The view from the plane - Copenhagen |
Letos sem si za svoj dopust izbrala malce drugačno destinacijo od pričakovane. Odpravila sem se na Dansko, natančneje v Kopenhagen.
Ker si že približno 3 leta dopisujem s Simone, ki živi tam, sva se odločili, da je čas, da se spoznava še v živo. Tako sem se 2. 7. zjutraj prvič v življenju odpravila na naše letališče Jožeta Pučnika na Brniku. Seveda je bilo prisotnega nekaj strahu, ampak moram povedati, da kljub vsemu nisem imela na letališču nobenih težav in sem z lahkoto sledila vsem postopkom.
The view from the plane |
This year I chose a bit different destination for my summer get-away. I went to Denmark, Copenhagen, to be exact.
Simone, who lives there, and I have been friends for about 3 years, so we decided it's time to meet in person. On 2nd July's early morning I went to our Jože Pučnik airport on Brnik for the first time. Of course I was a bit scared, but I have to say I didn't have any trouble on the airport and I managed to follow the procedures perfectly.
Church of Our Savior - Copenhagen |
Copenhagen |
Čez slabi 2 uri je letalo vzletelo (nori občutki) in odletela sem novim dogodivščinam naproti. :-) Čez približno 1 uro in 50 minut sem že stala na danskih tleh.
About 2 hours later the airplane took off (crazy feelings) and I flew towards new adventures. :-) An hour and 50 minutes later I stood on Danish floor.
View from my room - Copenhagen |
Church in Copenhagen |
One of the bridges - Copenhagen |
Seveda je najprej sledil manjši šok. Letališče tam je res ogromno, tako da sem potrebovala kar dobrih 10 minut hoje, da sem prišla do svoje prtljage. Pri izhodu pa me je že čakala moja nova cimra za 1 teden, Simone. Ko sem se razpakirala sva kar krenili na raziskovanje zame novega mesta. Vseh 7 dni sva se naokrog prevažali kar s kolesom.
View from my room - Copenhagen |
Copenhagen airport |
Of course a minor shock followed. The airport there is really huge, so I had to walk for about 10 minutes to get to my luggage. My new room mate for the week, Simone, waited in the exit. As soon as I unpacked we started to discover for me the unknown city. We rode a bicycle all 7 days.
Block in Copenhagen |
Copenhagen |
Coast in Copenhagen |
Kopenhagen je za kolesarje res super. Kolesarske poti so odlično urejene, zeloooo široke, razporejene skoraj po vsaki ulici tega velikega mesta. Po mojem mnenju ni boljšega prevoznega sredstva kot kolo. S tem se verjetno strinjajo tudi prebivalci Kopenhagna, saj je tam kolesarjev res ogromno. Nekaj čisto normalnega je, da tam vidiš poslovneža v obleki ali gospodično v oblekici in čeveljčkih s petko, ko se s kolesom odpravi v službo.
Port in Copenhagen |
Copenhagen is great for cyclists. Bicycle trails are arranged perfectly, very wide and on almost every street in the city. I think getting on a bicycle is perfect there! Copenhagens probably agree with me because majority of people there are on bikes. It's completely normal to see a business man in suit or a young lady in a dress and high heels how they ride to work on a bike.
In front of shopping centres and other important buildings they have huge bicycle parking spots and those are almost always full.
Metro station |
Poleg kolesa pa se lahko prevažate tudi z avtobusom, metrojem, vlakom ali taksijem. Avtomobilov je bilo za tako veliko mesto, po mojem mnenju, presenetljivo malo.
You can also drive with a bus, metro, train or taxi. There are not very much cars in city, which kind of surprised me, since Copenhagen is very big.
Unicorn church |
Beach in Copenhagen |
1. dan sva najprej prekolesarili bližnjo okolico. S kolesom sva se odpravili nazaj do letališča, da sem ga videla še z drugega zornega kota. Potem sva odšli še do obale. Res imajo čuuudoooviiiiteeee plaaaažeeeee - kakšna škoda, da je morje tako mrzlo.
On the first day we cycled around near places. We went back to the airport so I was able to see it from the other side. Then we went to the beach. They have beautiful beaches - too bad the sea is so cold.
Bridge between Denmark and Sweden |
View from one of the bridges in Copenhagen |
Opera in Copenhagen |
S plaže je od lepem vremenu čudovit pogled na most, ki povezuje Dansko in Švedsko. Odpravili sva se tudi do opere, na poti nazaj pa sva se ustavili in si ogledali tudi Christianio (slikanje je tam žal prepovedano). Prvi dan me je Simone peljala še do svoje OŠ in fakultete, kjer sedaj študira.
Christiania |
In nice weather you can see the bridge that connects Denmark and Sweden from the beach. We saw the opera and Christiania (you sadly can't take pictures there) on the way back. Simone also took me to her elementary school and to the college she attends now.
Minnie Mouse |
I saw the famous mermaid. The mass of tourists was enormous there so I just quickly took some pictures and rode to the port. We went to the biggest shopping street in Europe than and also met lots of tourists.
Fountain on the longest shopping street
in the world |
Nyhavn in Copenhagen |
4. dan je bilo oblačno in kar hladno za poletje. Odločili sva se, da si celotno mesto in znamenitosti ogledava še z drugega zornega kota - tokrat kar z vode. Tako sva se odpravili na eno izmed mnogih turistič ladjic. Ogled traja 1 uro.
The fourth day was kind of cloudy and cold for summer. We decided to see the sights from another point of view - the water. We went on one of many tourist boats. The ride takes an hour.
Nyhavn |
Vsaka ladjica ima svojega vodiča, ki med ogledom razkazuje znamenitosti in ob vsaki pove njeno zgodbo ali kakšno zanimivo anekdoto. Cena je približno 5 €. Vsekakor mi ni žal, da sva se odločili še za ta ogled. Začne se v znameniti ulici Nyhavn, ki je verjetno najbolj znana po pisanih hišah, ki krasijo obe strani kanala.
Mermaid |
Each boat has it's own guide who shows the sights and tells stories or anecdotes. The price is about 5 €. I'm certainly not sorry to go on the boat. The tour starts on Nyhavn street, famous for it's colorful houses on both sides of the canal.
Christiansborg palace |
Tivoli in Copenhagen |
5. dan nama jo je vreme malce zagodlo, saj je deževalo. Ampak v mestu, kjer so navajeni na dež, se ne pustijo motiti. Tako je nekaj povsem običajnega, da se sredi deževnega dne odpravite na sprehod, na tek ali vožnjo s kolesom - seveda vse brez dežnika. :-)
It was raining on the fifth day. But people in Copenhagen don't mind that. It's completely normal to go for a walk, run or bicycle ride in the middle of a rainy day - without an umbrella of course. :-)
Hans Christian Andersen in Copenhagen |
Cycliyt count |
At the train station |
Poleg še neprekolesarjenega mesta sva si ogledali še njihovo železniško postajo. Spet ogromna zadeva, kjer vidiš ogromno trgovin in kavarn. Popoldne sva se zaradi slabega vremena odločili za zaprte prostore - narodni muzej. Vstop je prost, za ogled pa tudi potrebuješ kar nekaj uric.
Christiansborg palace |
We saw the rest of the town and their train station. Another huge building with lots of stores and coffee places. And we went to national museum in the afternoon. No entrance fee, you just need a few hours to see everything.
Rundetårn - Round Tower in Copenhagen |
6. dan je bil zjutraj namenjen ogledu takšnih in drugačnih ulic po mestu (beri: popolnoma neturistični del mesta). Popoldne pa je bil namenjen druženju s Simonino sestrično.
On the sixth day we went to see many city's streets (in a totally tourists-free part). Afternoon was meant to hang out with Simone's cousin.
Copenhagen |
Copenhagen |
7. (zadnji dan) zjutraj sva se odpravili na drugi konec Kopenhagna, kjer sva kolesarili ob obali, kjer te ima, da bi s kolesa skočil naravnost v morje. Razgled je bil čudovit, vreme idealno. Tako sva se odločili, da si popoldne privoščiva malce poležavanja in relaksacije na plaži.
Copenhagen |
And on my last, seventh, day we went to the other part of Copenhagen where we cycling right by the beach, so near we could jump right in the sea. The view was amazing and the weather was beautiful. In the afternoon we relaxed a bit on the beach.
Copenhagen |
Copenhagen |
Mesto me je res pozitivno presenetilo predvsem s svojo arhitekturo. Zgradbe so res vseh mogočih oblik in barv. Še posebej so mi bili všeč bloki. Mislim, da v celem mestu ne vidiš dveh enakih. :-) Med njimi je veliko manjših in večjih kanalov z raznimi mostički. Nekaj med njimi je zvečer tudi osvetljenih. Ob nekaterih kanalih so tudi "plaže" kjer se lahko dobiš in poklepetaš s svojimi prijatelji.
S sporazumevanjem ni nobenih težav, saj povsod govorijo in razumejo angleško.
Copenhagen |
Tietgenkollegiet - student`s residence |
I was really surprised by the city's architecture. The buildings are in all shapes and colours. I really like apartment buildings. I don't think there are two alike in the whole city. :-) In between there are many smaller and bigger canals with bridges. Some of those are lighted at night. There are "beaches" by some of the canals, where you can meet you friends for a chat.
There are no problems with communicating, they all speak and understand English.
Frederik VII in fronf of Amalienborg palace |
Wooden ship made for children play |
At 23:00 |
Danske noči pa so poleti precej krajše kot naše, saj se počasi stemni šele okrog 23. ure, zjutraj pa je tudi že zelo zgodaj svetlo (kdaj točno, res ne vem, ker sem to vedno prespala).
Danish nights are quite shorter than ours. It slowly gets dark by 11 p.m. and it's very bright in the early morning (I can't say when, I slept through all the sunrises).
Copenhagen |
Wooden ship made for children play |
Teden na Danskem je minil zelo hitro. Imela sem se res fantastično. Ena nova dogodivščina več. Predvsem pa me v zadnjih dneh, ko imamo tu precej visoke temperature in nič dežja, ima, da bi se odpravila nazaj na Dansko, kjer imajo približno 15 stopinj manj kot tu in vsekakor več dežja. :-)
St. Albans Church - Copenhagen |
Copenhagen fountain by Henry Laporte |
My week in Denmark passed really fast. I had fantastic time. A new great adventure. And I'd love to go back now that we have pretty high temperatures and almost no rain here - they have around 15 degrees less and much more rain in Denmark. :-)
Vidim, da si se imela krasno. Mesto je prelepo. In moram reči, da si se odločila za super počitnice. Take počitnice so meni dosti bolj zanimive kot 1 teden poležavanja na plaži.
OdgovoriIzbrišiRes je, super počitnice so in takoj bi se še 1x odpravila gor, ker sem se res imela super, sam kdaj je čudovit, ljudje so fuul prijazni. Skratka, super izkušnja res! =)
Izbrišikrasna destinacija, baš ti zavidim :-D
OdgovoriIzbrišija bih se isto rado makla u sjevernije krajeve i pobjegla od vrućine... a onda bih vjerojatno sjedila na plaži i čekala da se more ugrije dovoljno za kupanje ;-)
Hvala =) Jaaa, žal imajo res mrzlo morje :-/
Izbrišiveeeery nice vacation!
OdgovoriIzbrišiTnx =)))
IzbrišiTo so pa bile čudovite počitnice. In zelo aktivne :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiPovej po pravici, a so te noge kaj bolele od kolesarjenja :)
Iskreno? :-P Noge me niso bolele, ker je tam res vse ravnoooo in sploh ni problem kolesarit =))) Me je pa zato toliko bolj bolela rit :-P O jaaa, to pa ja :-P
Izbrišiwooooow looks all kinds of beautiful, very jealous! you need to come to Portugal next year though, and I will try to go there someday, serious =)
Ok then, next year I`m coming to Portugal =)))
IzbrišiMe too! XD
IzbrišiOh super slike. Danska je čudovita, bi še šla!
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa, tudi jaz si želim še kdaj it nazaj =)
Izbrišipredivno putovanje. ja dalje hrvatske i bosne nisam bila :(
OdgovoriIzbrišiNo, če boš le imela možnost, ti priporočam obisk Danske, ker je res čudovita dežela. :)
IzbrišiI love Copenhagen! Looks like you had a great time!
OdgovoriIzbrišidid you visit Sephora by any chance?
Yes, I had an amazing time there! :-)
IzbrišiNo, I didn`t :-(
Lovely pictures :) Even though I live so close (I live in Finland) Ive never been to Denmark.. It seems to be a lovely country though so Im sure I will visit it sometimes :)
Uuuuh Finland :-) Hope I will be able to go there someday :-) You have some good ski jumpers ;-) hehehe =)
IzbrišiO, vau! Kul počitnice :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala :)