I'm old. That said, I'm also awesome enough to have my birthday on the same day as prince Harry, Queen Letizia of Spain and Mr. Bean. Ha!
Kakorkoli, tole je pesem zame za naslednje leto:
Anyhows, that's the song of the coming year for me:
Ker se predvaja v moji glavi zadnji mesec in sem gledala video, ki je še vedno starejši od mene, in sem morala poskusit naredit ta makeup. Ker je moj rojstni dan in lahko. Še vedno pa rabim kakšno leto ali dve, da si bom z njim upala ven.
It's just been playing in my head lately and I was watching the video that's still older than I am and then I NEEDED to make the makeup from it. You know. It's my birthday so I can. I'll still need a year or two more to have the courage to go out looking like that.
Fotoaparat seveda ni sodeloval in je spral barve, ampak kaj naj. Kaj sem uporabila? Sploh ne vem, cel kup izdelkov, med njimi zagotovo Makeup Revolution Colour Chaos, Girls On Film, Sleek Acid, Rio in Matte Brights paletke. In pa Barry M Lash Modelling maskaro.
The camera still didn't participate and it washed out the colours but oh well. What products I used? I have no idea, a bunch of them and there were Makeup Revolution Colour Chaos, Girls On Film, Sleek Acid, Rio and Matte Brights palettes amongst. And Barry M Lash Modelling mascara.
Jaz mislim da bi s takšnim makeupom lahko prav brezskrbi zakorakala ven. Čudovit je.!
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala ti! V živo je izgledal tako barvit, da še moram zbrat pogum. :D
Izbrišimake up je ful simpatičen :) pašejo ti barve :) vse najboljše :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! :))
Izbrišiit looks truly awesome =)
Thank you! :D
IzbrišiHappy birthday :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiThis makeup look is AMAZING!!!
Thank you and thaaaaank you, that means a lot coming from you, you always have great makeup looks! :))