Na Instagramu sva! No, ena od naju, ampak glede na to, kako me je zasvojilo, je ena čisto dovolj. :P Lahko nama sledite na @mustvarjata in pustite svoje ime v komentarju, da nisva slučajno koga zgrešili! :)
We're on Instagram! Well, one of us is and if I think about how it got me addicted, one of us is more than enough. :P You're more than welcome to follow us @mustvarjata and feel free to leave your username in the comments to make sure I didn't miss you there! :)
Kaj sem objavila do zdaj?
What have I posted by now?
Hrano, seveda!
Rumove kroglice, ki sem jih kradla mami. - Noro dobra ajdova skutna pita z - Tu pa tam sem zdrava in si privoščim kak smuti. - Tale čokoladica je iz čokoladnice Dobnik in je odlična! - (Brezalkoholni) koktejl iz Opera bara. - Moja rojstnodnevna torta po receptu Nothing Fancy Really. - Včasih tudi sama kaj skuham. - Najboljša stran Lendave je to, da je takoj za mejo v Murskem Središču picerija Vuri. - Tole je bila pa enkrat večerja.
Food, of course!
Rum balls I was stealing from my mom. - Awesomely good buckwheat pie from - I'm actually healthy here and there and I drink a smoothie. - This is the awesomest chocolate ever! - (Alcohol-free) cocktail from Opera bar. - My birthday cake made by recipe from Nothing Fancy Really. - I even cook sometimes. - The best thing about occasionally living in Lendava is the fact that right by the border with Croatia there's an awesome pizza place Vuri. - And this was a dinner one evening.
Mat lip glossi, o katerih lahko objavo preberete TU. - Moj rojstnodnevni makeup. - Najljubša Sleek Garden of Eden.
Matte lip glosses, you can read more about them HERE. - My birthday makeup. - Favourite Sleek Garden of Eden.
Mogoče ste opazile, da sem bila v Londonu. Res ga pogrešam!
Big Ben prvič. - Tower Bridge. - Big Ben drugič. - Harry Potter avtobus, ki pelje do Warner Bros studiev. - Butterbeer! - Neverjetna maketa Bradavičarke (jao, sovražim slovenski prevod). - Vrtovi ob Kensingtonski palači. - Big Ben tretjič. - Veverica v St. James parku.
You might have noticed I was in London. I miss it so much!
Big Ben once. - Tower Bridge. - Big Ben twice. - Harry Potter bus that gets you to Warner Bros studios. - Butterbeer! - Awesome Hogwarts castle model. - Gardens by the Kensington palace. - Big Ben the third time. - A squirrel in St. James's park.
Nohti so tudi dostikrat "na tapeti".
Of course I put new manicures on Instagram.
Lepi center v Velenju. - Lendava na večer, ko me je popikalo 16 komarjev v par urah - čez oblačila, ko sem bila na pijači v kavarni, ne zunaj. 24 ur kasneje sem bila v dežurni ambulanti. - Velenje. - Res imam rada jesen, ampak ta teden bi se tako šla drsat! Ne v dvorano. Zunaj, v bundi, kapi in vsem!
Promenade in Velenje - Lendava on the evening when I got 16 mosquito bites in a few hours - over my clothes when I was inside a coffee place. 24 hour later I was at the er. - Velenje. - I really love autumn, but I so wanna go ice skating this week. Outside, in a warm coat, a hat and everything!
Kako sem komaj čakala novo sezono The Walking Dead! Zakon je! - Tole je staro 17 let, pa še dela. - Spet sem prebrala Harryja Potterja. - In knjigo Lauren Graham (najbrž se je spomnite kot zakon mamo iz Midve z mamo). - Moji novi škornji. - In zgodnje darilo za rojstni dan.
Oh I was so excited for the new season of Walking Dead! It was awesome! - This thing is 17 years old and still works. - I read Harry Potter again. - And Lauren Graham's (you might remember her as the awesome mom from Gilmore Girls) book. - My new autumn boots! - And my early birthday present.
Pa še nekaj mojih novosti.
And some new stuff I got!
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