En lep pozdrav vsem! Moje ime je Matej in sem prijatelj ene izmed Matej, ki radi ustvarjata.
Ker se že od nekdaj navdušujem nad pop glasbo, sem minulo nedeljo seveda obiskal Madonnin koncert na Dunaju, saj sem se želel prepričati, ali je res še kraljica popa.
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Madonna |
Hello everybody! My name is Matej and I'm a good friend of one of creative Matejas.
I have always been a big enthusiast for pop music, so I really had to go to Vienna last Sunday, because I wanted to find out if Madonna still is the queen of pop music.
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Golden circle was almost completely empty the whole afternoon. |
Ampak pojdimo lepo po vrsti. Na stadion Ernst-Happel sem prispel malo po 15. uri in najbolj zagreti oboževalci so že taborili v vrsti pred vhodom. Sam sem najprej odšel do Madonnine uradne trgovine, kjer si lahko kupil majice s kratkimi rokavi, jopice, skodelice, zgoščenke, kape, knjige in še in še. Presenetile so me visoke cene – majice s kratkimi rokavi so bile 30 € (nekatere tudi več), vseeno pa oboževalcev to ni ustavilo, saj je bilo res malo takšnih, ki niso bili oblečeni v majčko z Madonninim motivom.
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Intro for Girl Gone Wild. |
But let's go from the start. I have arrived on Ernst-Happel-Stadion around 3 PM. The biggest fans were already waiting in a queue, but I went to official Madonna Tour store. They were selling T-shirts, sweaters, mugs, CDs, hats, books and more. The prices surprised me – ordinary T-shirts with Madonna's face on it, were around 30 € and more, but fans were obviously willing to buy them, because there were really not many of those who haven't had it.
Na stadion so nas spustili ob 17. uri in ravno takrat je začelo deževati. Naslednjo uro smo sicer lahko uživali v tonski vaji in tako že popoldne doživeli polovico koncerta, navdušenje je kazil le dež, ki je po vaji k sreči nehal. Očitno Madonnini oboževalci vedo, da pevka rada zamuja, saj je bil stadion dolgo časa presenetljivo prazen. Ob dvajseti uri, ko je na oder stopil slavni DJ Martin Solveig, je bil pogled drugačen.
We were able to go into the stadium at 5 PM. It started to rain at that time, but we were still in a good mood, because Madonna had a soundcheck and we had the privilege to watch the second part of the show. The rain stopped afterwards. I guess that Madonna's fans know she likes to start late, because stadium was almost completely empty the whole afternoon. At 8 PM, when famous DJ Martin Solveig came to the stage, the view was completely different.
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Martin Solveig in his element. |
Stadium can accomodate 50.000 people and it was almost completely full – just the golden circle (place right besides the stage) was not so full, because Madonna's tickets are really expensive. Martin Solveig finished and we were all expecting Madonna, but she kept us waiting for more than 45 minutes. The audience loudly disapproved this several times. She started the show around 10 PM when she staged dark religious ceremony and afterwards she appeared behind some church stained glass while repeating ''Oh my God'' several times. Fans knew that this words are the start of her big single Girl Gone Wild.
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Nicki Minaj is a guest rapper in the song I Don`t Give A. She made a video especially for a MDNA Tour and it was spectaculary shown on enormous screens. |
Dve uri trajajoči šov je postregel z res osupljivimi vizualnimi efekti, osvetljavo in s filmčki, ki so se ves čas predvajali na ogromnih platnih na odru. Madonna je zapela 22 pesmi, od tega jih 9 najdemo na njenem letošnjem albumu MDNA. Nekaj pesmi je zapela dodatno, a jih je močno skrajšala. Med drugim je zapela tudi refren pesmi Born This Way, ki ga poje njena največja konkurenca, pevka Lady Gaga. Pesem je takoj nadaljevala s svojo pesmijo She'sNot Me in sporočilo, ki ga je s tem poskušala prikazati, je bilo seveda takoj jasno.
Negativno sem bil presenečen nad Madonninim pomanjkanjem komunikacije, saj je šov skorajda sestavljen zgolj iz petja, oboževalce pa nagovori bore malo.
I was disappointed with Madonna's lack of communication with fans. She almost didn't speak with or to fans, she just sang.
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Of course she sang her big hit Vogue. |
In na koncu se vrnemo na večno vprašanje: je Madonna res še kraljica popa? Po videnem sodeč bo za njene strastne oboževalce, sploh za tiste, ki so jo poslušali že v svojih najstniških letih, vedno ostala kraljica, po mnenju mlajših pa je čas, da svojo pop krono preda naprej. Takšno je sicer tudi moje mnenje, res pa je, da mi je njen najnovejši album najboljši od vseh, ki jih je izdala v svojih 29 letih delovanja.
At the end of the day, the eternal question presents itself again: is Madonna still the queen of pop? After my experience in Vienna I believe that Madonna will always be the queen of pop in the eyes of her older fans, especially those who listened to her in their teenage years. Younger audience thinks that it's time she passes the pop crown forward. I agree with the second opinion, but I have to admit that her newest album (MDNA) is the best in her 29 years long career – in my opinion, of course.
Ali je Gaga tista, ki si zasluži prevzeti prestol, pa se bom že čez manj kot tri tedne prepričal, saj tudi Gaga s svojo turnejo v kratkem prihaja na Dunaj.
I will discover if Lady Gaga is the one who deserves to take over the pop throne in less than three weeks, because she is also coming to Vienna to promote her album Born This Way.
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The very last second of the concert, the end of Celebration. The whole team of the tour is gathered on stage, all colors which are typical for cd MDNA explode on the screens. |
All the photos were taken by Matej.
Zanimiv post. Jaz nikoli nisem bila Madonnina fanica. Mi je bila tu pa tam všeč kaka njena pesem, to pa je tudi vse.
OdgovoriIzbrišiMatej je imel srečo in je zadel karto na neki nagradni igri. Tako da je bil verjetno to glavni razlog za obisk tega koncerta =)
IzbrišiGod, you must be crazy! I would not go far, or pay the prices, to see Madonna or Lady Gaga right now, it's more of a visual show than anything else, though Gaga is way better as a singer...I love 80s Madonna, and some of her most obscure albums like American Life, but she's getting old, period!