2X Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove in the box |
Še pred dvema mesecema sem si želela, da bi bila bogata in bi najela asistenta, ki bi opral vse moje čopiče. Res imam preveč čopičev. Če me kdo vpraša, bom to še vedno zanikala, ampak jih je preveč. In nimam dovolj motivacije, da bi jih umivala. Potem sem pa naletela na mini Sigma rokavičko za čiščenje čopičev. In joooj mi je bila všeč! Tako zelo, da sem kupila svoj prvi Sigma izdelek - 2x Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove rokavico za čiščenje čopičev. Do zdaj sem jo uporabila že nekajkrat in lahko končno napišem oceno. Beri dalje.
Two months ago I wished I was rich so I could hire an assistant to wash all my brushes. I honestly have too many brushes. If anyone asks if I said that I'll still deny it. But I have. And I don't have enough motivation to wash them. But then I stumbled upon a mini Sigma Brush Cleaning Glove. Oooh I loved it! I loved it so much I invested into my own first Sigma product ever - their 2x Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove. I tried it for a few times now so I can tell you what I think and if it's worth buying it. Just read on.
2X Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove in the box |
Najprej - embalaža mi je všeč in ne zaradi enake stvari. Res je super, da ima luknjice, skozi katere se lahko preizkusi teksturo ob nakupu. Po drugi strani pa je to slabo, ker bi me zelo motilo, če bi jo kupila v fizični trgovini. Sto ljudi pred mano bi jo lahko "prešlatalo". Moja je sicer z Ličila.si, tako da sem se temu super izognila. Je pa embalaža super za shranjevanje rokavice, saj se čez luknjice tudi zrači - kar ni slabo, čeprav jo pospravim šele, ko je čisto suha.
First of all - I like and dislike the packaging because of the same thing. It's really great that it has these holes where you can try the texture when you're buying the glove. But then on the other hand - if I bought it at a store, I'd hate that. Because a hundred people before me would be able to touch it. I got mine from Ličila.si webstore so I didn't have to worry about that. But the packaging is great to store the glove - the holes let the air in and I like that, even though I dry the glove completely before I put it back in the box.
2X Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove - face side |
Moja Sigma rokavica za čiščenje čopičev je dvostranska. Ena stran je namenjena čiščenju čopičev za obraz, druga stran pa čiščenju manjših čopičev za oči in ustnice in podobno.
2X Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove is a two side glove. One side is for the face brushes and the other for smaller eyes and lips brushes.2X Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove - eyes side |
Vsaka stran je razdeljena na več delov različnih tekstur, namenjenih pranju, izpiranju in temeljitejšemu pranju čopiča, tako da se lahko čopič res super očisti brez obračanja in odlaganja rokavice. Tudi za obračanje rokavice je ni treba sneti, ker je dovolj velika, da se jo obrne na roki. Super je tudi del pri palcu, s katerim se iztisne vodo in oblikuje čopič.
Each side has the wash, rinse, refine and refine plus textures so you can really clean your brushes thoroughly without putting the glove on and off. You don't even have to put it off to change the sides - just switch it on the hand. I love the part of the glove by the thumb that's meant to remove excess water and reshape the brush.
Each side has the wash, rinse, refine and refine plus textures so you can really clean your brushes thoroughly without putting the glove on and off. You don't even have to put it off to change the sides - just switch it on the hand. I love the part of the glove by the thumb that's meant to remove excess water and reshape the brush.
2X Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove - face - wash |
2X Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove - face - rinse |
2X Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove - face - refine |
2X Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove - face - refine plus |
Rokavica je precej velika in univerzalne velikosti. Je pa definitivno primerna tako za manjše kot večje dlani. V notranjosti je vstavljena mehka rokavica iz mikrovlaken, ki poskrbi, da se rokavica ne premika preveč in je udobna za nošenje. Jo je pa seveda možno odstraniti in posebej posušiti. Če so vaše roke suhe, je pa super, da pred uporabo nanesete še kremo za roke, da ni tistega zoprnega občutka suhih rok v rokavicah.
The glove is pretty big and it's universal size. But you don't have to worry that you hands are too small or too big. It has a microfiber glove inside, it's really soft and it helps make the glove stay put. You can of course remove it and wash it or let it dry. But I like to use hand cream before, just so there's less of that annoying feeling of dry skin inside the glove.
2X Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove - eyes - wash |
2X Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove - eyes - rinse |
2X Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove - eyes - refine |
2X Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove - eyes - refine plus |
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2X Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove - face |
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2X Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove - eyes |
Fotkala sem, ko sem rokavico uporabila prvič, hkrati pa sem takrat preizkusila tudi novi Makeup Revolution šampon za čiščenje čopičev. Včasih sem uporabljala kar navaden šampon za lase, ker uporabljam precej nežne šampone, saj si pogosto umivam lase. Pred kratkim pa sem preklopila na Keune šampon, ki je malce dražji kot prejšnji in sem se raje odločila še za poseben šampon za čopiče. Pred tem sem uporabljala e.l.f. šampon, ampak mi je tale malo bolj všeč, ker ima boljšo odprtino - e.l.f. šampon se mi je po navadi zamašil.
I took pictures the first time I tried it and it was the first time I was using the new Makeup Revolution Brush Shampoo too. I usually used regular hair shampoos to wash my brushes, because I wash my hair pretty often so I use gentle shampoos. But I switched to Keune shampoo now and it's a bit more expensive than my previous ones so I decided to get the special brush shampoo. I used the one from e.l.f. before but I prefer this one. It has a better opening - the one from e.l.f. clogged pretty often.
Makeup Revolution Anti Bacterial Brush Shampoo |
Super diši. Ne premočno, ne preveč umetno. Samo navaden nežen vonj. Lepo se peni in ni ga treba uporabiti preveč, da opravi svojo nalogo. Vonj ostane na čopičih, ampak le za nekaj časa in jih čisto nežno odišavi.
It smells great. Not too strong, not too artificial. Just a regular nice gentle smell. It foams nicely too and you don't have to use too much of it to do it's job. The smell stays on the brushes for a bit, but as I said, it's not too strong.
Pa smo tam. Nova rokavica za čiščenje čopičev, nov šampon za čiščenje čopičev in kup umazanih čopičev. Veselo na delo!
So there I was. With a new brush cleaning glove, new brush shampoo and tons of dirty brushes. Let's get to work!
Najprej sem izbrala dva v najslabšem stanju. Čopič za nanos tekočega pudra in čopič za ustnice. Nikoli mi še ni uspelo popolnoma očistiti šminke iz čopiča. Čopiči za nanos tekočega pudra pa skoraj vedno ostanejo vsaj malce umazani, ne glede na trud. Tega sem uporabila za (neuspešno) prekrivanje opekline sonca … V tistem tednu letošnjega sonca mi je uspelo stakniti opeklino, čeprav se mi to nikoli ne zgodi. Ups. Tale čopič sem uporabila s približno 3 tekočimi pudri. In res ni izgledal lepo. V glavnem, čopiče za tekoči puder in šminke vedno najtežje očistim.
First, I picked the dirtiest two. A liquid foundation brush and a lip brush. I never get my lipsticks out of the brushes, never! And foundation brushes always seemed to stay at least a bit dirty no matter how hard I tried. I used this one to (unsuccessfully) cover my sunburn … We had like one week of sun in the summer and I managed to get sunburnt, which never happens to me … Oh well. :P I used this brush with I think 3 different foundations. So it was not looking nice. And I don't know if it's just me but foundation and lipstick brushes are the hardest to clean.
Najprej čopič za tekoči puder! Malce sem ga zmočila pod tekočo vodo, samo za sekundo. Potem sem nanesla malo šampona na zmočeno rokavico in s čopičem krožila po "wash" delu za čiščenje čopiča. Sprala sem ga pod tekočo vodo na "rinse" delu in nanesla malo šampona na "refine" del za temeljitejše čiščenje. Tudi tam in na "refine plus" delu sem krožila s čopičem, nato pa ga na tem delu tudi temeljito sprala. Rokavica se je s tem očistila kar sama po sebi. Samo še iztisnila sem odvečno vodo in ga preoblikovala …
Foundation brush first! I put it under the water just for a second. Then I poured a bit of brush shampoo on a wet glove and started to wash the brush in circle motions on the wash part of the glove. I rinsed it under running water and then I put a tiny bit of the shampoo on the refine part and continued with the circle motions there and on the refine plus part. I also rinsed it on those two parts and the glove kind of just cleaned itself that way. I only had to squeeze the excess water and reshape it ...
In … Čist kot nov! Noro!
And … Voila, clean as new! Freaking amazing!
Potem je bil na vrsti še čopič za ustnice. Po super rezultatih sem bila polna pričakovanj.
Then there was the lipstick brush. After awesome results with the foundation brush I was really hopeful.
Obrnem rokavico in tudi tu je sledil enak postopek. Zmoči, nanesi šampon, zaokroži, da se speni, speri, nanesi šampon in temeljitejše očisti, speri, iztisni vodo in oblikuj. Sliši se ogromno korakov, ampak vse poteka ekstra hitro.
I turn the glove and there there were the same steps. Put the brush under running water for a second, put the shampoo on the glove, wash, rinse, shampoo on the glove, wash thoroughly, rinse, remove excess water and reshape. It sounds like a hundred steps but it's all so fast.
In na čopiču ni bilo čisto nič več šminke! NIČ! Takrat sem skoraj začela jokati od sreče in se zavedla, da je bilo to najbolje porabljenih 40 € v mojem življenju. Moji čopiči za šminke bodo prvič, odkar sem jih uporabila, spet čisti.
And there was zero lipstick left on it! ZERO! That was the moment when I almost started crying of happiness and I realised those were the best spent 40 € in my life. My lipstick brushes will be clean again, for the first time since they were used.
Da ne govorim o času, ki sem ga porabila. Vse je potekalo dosti hitreje kot po navadi. Najprej so bili čopiči itak čisti v enem koraku. Za nekatere potem niti nisem potrebovala dodatnega koraka temeljitejšega čiščenja. Vse je potekalo hitreje in moji nohti niso bili v groznem stanju zaradi vode. In prebrala sem, da se da očistiti 10 manjših čopičev naenkrat. Izziv sprejet!
Not to tell you about the time spent! I was cleaning the brushes way faster. I mean, first of all, they were clean in one step. I didn't even need to use the refine and refine plus steps on each brush. Everything was happening faster and my nails weren't in horrible condition because of all the water. And I read you can clean up to 10 brushes at once on the eyes side. Challenge accepted!
Okej, nerodna sem. Priporočam, da uporabite 10 čopičev podobne dolžine, ker imate lahko sicer težave, kako jih držati. Se pa vsekakor da. Bili so perfektno očiščeni, morate pa biti zelo pazljive, vsaj bolj kot jaz, pri izpiranju. Malce dlje traja, da dobro izperete ves šampon iz 10 čopičev naenkrat in ravno zato vsaj na začetku ne bi priporočala, da jih perete 10 naenkrat. Skoraj zagotovo bo ostalo vsaj malce šampona v vsaj enem. Pa še lažje je držati samo 3-5 čopičev naenkrat - to je definitivno super izvedljivo, z izpiranjem vred. Še vedno je dosti hitreje (ali pa še bolj, ker jih ni treba ponovno izpirati) in iskreno - celo če čistite vsakega posebej boste hitrejše kot na "stari" način brez rokavice. ;)
Well, I'm clumsy. I recommend you use 10 brushes that are pretty much the same length, because you can have trouble holding them. It can be done though. They were cleaned perfectly, but you have to be really careful (more than I was) when you rinse them. It takes longer to rinse 10 brushes at once and because of that step I wouldn't recommend cleaning 10 brushes at once - at least not when you're just getting to know the glove. You'll almost certainly have some shampoo left in at least one of them. It's way easier to wash 3-5 at once - that can be easily done, rinsing included. And it's still really fast (faster, since you don't have to re-rinse them) and honestly - even if you wash them one by one you'll do it faster than the old school no glove way. ;)
Bili so torej super čisti, ampak jih je bilo treba dodatno sprati.
So they were perfectly clean but they needed more rinsing.
Evo popolnoma čist čopič za eyeliner!
See the eyeliner brush? Awesomely clean!
Kaj torej mislim on Sigma rokavici za čiščenje čopičev?
- Res je mehka in udobna. Ampak nanesite pred uporabo še kremo za roke, če imate ekstremno suhe roke.
- Noro skrajša čas čiščenja čopičev! Mislim, da bi končala v pol ure ali 45 minutah, če ne bi vmes še fotkala. In to z vsemi čopiči, ne le pofotkanimi. Ker mi gre čiščenje zelo počasi, bi brez rokavice potrebovala približno uro in pol.
- Čopiči so dosti bolje očiščeni - popolnoma, pravzaprav. Dosti lažje je očistiti ekstra umazane in ni jih treba 3-krat preverjati in dodatno čistiti … Mhm, govorim vam, vedno umazani čopiči za šminke! Zmagala sem!
- Rokavica ne poškoduje čopičev. Narejena je iz mehkega silikona in ni treba skrbeti, da jih čistite pregrobo. Pri mojih do zdaj ščetine sploh niso izpadale. Pa ne uporabljam ravno najdražjih čopičev na svetu. :) Pa še lepo so bili oblikovani zaradi tistega delčka rokavice pri palcu.
- Nič več vode na dlaneh in nohtih med čiščenjem čopičev, kar pomeni, da so moji nohti lepši in močnejši.
- Čistite lahko več čopičev naenkrat, ampak ne priporočam več kot 5, vsaj pri izpiranju. Samo čiščenje pa je izvedljivo tudi z 10.
- Bolj je higienična. Tudi odvečno vodo se iz ščetin iztisne z rokavico, tako da se čopičev ne dotikate z rokami.
- Brisače so manj mokre. Odvečno vodo sem po navadi iztiskala kar z brisačo, kar je pomenilo, da je bila vsaj ena čisto premočena.
- Cena je razumna. Rokavico bom imela več let in ko strošek razporedim po teh letih, je vredno. Narejena je iz super materiala, obstaja celo video, kako se jo lahko raztegne, ampak tega raje nisem preizkušala. :P
So what do I think about the 2X Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove?
- It's soft and comfortable. But wear hand cream before you put it on if you have extremely dry hands.
- It shortens the cleaning time a lot! I would be done in about half an hour to 45 minutes if I wasn't taking pictures. And with all the brushes, not just the ones I took pictures off. Considering I'm slow when it comes to cleaning brushes and it'd usually take me an hour and a half to wash all these brushes.
- The brushes are way better cleaned - perfectly, actually. It's so much easier to clean the really dirty ones and you don't have to check and re-wash them 3 times … Yeah, I'm talking to you, always dirty lipstick brushes, even when I think you're already clean! I won!
- The glove makes sure not to damage your brushes. It's really soft so you don't have to worry you're too rough. There was zero loss of bristles with mine so far. And I don't use the most expensive brushes in the world. :) And the brushes were nicely reshaped with the thumb part of the glove.
- No more water on your hands and nails the whole time while you're washing your brushes and that means stronger nails for me!
- You can wash multiple brushes at once, but I wouldn't recommend more than 5. At least for the rinsing part. The washing part can be done.
- It's more hygienic. You even squeeze the excess water with the glove so you don't touch them with your hands at any time.
- Towels are less wet. I usually squeezed the excess water out with the towels so at least one was soaking at the end of the day.
- The price is reasonable. I'll have it for years and when you stretch the cost through those years, it's worth it. It's made of great material, there's even a video of how much you can stretch it. But I rather didn't try that. :P
In one sentence … Thanks Ryan, but I'm all right, I don't need you anymore!
Sigma rokavica za čiščenje čopičev je na voljo na Ličila.si v več barvah.
You can get the Sigma Brush Cleaning Glove in different colours on their website or on Pink Panda Croatia and Hungary, if you're from there. :)
Jo boste preizkusile ali pa ste kdaj uporabljale kaj podobnega?
Will you try it or have you ever tried something similar?
Kako obsežna objava, svaka čast :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuper zgleda, moram probat - samo cena je pa car visoka :/
Hvala ti! Zadnje čase se mi ljubi tipkat :P
IzbrišiJaz sem si rekla, da se razporedi strošek čez leta - pa se s tem tolažim. :D
I kinda find that useless, but great pictures =)
Thanks :P
IzbrišiIt's really useful for me, I have too many brushes :D
Zadnja slikca Ryana me je res nasmejala... :D Drugače pa mislim, da imamo vse te težave z umivanjem čopičev, sem tudi sama zelo lena ko jih je treba. Uporabjam pa od Ebeline gobico za obraz in mi je tudi precej olajšala umivanje. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiRavno pravi čas sem našla to fotko :P
IzbrišiSuper, da si tud ti našla nekaj! Jaz sem imela vedno po umivanju čisto šibke nohte in mi je že s tega vidika ful bolje :)
Looks super cool!!
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Thanks ;)
IzbrišiHaha zadnja slika od Ryana je res posrečena :) Super obsežna objava :) ni boljšega kot čisto čisti čopiči :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaaaa, čisti in dišeči čopiči! :D
IzbrišiSeem like a really lovely product :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiWould not mind owning that one :D
Awesome review :)
You can participate in their giveaway! :) https://www.sigmabeauty.com/Articles.asp?ID=349
IzbrišiČudovito izgleda :) In res uporabno!
OdgovoriIzbrišiSama imam sicer čisto malo čopičev - zares! - pa se mi še teh ne da očistiti!
Hehehe muuuka je čistit čopiče! :D