Vedno je nekaj prišlo vmes. Ni bilo časa, zbolela sem, avto je crknil … Letos mi je pa uspelo! Končno sem šla v Planico!
There was always something. No time, got sick, car broke down … But I made it this year! I finally went to Planica!
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See! I took this in Planica! :P |
Največja zahvala gre Zavarovalnici Triglav! Ne le, da sem v jeseni objokovala dejstvo, da bom naslednjič stara toliko, da ne bom več dobivala njihovih darilc ob zavarovanju (če so pa vedno luštna! :P ), še v Planico so naju pripeljali - priskrbeli so nama namreč karti za nedeljsko tekmo - HVALA! :)
The biggest thanks goes to Triglav Group! They got us the tickets for the Sunday competition - THANK YOU! :)
Pa še Mateji K. se moram zahvalit, ker me je potrpežljivo prenašala in prevažala. Ampak, uf, tale vikend je bil poln vseh "prvič"! Prvič v Planici, prvič sem se vozila z Matejo, prvič sem videla, kako je, če imaš cimre. Okej, ne, ker sem samo eno videla za 5 sekund … Prespali sva namreč v Ljubljani. Po grožnjah, da bova vstali ob 5. uri, sva vseeno prestavili uro za pol urce in se zbudili ob zvoku žvrgolečih ptičkov. Skoraj pol ure prehitro. Hvala, ptiči, drugič si izberite drugo drevo. Zakaj sva prestavili uro? Zato, ker sva še ob 23.00 počeli tole:
And I have to thank Mateja K. for patiently putting up with me and driving me around. But oh this was the weekend of firsts! I was in Planica for the first time, it was the first time Mateja K. was driving me around, for the first time I saw how it is to have roommates. Well, not really, I only saw one for like 5 seconds … We slept in Ljubljana so we were able to get up a bit later. After some threats that we'll get up at 5 a.m., we moved the clock to half an hour later and woke up to birds singing like crazy. Almost half an hour too soon. Thanks, birds, pick another tree the next time. Why did we move the clock? We were still working on this at 11 p.m.:
Še en prvič! Nikoli še nisem šla navijat s plakatom. Škoda, da se je razmočil in potrgal, ker sva ravno ugotavljali, da je v bistvu primeren za čisto vse športe in bi lahko 10 let hodili naokrog z enakim plakatom.
Another first! I've never cheered with a banner. Too bad it got wet and fell apart, we were just discussing how we could use it for any sports and walk around with it for 10 years.
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Ignore my dinner at the bottom. |
Po odhodu sredi noči ob 7. uri zjutraj sva se končno začeli približevati Kranjski Gori. In kaj zagledam? SNEG! Mogoče pa spadam na Gorenjsko, grozno rada imam sneg. Pa dež me tudi ni motil. Na sebi sem imela približno 10 plasti oblačil, nepremočljive škornje (ki so dejansko ostali popolnoma suhi!) in Gardaland pelerino, ki je izlet zaključila tragično v smetnjaku, ampak je poskrbela, da sem bila premočena le od komolcev navzdol. Priprave očitno obvladam.
After we went on the road in the middle of the night at 7 a.m. we were closer and closer to Kranjska Gora. And what did I see? SNOW! I might supposed to live there, I really like snow. And the rain didn't bother me. I had about 10 layers of clothes on me, and some boots that actually kept the water and snow out. And a Gardaland raincoat that ended the trip tragically in a dumpster but made it possible that I was only soaked from my elbows down. I seem to be perfect at preparations.
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Snooooow! |
S pomočjo čudežnih supermoči Mateje K. sva se v Planico iz Kranjske Gore pripeljali v vip kombiju, po kvalifikacijih pa sva prišli na vip prostor tik ob ograjo, mimo katere so se sprehajali vsi. Franci Petek in Walter Hofer! Manjkal je le Stare s petjem. In bilo je super! Vse je potekalo super hitro, jaz sem bila čisto navdušena in kot po navadi nimam pojma, kakšni so bili vsi rezultati! Tako je pač, če navijaš, no! Na srečo lahko preberete Matejino objavo - ona ima uvrstitve v glavi, v moji je pa še vedno vse pomešano in zmedeno. Sem si pa dobro zapomnila Prevčev zadnji skok! Mogoče je bilo gledalcev v Planici le 4000, ampak takrat jih je bilo slišati 10-krat več. :)
With some help of Mateja K.'s magical superpowers we were able to drive from Kranjska Gora to Planica in a vip van and got to vip space right next to the fence after the qualifications. Everyone walked by it. Oh it was awesome! Everything was going on super fast, I was so impressed and as usually I have no memory of majority of results! But that's how it is when you're cheering, c'mon! Luckily there's Mateja K. so you can read her post about that. But I did remember Prevc's last jump! Maybe there really were only 4000 people there, but at that moment it sounded like 10 times more. :)
Fotk ni dosti - preprosto zato, ker sem uživala in zbirala vtise, gledala vse naokrog, in ker je bilo noro naporno karkoli dobiti iz nahrbtnika med ulivanjem in držanjem dežnika pa še česa. :)) Ampak, pismo, v Planici še megla izgleda dobro!
There are not many photos - simply because I was having such a good time collecting memories and watching everything around me and because it was freaking difficult to get anything out of the bag under the raincoat and with an umbrella in one hand. :)) But, gosh, Planica looks great even in fog.
Kaj je bilo najboljše? Vse! Je pa neprecenljivo dvakrat slišati slovensko himno in bo zato še težje čakati novo sezono. :) Če je bilo takšno super vzdušje ob nalivu, mrazu, snegu, na manjši skakalnici in z le 4000 gledalci, kaj bo šele drugo leto (ko bo spet padel svetovni rekord - zagotovo! ;)).
What was the best? Everything! But it's priceless to hear Slovenian anthem twice and it makes it even harder to wait for the new season. :) And if the atmosphere was this great in rain, cold, snow, on a smaller hill and with only 4000 people there, I can't imagine how it'll be like next year (with the new world record - I'm sure! ;)).
Drugo leto se vidimo vse štiri dni!
See you on all four days next year!
you went the best day! so awesome! hope to join you one day!
Right! And if I had such great time in the rain, I can't image what I'll be like next year! :) Join us soon! ;)