Moja sposobnost kuhanja se je s testenin na 100 načinov (ki so v bistvu vsi z enakimi sestavinami), lazanje in riža razširila na še dve jedi! Bravo jaz! :) Ko se študentska leta zaključujejo (iiin jih je že konec) in vidiš, da se res ne izplača ves čas jesti zunaj, hkrati pa se naveličaš ogromnih porcij in vedno iste hrane v določenih restavracijah, ti mogoče celo pade na pamet kaj novega. In hitrega. Ker se mi res ne da veliko časa preživljat v kuhinji. Mehiška vedno paše, zato so nastale te tortilje. Super bo, če ne boste s sirom pretiravale tako kot jaz … :P
My cooking abilities went from pasta, lasagne and rice to two more dishes! Go me! :) When you stop being a student and you see that it's really not worth eating out, you get bored of too big portions and the same food all the time in a few restaurants, you maybe try to make something new. And fast. Because I really don't like to spend my time in the kitchen. Mexican is always a great idea and I decided to make tortillas. It'd be awesome if you won't add too much cheese, like I did … :P
Kaj potrebujete?
- Karkoli, kar od zelenjave najdete v hladilniku, je mogoče v njem že skoraj en dan predolgo in bi pogojno pasalo skupaj. Jaz sem tokrat uporabila šampinjone, kumaro, papriko, paradižnik in fižol. Dodala sem še rukolo, ki je super tudi popečena skupaj z ostalimi sestavinami.
- Salso: rdečo in sirovo.
- Sir.
- Tortilje, valda.
What do you need?
- Any vegetables you find in the fridge that are maybe there almost a day too long and would possibly be good together. I used mushrooms, cucumber, pepper, tomato and beans. I also added rucola, which is even better if you stir-fry it with the other vegetables.
- Salsa: red and cheese.
- Cheese.
- Tortillas, of course.