Perje // Feathers

Cel kup fotk imam na računalniku, pa niso nikakor prišle na vrsto, ampak tile morajo biti objavljeni. Redko uporabim nude lak za nohte, ampak poleg teh nalepk ni pristajal nikakršen drug. In tole je ena mojih najljubših manikur. :) Uporabila sem prastar Essence nude lak za nohte iz kolekcije Natventurista Chirp Chirp! in pa water decals nalepke z Born Pretty Store
I have a bunch of photos to publish on my computer but there's always something else to post … :) But I really liked wearing this mani so these need to be posted! I rarely use nude nail polishes but this one was perfect with these stickers. :) I used a really old Essence nude nail polish from Natventurista Chirp Chirp! and water decals from Born Pretty Store.

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