sreda, 28. avgust 2013

Najboljše darilo. // Best gift EVER!

Najprej naj se zahvalim vsem vam blogarkam, ki ste se spomnile na moj roj. dan z voščili! Hvala vam! :-)
First of all I need to thank all of you who remembered my birthday with birthday wishes! Thank you so much! :-)


Potem pa vam mooooram pokazati, kakšno darilo sem dobila od Mateje D. (no, njene mame :-P). Žogo s podpisi vseh Velenjskih rokometašev! Nooorooooo, še kar ne morem verjet! :-)
And then I need to show you what gift I got from Mateja D. (well, her mum :-P). A handball ball with signatures of all players! I still can`t belive it! :-)

Handball ball

Spodobi pa se tudi, da vam pokažem kako lepo torto mi je sestra sprekla za roj. dan! Res je bila dobra. Kokosova, kot jo imam rada! :-)
And then you need to see what a beautifull and delicious cake my sister baked for me! With coconut, just like I love it! :-)


ponedeljek, 26. avgust 2013


Pred kratkim sem imela priložnost, da sem se šla vodiča po Ljubljani.
A few day ago I had an opportunity to be a guide around Ljubljana.

Ljubljanica river.

sobota, 24. avgust 2013

Happy birthday to the best Mateja in the world!

Vse najboljše za teee, vse najboljše za teee, vse najboljše najboljša Mateja na svetuuuu, vse najboljše za teee!
Happy birthday to youuu, happy birthday to youuu, happy birthday the best Mateja in the woooorld, happy birthday to youuu! 

Mateja K. ima rojstni dan! Dajmo ji vsi zaželeti, naj ima super dan. :) In Mateja - ostani točno takšna, kakršna si, najboljša prijateljica, kakršno si lahko vsak samo želi! :)
Yes yes, it's Mateja K.'s birthday! Let's all wish her an awesome day. :) And Mateja - stay just the way you are, you are the best friend a girl could have! :)

četrtek, 22. avgust 2013

Gelly Hi-Shine nail paint by Barry M - Blood Orange

Sama se zelo težko odločim med vsemi laki, ki jih imam doma za svojega najljubšega.
If you ask me, I can`t choose my favourite nail polish by all of them that I have.

Barry M Blood Orange

sreda, 21. avgust 2013

SunSmiles sandali // SunSmiles sandals

Kaj je boljšega za punco, kot če dobi nove čevlje? Skoraj nič, tako je! In si lahko predstavljate, da sem skočila do stropa, ko sta me kontaktirala prijazna Marjan in Gabrijela s SunSmiles Slovenija in mi ponudila, da me obujeta. Ko so me doma pričakali sandalčki, sem skočila pa še višje! Zakaj? Krasni so! Ampak to ni vse. 
There's nothing better for a girl than to get brand new shoes! And you can imagine how happy I was when Marjan and Gabrijela from SunSmiles Slovenija contacted me and offered me sandals. When I got home and saw them for the first time - love at first sight. But they're not just pretty, oh no. 

Sun on SunSmiles! ;)

četrtek, 15. avgust 2013

Blebetanje/Babbling #11

Nazaaaaj sem! Ne morem verjet, da je bilo tako dolgo in sem zanemarjala blog. Ampak zelo sem bila zaposlena - služba, izpiti ... Okej, priznam. Lena sem bila. Najprej sem gledala vse epizode Modern Family ...
I'm baaack! Can't believe it's been so long. I've been neglecting this blog. I'm sorry. But I've been busy, you see, work, exams ... Oh okay! The real reason was I was really lazy. And I watched all of the episodes of Modern Family first ... 

Potem sem naletela na Downton Abbey. Ojoj. Naglas in drama in mamo in ata bom zdaj klicala "mama" in "papa"! Komaj sem se zadrževala, da nisem non stop guglala, kaj se bo zgodila. Samo za gospoda Batesa sem se pregrešila, ampak moje srce ne bi vzdržalo. In zadnji del!!!
And then I found Downton Abbey. Oh my. The accent! The drama! I'm gonna start calling my parents "mama" and "papa"! I barely kept myself from googling what happens. I admit, I googled what happens to Mr. Bates. My poor heart just couldn't handle it! And the season finale! Oh no they didn't!!! 

ponedeljek, 12. avgust 2013

Nail art #2

Včeraj sem imela nekaj časa in sem odločila za malce ustvarjanja na nohtih.
Yesterday I had some free time so I decided to do something to my nails.

Nail polishes.

Nastalo je tole:
This is what I created:

nedelja, 11. avgust 2013

Pica // Pizza

Moja sestra zelo rada peče in tako je odkrila "dva požrešna Italijana": Gennaro in Antonio. Med vsemi njunimi recepti nam je vsem najbolj všeč recept za pripravo pice (testa).
My sister really likes to bake so she find "two greedy Italians": Gennaro and Antonio. Among all of their recipes we like the most their recipe for pizza (pellet).


Res je dober in zelo preprost!
It`s really good and it`s easy to prepare!

How to make a pizza?

Potrebujete (za 4 osebe):
You need (for 4 persons):
- 400 g ostre moke
- 400 g flour
- 10 g soli
- 10 g salt
- 10 g svežega kvasa
- 10 g yeast
- 325 ml mlačne vode
- 325 ml warm water
- malo suhih krušnih drobtin za pekač
- a bit of bread crumbs for baking tray

How to make a pizza?

Moko in sol daš v skledo in premešaš. V drugi posodi razdrobiš kvas in mu dodaš vodo ter dobro premešaš. To dodaš k moki in dobro premešaš. Če se ti zdi testo preveč lepljivo, dodaj še malo moke.
Put flour and salt into the bowl and mix. In the other bowl put yeast and water and mix it too. Then put it into the flour and mix it again. If it`s too sticky use some more flour.

Flour and yeast.

Testo oblikuj v kroglico in ga pusti počivati dobre pol ure. Vmes ga lahko še 2x pregneteš. 
Make the pellet from the dough and make it rest for half hour. You can mix it twice during that time.


Čez pol ure pa testo le še razvlečeš v krog in dodaš poljubne sestavine.
After half hour drag dough in the shape of circle and put on all that you like on pizza.


Pečeš v segreti pečici na 250 stopinj približno 7 minut. 
Bake in the oven for 7 minutes on 250 degrees.


Upam, da ti bo všeč. :-)  
I hope you like it. :-)

sobota, 3. avgust 2013

Počitnice // Vacation

Z Matejo sva si zadnji mesec vzele nenačrtovane počitnice na najinem blogu :-)
Me and Mateja took a little unplaned vacation on our blog :-)


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