Ne morem začeti drugače kot: imam najboljšo šefico in šefa na svetu! Naj vam povem zgodbico. Tole paletko sem videla na Sleek Facebook profilu in se takoj zaljubila vanjo. Delila sem fotko. In čez par dni vprašala šefico, če bo na voljo pri nas. Ampak je bila ena od tistih super ekskluzivnih Superdrug palet, kar vsi izven Velike Britanije tako sovražimo. Ane?! In sem si rekla: okej. Septembra grem v London, mogoče me bo počakala (lol. Ni me. Še Arabian Nights so bile povsod razprodane).
There's no other way to start this post than by saying: I have the best bosses in the whole wide world! Let me tell you a little story. I saw this palette on Sleek's Facebook page and fell in love with it in a second. I shared the photo. And then a few days later I asked my boss if we'll get it. But it was one of those super exclusive Superdrug palettes that everybody outside of UK hate. Right?! So I was like: oh okay. I'll go to London in September, maybe it'll wait for me (lol. It didn't. Even Arabian Nights was sold out everywhere).
Za vsak slučaj, če je ne bi dobila, sem se prisilila, da jo pozabim. No, na zunaj. V moji glavi je bil vedno mini glasek.
Just in case I couldn't get it, I made myself forget about it. Well, on the outside at least. There was always that little voice inside my head.
In kaj se je zgodilo? Teden ali dva zatem sta šla šefica in šefe v London na sestanek in se nekako spomnila, da sem omenila tole paleto in mi jo prinesla! Tazadnjo! Čisto zadnjo (v tistem Superdrugu, ampak čisto možno, da je bila zadnja zadnja!). Sem rekla! Najboljša sta! :D
And what happened? By bosses went to London for some meeting like a week or two later and they somehow remembered I mentioned this palette and they got it for me! The last one! Very last one (in that Superdrug, but it might've been the last last one, who knows!). See! They are the best! :D
In postala je moja nova ljubezen. Odtenki so tako živi, ampak tako nosljivi. Res izgleda brazilsko in ko pokombiniraš barve, je povsem uporabna za vsak dan. Pa da ne govorim o pigmentaciji - Sleek pač. Sem že kdaj rekla, da imam rada Sleek palete? Ko sem bila majhna, sem zbirala papirnate prtičke, zdaj pa paletke. To je samo malo dražje kot moj star hobi.
And it became my new love. The colours are oh so bright but also oh so wearable! It really looks "Brazil" and once you mix the colours together, you can create perfect everyday looks too. I won't even talk about pigmentation, because, you know, Sleek. Did I tell you I really like Sleek palettes? It's become like collecting paper napkins when I was little. Just much more expensive.
Itak sem jo morala prešlatati že takrat pred fotkanjem (ja, fotke so malo čakale na objavo in paletke valda ni nikjer več, ampak mooorala sem vam jo pokazat!).
Of course I had to try it out before taking photos (yeah, the photos waited a bit to be posted, palette is not available anymore but I haaad to show it to you!).
Tropics je najbolj mat perfektna oranžna s kančkom rdeče in oh obožujem oranžno! Zelo pigmentirana!
Night Fever je prava roza, prav tako mat, malenkost manj mehka in pigmentirana kot oranžna, ampak še vedno odlična!
Ipanema je rjavkasto-vijolična z zlatimi bleščicami, ki pa po nanosu niso prevelike.
Caipirinha je travnato zelena z zlatim šimrom.
Urca je šimrasta zlato bež, popolna za notranji kotiček očesa ali pa za nanos po celi veki.
Leblon je klasična Sleek mat črna.
Cachaca je perlasto bela, krasna za osvetljevanje.
City of Gold, oh, tale je super! Rumenkasto zlata s toooooliko šimra!
Copacabana je mat bež, ki jo največkrat uporabim za zabrisovanje odtenkov v pregibu veke ali pa ko hočem vse skupaj malo omiliti.
Sao Conrado je luštna mat koralna.
In potem pride na vrsto ena najbolj posebnih - Bossa Nova. Ko bi fotoaparat ujel to lepoto. Vijolična s kančkom fuksije in veliko modrega šimra, ki se pokaže pod svetlobo. Čudovito!
Zadnja pa je Leme, polnočno modra z modrim šimrom, ki jo dela še bolj skrivnostno.
Tropics is the most matte perfect orange shade with a bit of red and oh I love orange! Highly pigmented, this one!
Night Fever is a hot pink, also matte, a bit less soft and less pigmented than Tropics but still awesome!
Ipanema is a brownish-violet colour with gold glitter, that's not too big once you apply it.
Caipirinha is a grass green with small gold shimmer.
Urca is shimmery goldish beige, peeeerfect for inner eye corners or all over the lid.
Leblon is a classic Sleek matte black.
Cachaca is pearly white, a beautiful highlighting shade.
City of Gold, oh I love this one! Yellowish gold with so much shimmer, stunning!
Copacabana is a matte beige that I love using when I'm blending out the colours to my crease. Or if I want to tone down the look.
Sao Conrado is a cute matte coral.
And then we have one of the special ones - Bossa Nova. I wish my camera caught it in all her glory. It's purple with a hint of fuchsia and lots of tiny blue shimmer that's visible under light. Can we say gorgeous!
The last one is Leme, deep midnight blue with some blue shimmer, to make it the most mysterious of the twelve.
Zaljubljena sem. Še vedno.
I'm in love. Still.
Mat odtenki so super pigmentirani! Pri teh je po navadi problem, ampak ne tu! Ravno tako mehki in pigmentirani so kot ostali in me spominjajo na Supreme paleto, ker tista je pa waw! Enako velja za obstojnost. Vedno uporabim Primer Potion, ker se sicer vse stopi z mojih oči v 2 urah, ampak tako jih lahko nosim cel dan, pa samo malo zbledijo.
I love how pigmented the matte shades are! There's usually a problem with matte ones, but not here! Just as soft and pigmented as the others and they remind me of Supreme palette, because there's some major awesome matte pigmentation in that one! Same goes for lasting. I always use the Primer Potion, because otherwise everything melts from my eyes in two hours, but that way I can wear them all day with just a bit of fading.
Mogoče mislite, da je tole poletna paletka, ampak ni! :P Ipanema kar kriči bo božiču! :D
You might say this is a palette for summer but - no it's not! :P Ipanema screams Christmas to me! :D
Ojoj šele ko tvoje fotke vidim se zaljubim v paletke...ko jo vidim na sleek strani mi ponavadi niso nič posebne...ko pa swatche vidim pa oooo moj booog rabim jo !! :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiUuuups! :D :P
IzbrišiSej pri meni je podobno! :D
those are beautiful colors, but I must admit, I don't think I'd give it much use =P
They are gooorgeous!
IzbrišiOh, je lepo vedet, da nisem edina! :D