nedelja, 5. oktober 2014


No, za tiste ki mogoče ne veste, Triglav je najvišji vrh v Sloveniji - 2864m. Na vrhu stoji Aljažev stolp.
For those who don`t know, Triglav is the highest mountain in Slovenija - 2864m. At the top of it there is Aljaz tower. 

Just a few more steps ...
Ampak ni edini v Sloveniji! Na Primorskem imamo tudi enega! In tja sem se odpravila danes po kosilu skupaj z mamo in sestro.
But it`s not the only one in Slovenija! Near to my place there is another one! I went there today with my mum any my sister.

At the top of Kjecl.

Hrib se imenuje Kjecl in je približno 2400m nižje, kot je dejansko Triglav. Ampak vseeno je bil lep pohod s čudovitim razgledom.
It`s called "Kjecl" and it`s about 2400m lower that the actual Triglav. But anyway it was a nice hike with a great view. 

So, let`s start!
Narava je že čudovita v svojih jesenskih barvah, vreme je bilo čudovito.
Nature is really amazing with beautifull autumn colours and the weather was amazing.

Super preživeta nedelja. 
It`s was great Sunday. 

Vipava valley.
Kje si se pa ti potepala?
And where were you today?

Beautifull red!

5 komentarjev:

  1. Ooo, super!

    Meni je predvsem pot na Triglav všeč, ker se vzpenjaš, pa malo gor pa malo dol :D In kravice ob poteh prav vse lepo poživijo! :)

    1. No, za tisti Triglav pa še ne vem kako izgleda pot :-D

  2. you are too outdoorsy... seriously!!!!


  3. Tudi jaz sem bila v nedeljo prvič :-)


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