petek, 31. avgust 2012

Nail Challenge!

Ne pozabiti, jutri začnemo z izzivom, jupiiiii! Če se še kdo želi pridružiti, še je čas! 
Don't forget, tomorrow we start with the challenge, yaaaay! If anyone would still like to join, just do it! 

četrtek, 30. avgust 2012

Evropa. Europe.

Danes zjutraj sem ugibala, o čem bi še lahko pisala na blogu. Pogledujem naokrog in iščem kakšen navdih v okolici. In takrat jih zagledam. Razglednice namreč. :-)
This morning I was wondering what to write about on our blog. I was looking around to get some ideas. And then I saw them. Postcards. :-)

sreda, 29. avgust 2012

Depend Holographic Ocean Green (2036) and Raspberry (2027)

Depend holo and magnetic nail polishes
Ahhh, moja prva holota. Še dobro, da smo dobili Dependke. Vzela sem dva, Ocean Green in Raspberry in oba sta čudovita. Pa ne le to, še štiri dni zdržita na nohtih brez problema! To izniči majhnost stekleničk. :P Holo efekt sicer ni "za dol past", ampak jaz sem vseeno navdušena. Dosti govorjenja, glejte fotke! 
Ahhh, my first holos. Thank whomever we got Depend. ;) I took two of them, Ocean Green and Raspberry and they're both beautiful. Not only that, they last four days without a problem! This totally doesn't make me care for small bottles. Holo-effect isn't really as good as with some other polishes, but I like it anyways. Too much talking, just look at the photos! 

nedelja, 26. avgust 2012

Barry M Chameleon Blue

Barry M Chameleon Blue

Teh sem se pa res veselila, sploh ko sem videla, da barvo spremeni šele nadlak, ne pa temperatura! Tale kombinacija mi je najbolj padla v oči, ker je sprememba najbolj očitna in obe barvi sta res krasni. 
I was really looking forward to those, especially when I saw top coat changes the colour, not temperature! This combination was my favourite, because it's a really obvious colour change and both colours look great. 

Barry M Chameleon Blue

petek, 24. avgust 2012

Vse najboljše, Mateja K.! // Happy Birthday Mateja K.!

Polnoč je mimo in naša Mateja K. ima danes rojstni dan. Ne, ne bom povedala, koliko je mlada! Ampak dajmo ji vsi skupaj zaželeti vse najboljše, da ji še polepšamo dan! :) 
Our Mateja K. has a birthday today (it's past midnight here). No, I won't tell you how young she is! But let's all wish her a happy birthday and make her day even better! :)

Mateja, ostani taka, kot si, najboljša prijateljica, najboljša soblogerka in verjetno edina oseba, ki ji lahko sredi McDonald'sa lakiram nohte! 
Mateja, stay just the way you are, the best friend, the best co-blogger and probably the only person whose nails I can paint in the middle of McDonald's! 

Happy Birthday!

sreda, 22. avgust 2012

Lady Gaga

Prijatelj Matej je bil ponovno na koncertu. Preveri, čigavem.  =)
My friend Matej was again on a concert. Check whose. =)

Pozdravljeni! V soboto sem se znova podal na Dunaj, kjer sem bil priča pop spektaklu, ki ga lahko uprizori le Lady Gaga, ena najbolj vročih pevk zadnjih nekaj let. Kot najbrž veste, je Gaga svetu poznana šele dobra tri leta, njen prvenec je le en dan po koncertu praznoval 3. obletnico izdaje, v tem času pa je dosegla več nagrad in rekordov, ki jih marsikateri pevec doseže v svoji celotni karieri.


Hello! I went back to Vienna last Saturday – I was a witness to a wonderful pop spectacle, which only Lady Gaga, one of the best selling pop artists of our generation, can provide. As you probably know, her fame started just a little more then 3 years ago – her first album actually had its third anniversary just a day after the concert. In such little time she achieved more awards and records than many singers do in their whole careers.
The stage; castle changed it's form many times.

torek, 21. avgust 2012

"THREE" nail challenge

No, pa sva se opogumili in se sami domislili izziva! Ime se je pojavilo kar samo - naloge so namreč po tri v vsakem od treh sklopov, le zakaj bi potem komplicirali, kajne? Sklopi si sploh niso podobni, zato upava, da boš našla vsaj nekaj zase, kar te bo pritegnilo, ostalo pa naj ti bo v izziv! 
Well, here we are, we gathered enough courage to organize a nail challenge! The name was just obvious - there are three parts of the challenge with three tasks each, why complicate then, right? All three parts are very different so we hope you'll find something that will interest you and let the rest be a challenge for you! 

Če te zanima več o izzivu, klikni sem: KLIK
If you'd like to know more about the challenge, click here: CLICK

Če želiš sodelovati, se javi v komentarju na dnu strani na tej povezavi: KLIK. Če te še kaj zanima ali pa sva bili nejasni, kar vprašaj v komentarju ali pa nama piši na, lahko pa nama tudi pošlješ sporočilo na FacebookuTwitterju ali Google+
If you'd like to participate, please write so in the comments on this page: CLICK. If there are any questions or we were unclear, you can ask in the comments, write us to, or send us a message on Facebook, Twitter or Google+

ponedeljek, 20. avgust 2012

Barry M Dazzle Dust Khaki (14)

Nad Dazzle Dusti sem navdušena! Na lič sicer žal večino odtenkov umikajo iz prodaje (znižanje!), ampak še vedno nam ostane uradna Barry M stran in njihove občasne akcije. Moji zbirki se je pridružil še odtenek Khaki (14). 
I love Dazzle Dusts! We won't be able to get all the shades in Slovenian on-line store anymore, but there's still the official Barry M page and their discounts! I recently bought Khaki (14).

Barry M Khaki Dazzle Dust

nedelja, 12. avgust 2012

Denmark - Copenhagen

The view from the plane - Copenhagen
Letos sem si za svoj dopust izbrala malce drugačno destinacijo od pričakovane. Odpravila sem se na Dansko, natančneje v Kopenhagen.
Ker si že približno 3 leta dopisujem s Simone, ki živi tam, sva se odločili, da je čas, da se spoznava še v živo. Tako sem se 2. 7. zjutraj prvič v življenju odpravila na naše letališče Jožeta Pučnika na Brniku. Seveda je bilo prisotnega nekaj strahu, ampak moram povedati, da kljub vsemu nisem imela na letališču nobenih težav in sem z lahkoto sledila vsem postopkom.

The view from the plane
This year I chose a bit different destination for my summer get-away. I went to Denmark, Copenhagen, to be exact.
Simone, who lives there, and I have been friends for about 3 years, so we decided it's time to meet in person. On 2nd July's early morning I went to our Jože Pučnik airport on Brnik for the first time. Of course I was a bit scared, but I have to say I didn't have any trouble on the airport and I managed to follow the procedures perfectly. 

četrtek, 9. avgust 2012

Depend Magnetic 6006

Pa še zadnji magnetni lak. Mislim, da smo bile vse navdušene, ko smo slišale, da tudi k nam pridejo Depend magnetni in holo laki! 
And the last magnetic nail polish. I think we were all really happy when we heard we'll get Depend magnetic and holo polishes in Slovenia! 

Depend Magnetic 6006

Depend Magnetic 6006

ponedeljek, 6. avgust 2012

LP Magnetic Plum

Še en lep magnetni lak! Za LP, priznam, do pred kakim mesecem še nisem slišala. Nekaj časa nazaj so jih dobili na lič in ker Barry M Burgundyja ravno ni bilo na zalogi, sem vzela tega. Magnetka je treba kupiti posebej, ampak nista draga. Jaz sem vzela črtastega, prijazna Tina pa mi je dodala še zvezdico. 
Another magnetic polish! I admit, I haven't heard about LP till a few months ago. I bought this one because Barry M Burgundy was sold out. You have to purchase magnets separately, but they're not expensive here. 

LP Magnetic Plum

LP magnets

sobota, 4. avgust 2012

Barry M Magnetic Blue

Takole si lahko mislite, da ta lak ni nič posebnega, kajne? 
When you see it like that you'd think that polish isn't really special, right? 

Barry M Magnetic Blue

Barry M Magnetic Blue
No, pa ni tako! Kmalu se lak spremeni v nekaj takega: 
Well, you'd be wrong! Soon it changes into something like this:

četrtek, 2. avgust 2012

Sleek Monaco I-Divine

Pred časom sem vas vprašala, kaj bi rade najprej videle na blogu. Upoštevala sem vse omenjene želje, ne le po eno, in zmagala je Sleek Monaco paletka. Evo jo na ogled. 
Some time ago I asked you what you'd like to see on our blog first. I counted all the mentioned wishes and Sleek Monaco palette won. So here it is. 

Sleek Monaco I-Divine

sreda, 1. avgust 2012

MDNA Vienna


En lep pozdrav vsem! Moje ime je Matej in sem prijatelj ene izmed Matej, ki radi ustvarjata. 
Ker se že od nekdaj navdušujem nad pop glasbo, sem minulo nedeljo seveda obiskal Madonnin koncert na Dunaju, saj sem se želel prepričati, ali je res še kraljica popa.


Hello everybody! My name is Matej and I'm a good friend of one of creative Matejas. 
I have always been a big enthusiast for pop music, so I really had to go to Vienna last Sunday, because I wanted to find out if Madonna still is the queen of pop music.

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